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Doctors suspect Lymphoma... I am 21 :(

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posted on Jun, 20 2012 @ 09:25 AM

Originally posted by lilowl53
My ex-husband had non-Hodgkin lymphoma at 22. He did a little chemo and radiation, didn't loose any hair and came out of it in less than a year.He goes for MRI once a year to re-check but that's it. HAVE NO FEAR! Lymphoma is one of the most curable forms you could possibly have.

Take care of yourself and you will be just fine. Do not let people tell you Cancer is a death sentence, it's not! Your attitude has A LOT to do with how well you will do with your treatments. Keep up beat and positive!

exactly what i was going to say this type of cancer is best cured by chemo. and then radiation my aunt has been going thru it for a year now and for now the lymphoma is gone.
dont be afraid of hyperthermia and local radiation treatment either.

posted on Jun, 20 2012 @ 09:31 AM
What is your diet like? For starters, you need to give up meat and dairy and go on a complete plant-based, whole food diet. Take supplements, a good vitamin and mineral supplement, B vitamin complex, magnesium, Vitamin D3 and Vitamin C.....everyday. You must also start taking IODINE supplements in the form of Lugol's drops or Iodoral tablets. The most important thing you need to do today is buy the book *The China Study* and read that, and then read it again. Good Luck, you'll be fine ........

posted on Jun, 20 2012 @ 10:06 AM
reply to post by Farnhold

Whatever is diagnosed ..have the treatment. Even radiation. No-one wants that but the cure is desirable. The main thing is to be happy....I believe emotions can influence the body. Worry will not help. So accept treatment but have fun!

posted on Jun, 20 2012 @ 01:57 PM
reply to post by Night Star

Oh, I am very sorry to hear about that Night Star
. Hope you are all right right now.
What kind of cancer did you have, and what was the treatment?
Hope you are well, *hugs*.

posted on Jun, 20 2012 @ 02:07 PM
reply to post by Flyzoid

Thank you
. I am little more optimistic now. Well, sry, I made a mistake in op, I wrote histology, I meant hematology.
here is what happened today:
Anyways, results for liver are still not out, our health of state agency screwed up again. Results will be on friday in the end. But other results were ready, hematologist told me it looks like I have mononucleosis, but he is not sure, therefore he sent me to infection doctor. Infection doctor said that results are little weird, she said that one of the values indicates that I had mononucleosis for months, but only now something reactivated it,and it is "fading" from my body, but second value... well, this confuses her very much. It just doesnt seem right. Anyways, she will know more when liver results will be out, which will be on friday. When will I know definite truth, I have no idea. She said I should wait 10 more days, and see whether the node becomes bigger, or smaller, and whether I will feel better. So, hopefully I will know the truth on that 10th day, or perhaps even earlier.
Right now, I keep myself covered in blanket ( or feather bed? the thick one, not sure what is the correct word in english), drink hot teas, lemon juice with honey, take b-komplex, and let hot steam from tea get through my nose.

posted on Jun, 20 2012 @ 02:13 PM
one word:

There is a simple cure for cancer that works.
It is being scientifically investigated and is quite effective.
Most importantly - it doesn't require radiation or chemo or surgery.

It is an extract from cannabis - called hemp oil or cannabis oil.
Most of the information is on youtube - you can search, I just am gonna give you few links here:

Search for videos and see yourself.
Most importantly - this can be applied along with other medical treatments.
I think medical cannabis is legal in Czech Republic. You wouldn't need to drive too far.
Actually it is legal in some states in the USA - you go to a doctor, get a diagnosis and a prescription and then get the oil from a dispensary. Let us know if it works the same way in Czech Republic.

posted on Jun, 20 2012 @ 02:27 PM
reply to post by rory212

Thank you for your tip
. Never heard of this remedy.
I havent understood the boil part completely. Do you mean I should wait few minutes until it starts boiling, or wait few minutes after it started boiling?

posted on Jun, 20 2012 @ 09:30 PM

Originally posted by Farnhold
Thank you for your tip
. Never heard of this remedy.
I havent understood the boil part completely. Do you mean I should wait few minutes until it starts boiling, or wait few minutes after it started boiling?

bring it to boil means, warm it up until it boils, and boil for 2-3 minutes

cool it down after and use it as described

of course this boil thing applies only for this remedy, don't boil vit c remedy, it destroys the vitamin

posted on Jun, 21 2012 @ 06:51 PM

Originally posted by caladonea
reply to post by Farnhold

I was ill with mono for almost a month....cured with antibiotics....I had to rest a lot and take really good care of myself...even when I started to feel better...I still had to finish all the antibiotics.

You are in my prayers.

Mononucleosis is caused by the ebstien-bar virus. Antibiotics do nothing for mono. Much like antibiotics won't help when you get the flu. It's a viral infection.

posted on Jun, 21 2012 @ 07:05 PM
reply to post by Farnhold

You could be infected with the Ebstein Barr virus for a while before being infected with mononucleosis. Your natural defenses could have battled for a minute and then lost. It is true that mono can resurface when you get other infections. I had mono once. To this day, when I get sick, which is rare, I still get more lethargic than normal.

I was 19 when I got mono. Worked in a warehouse and tried to work through it. Doctors didn't know what it was so they thought just tonsillitis. They put me on steroids and amoxicillin (antibiotic that does nothing for mono). After a week of that, the 3rd doctor called it out. He schooled me on some mono facts:

- Mono is a virus and can't be treated with antibiotics
- Mono can re-surge upon other infections
- Most people have the virus that causes mono, but adults have a natural antibody that prevents infection
- By late teens, that antibody is developed in most people
- It is possible, as in my case and perhaps yours, to be a late developer and get mono in later years
- Sleep, eat (if possible) and sleep is the only thing you can do about it

Hope all is well and you're simply just suffering from the Kissing Disease.

One other thing... Do you feel tired all the time. Lazy and lethargic?

posted on Jun, 21 2012 @ 07:06 PM
reply to post by DevolutionEvolvd

When I was ill with mono (many years ago) I was given some medicine and it did help me. I just used the wrong medical term...sorry.

posted on Jun, 21 2012 @ 07:11 PM

Originally posted by caladonea
reply to post by DevolutionEvolvd

When I was ill with mono (many years ago) I was given some medicine and it did help me. I just used the wrong medical term...sorry.

Regardless if it is proper protocol... I was given medication to treat Mono as well. It was well over 25 years ago though. If I recall correctly, it was an antibiotic.

Either Doctors were mis-prescribing or that was status quo back then? Who knows. Just wanted to let you know that you weren't the only one.

posted on Jun, 21 2012 @ 07:14 PM

Originally posted by Kangaruex4Ewe

Originally posted by caladonea
reply to post by DevolutionEvolvd

When I was ill with mono (many years ago) I was given some medicine and it did help me. I just used the wrong medical term...sorry.

Regardless if it is proper protocol... I was given medication to treat Mono as well. It was well over 25 years ago though. If I recall correctly, it was an antibiotic.

Either Doctors were mis-prescribing or that was status quo back then? Who knows. Just wanted to let you know that you weren't the only one.

Thank you for the experience with mono was many years ago too...I thought I was given antibiotics...but many on here say that antibiotics are not given to people with I am assuming I used the wrong medical termonology.....I do know I was given medication though.

posted on Jun, 21 2012 @ 07:30 PM

Originally posted by caladonea

Originally posted by Kangaruex4Ewe

Originally posted by caladonea
reply to post by DevolutionEvolvd

When I was ill with mono (many years ago) I was given some medicine and it did help me. I just used the wrong medical term...sorry.

Regardless if it is proper protocol... I was given medication to treat Mono as well. It was well over 25 years ago though. If I recall correctly, it was an antibiotic.

Either Doctors were mis-prescribing or that was status quo back then? Who knows. Just wanted to let you know that you weren't the only one.

Thank you for the experience with mono was many years ago too...I thought I was given antibiotics...but many on here say that antibiotics are not given to people with I am assuming I used the wrong medical termonology.....I do know I was given medication though.

Well it would fall into the time frame of when doctors started really over prescribing antibiotics (at least for me) which explains the loss of effectiveness over the years. I know doctors today that will call in antibiotics every time the parent calls the office because their child sneezes. Just because you don't treat mono with antibiotics doesn't mean neither of us received them.

posted on Jun, 21 2012 @ 07:49 PM
reply to post by caladonea

No worries. It was probably some sort of steroid!

posted on Jun, 21 2012 @ 07:50 PM
reply to post by Kangaruex4Ewe

That's a good point. They were indeed prescribing antibiotics too much. I mean, when i had mono, they gave me antiobiotics but that was because of a misdiagnosis so...who knows.

posted on Jun, 23 2012 @ 07:59 PM
They extracted a front tooth and nothing would make its side subside in bacterial inflammation for days now - except weak electricity with Rife frequencies, right into the wound, with good old doses of Vit C and plenty of liquids. Draw your own conclusions.

posted on Jun, 23 2012 @ 08:23 PM

Originally posted by Farnhold
reply to post by Night Star

Oh, I am very sorry to hear about that Night Star
. Hope you are all right right now.
What kind of cancer did you have, and what was the treatment?
Hope you are well, *hugs*.

I am alright now. I had an agressive breast cancer, they gave me chemo, I had a lumpectomy and they removed 4 lymph nodes, so I didn't lose the breast. I then had radiation and now getting one kind of chemo treatment for precautionery measures. Tired a lot, but alive and well. Hugs!

posted on Jul, 3 2012 @ 03:54 AM
I have good news everyone, I have been finally diagnosed with Mononucleosis. Liver tests came back positive.
,how do I fix my liver?

posted on Jul, 13 2013 @ 02:41 PM
I have had inflamed lymph nodes for 9 years.

I actually did a lot of research and tried lots of both homeopathic and conventional medicine.

I have started Lymphomyosot 2 months ago and it is the only thing that worked for me and it worked wonders. It is homeopathic and you do not need subscription.

Lymphomyosot is our popular lymphatic remedy, now in a liquid or pills. Lymphomyosot offers support when working with glandular health concerns. Lymphomyosot is a wonderful support for the lymphatic system. Lymphomyosot is a synergistic blend and can be used for a variety of sluggish conditions and glandular dysfunction.
Lymphomyosot is useful when cleansing and detoxing the body. Use Lymphomyosot for remove toxicity, edema, and infections. Lymphomyosot is gentle, yet highly effective for swollen glands. Anti Inflammatory.
Lymphomyosot helps cleanse the system and improve eczema, acne, and other skin conditions.
Supporting the lymphatic system with Lymphomyosot system helps with glandular swelling, tonsillitis, mumps, and sore throats.
Lymphomyosot speeds recovery from colds, flu, bronchitis, infections, illness after weather change, etc.

"Regarding the Lymphomyosot, everyone I have shared this with, including myself, have marveled at how quickly and how well Lymphomyosot works to knock out a cough, cold and/or flu symptoms" Peggy T. SC. (This is absolutely true as I took 3 pills a day and in 5 days I had amazing results ...Cristina)

Lymphomyosot is a supportive blend offering a synergistic effect that is greater than the individual effect of a remedy to offer more complete support of the lymph system:

Geranium Robertianum 4X is used relieve ulcerations, hemorrhages, uropathy, diarrhea.
Ferrum Iod 12X relieves edemas, glandular enlargement, and emaciation.
Juglans Regia 3X is helpful for acne and other skin conditions, sharp occipital pain.
Scrophularia Nodosa 3X relief for swollen lymphatic glands, eczema of ear.
Myosotis Arvensis 3X used to reduce excess mucus, bronchial cough, gagging and vomiting with cough, chronic bronchitis.
Teucrium Scorodonia 3X relieves chronic rhinitis & bronchitis-helpful for Bronchial catarrhs.
Veronica Beccabunga 3X relieves chronic bronchitis and dermatosis, pruritus.
Equisetum Hyemale 4X is beneficial for urinary system functions, such as sharp burning pain in urethra while urinating.
Fumaria Officinalis 4X prevents toxicity; helps with blood purification; improved liver function; eczemas, hepatic disorders.
Natrum Sulphur 4X helps with constitutional improvement, water retention, asthma; symptoms worse in rainy weather.
Pinus Sylvestris 4X helps with emaciation; swelling of the body or mucus membranes, stiffness, cramps in calves.
Gentiana Lutea 5X a general health tonic; balances appetite, ravenous hunger, helps with poor appetite, nausea, stomach ache.
Aranea Diadema 6X is useful for sensitivity to weather changes, diarrhea.
Sarsaparilla 6X relieves urinary pain, gallstones, colic with backache, cystitis.
Calcarea Phos 12X is helpful for anemia, joint stiffness & pain worse with weather changes.
Thyroidinum 12X balances metabolism, promotes oxidation.
Nasturtium Aquaticum 4X benefits Liver and bladder conditions, gastric conditions, stomatitis.

This is a link to every substance contained in Lymphomyosot :

Aranea Diadema:

Calcarea Phosphorica:

Equisetum Hyemale:

Ferrum Iodatum:

Fumaria Officinalis:

Gentiana Lutea:

Geranium Robertianum:

Juglans Regia:


Scrofularia Nodosa:

Teucrium Scrodonia:

Veronica Beccabunga:

Natrum Sulphuricum:

Pynus Sylvestris:


Calcarea Phosphorica:

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