posted on Jul, 31 2006 @ 11:49 PM
Alternative 3 - a classic, but with a wild and wooly background.
I suspect I'll be "gang-flamed" from all directions for (a) a long post and (b) for my personally held beliefs on this controversial subject. I
can't do nuthin' about (b) but I'll try and mitigate (a) by "busting" it into several sections over a couple of days... cuz it's time to get
this out of my system as best I can. I am not recruiting or actively advocating any views other than my own.
It is my sincere intent that folks enjoy this and perhaps compliment there own perspective about the following ideas and theorization.
I first saw it in the winter of 1978 on Global TV in Canada. They carried Anglia TV's Science Report as a 1/2 hour weekly regular show for 2 seasons
and was a credible science news magazine that presented many science specific news features (think Beyond 2000 and Beyond Tomorrow or Daily Planet on
the CDN Discovery Channel). It was a fixture in our household on Saturday nights at 8:00PM.
As I recall all the regular episodes BUT the "Alternative 3" episode were about hardware advances, consumer gadgets, some medical news and aviation
and space, not ecology or any thing like climate and "Global Warming" was unknown by all as a term or buzz-word or even a concept - in the general
publics' minds - for "us" it did not exist - full stop. Guess what the big deals were then? Gettin' vaped' by the commies, water and soil
pollution, and oh yeah - overpopulation. You either liked Zep or loved disco, but not both.
The Alternative 3 broadcast was a highly promoted special that ran from 8:00PM until 9:30 or 10:00PM. The Canadian episode was hosted by Peter Truman
(Global's network news anchor) and Global added his contextualization to the broadcast.
They couldn't just put it on without providing perspective I suppose, or they (Global) felt it was disturbing enough to need to provide an
explanation or maybe they had a whole and empty network half hour for Truman to fill because they didn't have anything better to do. I beleve they
did it because Truman "wanted" to do it really bad (he was their on air Top Gun)... one day I'll run across him hopefully and I'll ask him to his
face. There is a real story there if anyone can pursue it - please do and keep me informed via u2u.
The presentation preamble he gave was at the time quite strange but looking back, perhaps very revealing. It was the very last time Science Report was
broadcast in North America, I strongly suspect that buried deep in the Global TV archives is a broadcast quality Betamax of the entire broadcast uncut
including Peter Truman's preamble and closing comments. My mom worked on the AVRO Arrow as an instrumentation engineer for Orenda engines in Nobel
and she watched it with us "20 somethings." She knew what was what when it came to technology of the era.
OK, remember this guy is a credible print journalist of the time, a real news anchor, and a text book author and guess what, he's still around. He is
a prolific writer and wait for it - a dedicated ecologist almost to the exclusion of all else. So if any of you know him personally check what I say
about the broadcast - I'm old but my memory is "crisp and fresh" cuz I can't forget what I felt I learned then.
It's why I'm at ATS mostly, chasin' this smoke and mirrors of the Grand Unified Conspiracy Theory. At the time I felt something wasn't quite
right. I still don't, and as I age it's getting more acutely evident, I only know it's an obsession to find out this particular truth to my own
satisfaction before I die.
Cuz if this one's true then... ALL the dominoes start to fall in a cascade revealing what many suspect - we live in a world where the "chosen few
and our so-called world leaders" know the truth and are running our planet as a club for their own exploitation as agents hiding the existence of
ET's and that's the good news.
Our planet is well past the point of ecological homeostasis to recover enough to support our viral population growth and grotesque consumption of
resources. That's the bad news. The planet is bread in the toaster and it's burning and we have fallen lightly asleep. Many at ATS do have an
enhanced "olfactory" sense and some are cognizant of the burning.
Tomorrow-ish I'll cover the intro as I remember it and how it was and wasn't presented as a "faux-spoof" or psuedo-hypothetical analog of a real
history and why I believe the "fiction" is at least partly true and how if it is - all civilization and human existence will depend on a positive
outcome in resolving the existence and verification of The Grand Unified Conspiracy Theory. I can't prove nuthin' - no one can, but to not try is to
go to my maker unprepared, uninformed, complacent and complcit in ignorance.
Victor K.
[edit on 1-8-2006 by V Kaminski]