posted on Feb, 14 2013 @ 04:08 PM
The pleiades is just one star system out of many star systems.
There are star seeds from these different star systems on this planet, at this time.
When you take the fact, that we are spiritual beings, having a human experience, is it really hard to believe, that we once had previous lives in
other worlds? Is it really hard to believe that the human body is just a technology, a computer, that we can all learn how to use?
Things like astral projection are real things. It is becoming more and more common. If astral projection is real, then we know that we are not bound
to our bodies. We know there is another dimension of existence beyond the physical plane.
So why is it so hard to accept the concept that star seeds are real? The evidence is out there. And you can experience your multi-dimensional self
if you want to. You just have to dedicate yourself to wanting to.
When you do this, you realize that everything you once thought to be true, is actually completely wrong.
Look at the history of this planet and tell me its not shrouded in secrecy. We have no idea where our origins began. Is it really so hard to believe
that we came from another star system? All the ancients knew of their multi-dimensional nature. Their symbology proves this.
Then something happened, and everyone on this planet fell into amnesia. We forgot who we were, and so we made up our own history to tell ourselves
what we believe to be true. Even though its something we made up. Now, thousands of years later, we are so confused about our own history, because
there are two versions. One version is what we are taught in schools, the version that was made up. The other version is found within yourself, its
encoded in your dna, when you activate your dormant dna, you suddenly unlock the information that was contained in that dna, and you remember who you
This is even proven by scientists recently. Science has no learned to store terabytes of data in dna, that will last 10 thousand years without power,
in a test tube.
Science also knows that within dna, is the blueprint for all life. It is the genetic make up of a species. But science also recognizes that 98% of
human dna is junk dna. They say its garbage. But this doesn't make sense because there is no such thing as junk in nature. everything has a
Inside that 98% junk dna, is the information of who we are, it allows us to realize our multidimensional abilities.
Humans on this planet are stuck in 2 strand dna, unless they go within, face their fears and negativity, and realize that beneath it all, is only
love. When they do this, they break the frequency that keeps them stuck in 2 strand dna, and they tune into a higher frequency which enables the dna
to become active, which then downloads wisdom to their brains.
This is where the wisdom of all the spiritual masters comes from. That is why when someone goes through a spiritual awakening, they suddenly change
their views on life. They see the world from a totally different perspective. They realize that everything is connected, that death is not the end,
and that they are multi-dimensional. That they are divine.
Star seeds, are here to help humanity awaken. They have come from their own system, willingly gone into a human body, and willingly faced the
disconnect with the divine, to go into the state of amnesia on this planet. They do this because they know they can regain their connection before
long. When they do, they re-learn who they are, and all the knowledge required to help humans wake up. That is why the earth is going through a
spiritual awakening. That is what all this talk about a great shift really is.
Star seeds are here, to help humanity evolve. Humanity has not evolved in thousands of years, and its time to change that. Before humanity faces
extinction due to holding onto past outdated beliefs. Star seeds are here to teach humanity, to love, to spread love, and to be love. The answer is
within. Go within, and you will solve your problems.