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Teacher has class of 24 take turns slapping bully

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posted on Jun, 19 2012 @ 11:23 PM

Originally posted by Bakatono
Uh... WTH???

No idea what you are saying dude.

Not my problem. Seems like you need to work on that one by yourself, dude.

posted on Jun, 19 2012 @ 11:28 PM

Originally posted by DaTroof
Teacher Of The Year.

Y'know how bullies used to get dealt with? Either the bullied students would jump the bully after school, or the principal would paddle the bully.

Stop being pansies. This is how you deal with children.

Do you talk like this in public too, or just online where other adults are not able to beat you miserable for the things you say?

Something tells me you don't know a goddamn thing about punishment.
edit on 19-6-2012 by SyphonX because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 19 2012 @ 11:45 PM
Mixed emotions on this topic..

On one hand the teacher shouldnt have ordered her children to promote violence and some will see it as abuse and torment yada yada yada ya..

On the other hand I bet that kid thinks about his actions just a little bit more before he decides to bully another child, being humiliated in front of his classmates and all.

I may not be a father, but I have a 7 year old brother who has no father so naturally I play the surrogate father(mother is single as well). Fortunately he doesnt have a problem with being bullied, but he has friends that do and there isnt anything anyone, teacher parent sibling or staff, can do about it realistically.

MSM makes so much noise about bullying and how it is destroying the next generation of children, but when a teacher recognizes a bully and decides to give him a taste of his own medicine she gets fired and most likely charged with some bs ruling. In my oppinion bullying has become such a problem because parents make such a big deal about discipline in school. Kids know they can get away with the bullying and talking back, and continute to get the "slap on the wrist"...

Atleast until Junior goes home and tells mommy why the principal called her, explaining he only got a "slap on the wrist", and mommy ends up charging the innocent teacher with risk of injury to a minor, successfully ruining their life.

The bullying topic gets me so fired up

posted on Jun, 19 2012 @ 11:54 PM
reply to post by Aktivate

On the other hand, that's kind of like saying.. the guy who got tazed several times because he talked back to the police officer.. learned a "valuable lesson".

The kid learned one too, as you say. But it wasn't to be nicer. He only learned, firsthand, that in order to get what he wants or to get respect (as he sees it), he must attain a position of authority and abuse it. That is all. He bullies because he has a broken environment at home, so he is not able to learn respect or empathy in the way he should. Thankfully the teacher was there to dash that for him, in the school environment also.

posted on Jun, 20 2012 @ 12:10 AM
reply to post by SyphonX

In this instance I dont believe the teacher was right, publicly humiliating a child isnt going to go over well for anyone involved and sets a bad example for the rest of the kids in the class too. In general I do believe a little hard discipline goes a long way but I wont pretend to know the ins and outs of parenting as I am not yet a parent, something my mother always reminds me of when my brother misbehaves and I yell at him.

When I do have kids and a bully begins to pick on them, which usually happens at some point in life, I wouldnt have a problem if they gave the bully a good jab in the gut to make them think twice about doing it again. Ill leave that one to the mother of my child if she decides they need discipline haha
edit on 20-6-2012 by Aktivate because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 20 2012 @ 12:28 AM
That little kid goes back to school the next day with payback on his mind. He's mad at all those kids that hit him and will bide his time to get each of them alone and get them back. In a bullies mind, hitting others is okay, but not the other way around. Inwardly he is always angry and looking for an excuse to lash out anyway. Now matters are worse.

You can't touch me, my mom will get you in trouble.

In the video you can see him push another kid hard to make him fall. He's past go and can't be expected to react like normal kids who get out of line but have consciences. Parents ignore early bullying trends and then blame others for their childs behavior. Guess where all that anger comes from in the first place?
edit on 20-6-2012 by intrptr because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 20 2012 @ 01:15 AM
I'm replying to the op as I haven't read the thread. Gees we all hate bullies, but I really don't think a 6yr old is at fault!! Where are his parents their to blame punish them.

posted on Jun, 20 2012 @ 01:25 AM
reply to post by xEphon

Unacceptable all around. It resolves nothing and only teaches children that they can use assault and social bullying to resolve there issues. There are better ways to deal with such matters. Just a shame really. If it's true then that teacher needs to go bye bye on the job front.

posted on Jun, 20 2012 @ 01:49 AM
Aww boo hoo.

Nobody is right in this, but I don't think anybody's wrong either.

posted on Jun, 20 2012 @ 02:05 AM
Is this teacher someone who has never bullied others in her life? If she isn't and I assume she isn't then she has no right to dish out punishment of this kind.

posted on Jun, 20 2012 @ 02:05 AM

Originally posted by Unity_99
Its absolutely abusive and illegal. No form of corporal punishment is acceptable for children or adults. But this a school, and this teacher is not judge and jury, and this appalling.

That the OP smiles at this, shows the kind of agenda he is on with this article, and I have quite a few ideas of where this trend originates, I think its the whole SS Nazi Sharia type one, they're trying to phase in.

I assure you, they will be caving in, not phasing in, to the Equality/Freedom/Progression of all people.

unity_99 sometimes I enjoy reading your posts but other times you have the most random bs in it that makes no sense. What agenda? What trend? SS Nazi Sharia what the f# are you talking about? If you ever went to school you know what kind of kid this is - just a little turd that causes trouble cos he is undisciplined and get's away with the same bs at home all the time.

I am not saying that slapping him 50 times was a good idea, and I definitely don't think the teacher had the authority to constitute that punishment, but at the end of the day he just got slapped for being a little turd by his victims. He wasn't injured, just publicly humiliated. And in the end isn't that the same thing that happened to his victims? Sure he had friends who didn't wanna partake, most bullys have friends, and they are usually bullys themselves.. or just plain a#holes. That doesn't mean he didn't deserve a little revenge. Perhaps just not in this way...

None of us can really comment on it properly because we don't get enough background story. He could be 10x worse than the video shows. Or he could have just been in the wrong place at the wrong time and is innocent. But for a teacher to condone such actions he must have done some pretty rotten stuff..

The mother should be slapped 10 times for every one time the boy does.

posted on Jun, 20 2012 @ 02:20 AM

Originally posted by knightwhosaysnih
None of us can really comment on it properly because we don't get enough background story. He could be 10x worse than the video shows. Or he could have just been in the wrong place at the wrong time and is innocent. But for a teacher to condone such actions he must have done some pretty rotten stuff..

The mother should be slapped 10 times for every one time the boy does.

You are completely stuck on punishing him, yet you have the balls to claim none of us can "comment properly" because we don't know the "background"? Please. I see that it doesn't stop you from wildly speculating immediately after ... ...

The background is the teacher ordered the kids to line up and hit him. Then the teacher told the kids not to tell anyone.

You also make the grave and naive mistake to assume the teacher should be in the right by default. Why, because she is a teacher.. ? If a cop beats me, or a cop orders other cops to line up and punch me against a wall... I must have done something rotten to deserve it?

Jesus where do you people even come from ... ...?

Everyone has the right to defend themselves. If someone can't defend themselves, maybe someone else should stick up for them. What you don't do, is pervert positions of authority and organize group violence sessions with children. Go live in damn China if you think this is best.
edit on 20-6-2012 by SyphonX because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 20 2012 @ 02:28 AM
reply to post by Bakatono

hahaha, what are you talking about why dr spock?, i am a man, it makes me laugh how moronic you sound, why dont we give this little 6 year old the chair and stop him killing when he gets older, what planet are you on.
being a victim is a state of mind.
i have just asked my 9 year old what he would do if someone started bullying him, his reply was "if it was words i would just ignore it, if it was punching i would hit back" , my son is the biggest in his year and the year above him, and as tough as old boots, my daughter kicked him square in the nose realy hard, blood everywhere, both nostrils bled for ages, he did not wimper or cry and basically laughed it off, being a victim is a state of mind.
when i was his age 4 children waited for me after school, i would never allow myself to be a victim and chased them all off, kids need to man up
if someone hits you and you do nothing, in your mind you may call it bullying, if you fight back it becomes a scrap, think about it.
the boy is 6 years old and for some reason has all of you victims quaking in your shoes, he cannot be a bully he is 6

posted on Jun, 20 2012 @ 02:31 AM

Originally posted by isyeye
Violence is not the answer to violence...There are other ways to solve the problem.

This just sends the wrong message. While I do see the point of what the teacher did, it still tells children to fight back with fist instead of words.

My son got smacked in the face by a bully, several times because the bully stalked into the computer room and told him to move now, (my son is gentlest young man with the biggest heart, he was 8) when he got in the car, after school, the look on his face broke my heart.
He told me his story and what happened (bottom lip wobbled bravely the whole time) I digested it and thought all manner of nasty things to do to this kid. Knee jerk mother kind of thoughts...
It just ran through my head immediately, little bugger!
"what did you do?" I demanded
"I walked away and told the teachers"

Instead of myself going into the school and trying to talk to the teachers, who are so bored with hearing it, they did nothing (my son says). I got really angry then and took it out on my son.

"Don't you ever walk away from a bully like that again! Dry your eyes!" I roused at him
"If they lay a hand on you, then you go all out, smack them back! Windmill man, if you down't think you can swing properly! If he's done it once, he's comin' back for more! that's what they do. Don't worry about the teachers, I will defend you. But don't you even back down from something that will only hurt for a moment and suffer a bully if he's in your face."

"That goes for seeing someone being bullied as well, so harden up son!"
The kid did try again, my son didn't hesitate, and I had a very different kid on my hands from that day forth. He's gentle AND confident now, so thanks bully kid in his primary school. I hope you managed to get yourself past your parents rubbish to be a different person too x

I don't agree with the teacher in the op story either (I sympathise but that's not the way), that kid probably has a terrible home life, that's where it starts. I wonder what will happen to him now?

I vote for the parents being lined up and slapped instead always.

Good parenting is knowing when to be hard and when to be soft, but it takes both (and it's not always comfortable for us, because it's not about us) to help make amazing kids.
You are always responsible until they (the kids) tell you otherwise.

posted on Jun, 20 2012 @ 02:38 AM
LOL maybe it will teach the little cretin a lesson? Hell, who knows maybe it will even keep him outs prison when he gets older..

posted on Jun, 20 2012 @ 02:42 AM
This should be the official punishment for anyone found guilty of bullying.

Sometimes, it is the only way a bully will learn.

Over a four year period, I was the victim of a bully who followed me to several different jobs, deliberately getting me sacked or pressured (by use of mobbing), until I could no longer take it and left.

She never got violent with me personally, though she did incite others (mostly men), to get up close and personal. Bullying is bullying..!!

The one time she actually got careless and was caught publicly bullying me, the company we were working for at the time was forced to do the right thing and sack her on the spot (eventhough it was too late to save my job).

Unfortunately, this only made her madder and more vengful, she intensified her attacks on me and spread a lot of rumors in a lot of places trying to pre-empt my attempts to find more work in our field, forcing me to start looking for similar work interstate.

I'm not a violent person myself, but if somone had got a group of her victims togeather to slap her a few times, she might not be the bully she still is

edit on 6/20/2012 by Ironclad because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 20 2012 @ 02:48 AM

Originally posted by Nonchalant
LOL maybe it will teach the little cretin a lesson? Hell, who knows maybe it will even keep him outs prison when he gets older..

Can I ask you something, since you seem to be privy to knowledge the rest of us don't have... ?

What did the alleged bully do ?

Kind regards,


To everyone condoning this event. There seems to be a common thread in all of you.. You all share and "relate" an "I was bullied" story, and go on to say the same thing basically.. revenge this, teach a lesson that..

Newsflash.. Everyone is bullied. Even the bullies are bullied, because that is why they bully.

My question is, to those relating stories... did you ever stand up for yourselves even once? Because to me, only a complete coward would suggest something like an organized group beating of 6 year old children should be celebrated. Especially when you don't even know the alleged bully's offense. You really have to think long and hard about what you people are saying...
edit on 20-6-2012 by SyphonX because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 20 2012 @ 03:00 AM
Teacher of the year? Seriously?

Illegal, wrong, stupid, inane.. it makes no sense. The kid is a bully because of his environment. i.e. his parents. Perhaps the teacher would have been wiser to start there?

There are so many things wrong with a teacher allowing a class to do this, and even more things wrong with grown, supposedly mature adults getting a smile out of it.

posted on Jun, 20 2012 @ 03:13 AM

Originally posted by SyphonX

There seems to be a common thread in all of you.. You all share and "relate" an "I was bullied" story, and go on to say the same thing basically.. revenge this, teach a lesson that..

My question is, to those relating stories... did you ever stand up for yourselves even once? Because to me, only a complete coward would suggest something like an organized group beating of 6 year old children should be celebrated. Especially when you don't even know the alleged bully's offense. You really have to think long and hard about what you people are saying

Spot on. I get the impression many of the people advocating this are either spineless cowards, don't have children or both. Adults?? Pfft, nothing justifies what this woman did. And as for the "gentleman" that said he should organize to have the parents beaten too......good luck with that!

posted on Jun, 20 2012 @ 03:19 AM

Originally posted by isyeye
Violence is not the answer to violence...There are other ways to solve the problem.

This just sends the wrong message. While I do see the point of what the teacher did, it still tells children to fight back with fist instead of words.

I am not agreeing with the teacher on this one but there are times when violence is the only answer. Judging when that maybe the case is the hard part.

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