posted on Apr, 23 2003 @ 09:54 AM
Military commanders of the future will have implanted brain microchips enabling them to access satellite information in the twinkling of an eye. A New
Army Warrior packing a HERF (High Energy Radio Frequency) gun will watch as two or three Tactical Mobile Robots swarm through buildings, and round up
enemies of the state. Uptown, android warriors will be on patrol, safe in the knowledge that they are expendable and replaceable. These visions were
once just arrogant fantasies projected by Hollywood, but now the US military is turning dreams into reality, creating a brave new vision for global
dominance, vastly augmented by the exponential growth in computing power, developments in neuroscience and biotechnology.
The high tech future of the US military is encapsulated in the document, Joint Vision 2010 (JV2010), which provides the framework for very long range
planning by the defense department. The Vision projects a leading US role in peacetime engagement activities, humanitarian assistance and disaster
relief, peacekeeping and peace enforcement, as well as large scale combat operations requiring forcible entry.
JV2010 is concerned with �full spectrum dominance�, a concept employing technological leverage to ensure the US is pervasive in peace and decisive in
war. In a general acknowledgement of US hegemony, the Vision says: �The US is the only global superpower�, and �must ensure it is preeminent in any
form of conflict.� This is a direct affront to the �Russian Concept of the World in the 21st Century�, which emphasises the need for multipolarity.
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