posted on Jun, 19 2012 @ 12:39 AM
Selfless self promotion?
I've been honest, can't deny that at times I've been a liar
On the move, dancing in the rain like my pants are on fire
Everything is based on desires, forget the self serving
I live for the world, for they are more deserving
Of something better than the main stream offers
Fear mongers, aimed at diminishing actions conducive to prosper
I wish I could say I'm always right, but despite the rhetoric
Bias dictates my state of mind, and that's not even the top of it
Yet I'm on cloud 9, I rose up out the muck
Lotus petals and such, Um Mani Padme Hum, I'm rooted and stuck
Ok I'm done lol, I'm far from sober at the moment... just having fun!