posted on Jun, 19 2012 @ 12:13 PM
Originally posted by PvtHudson
Left wingers had no problems when Obama did it,
Ya, we actually did have a big issue with it dude.
get over yourself.
If some republican president decided to give houses to everyone for free...does that mean the right wing is now all about giving away houses to
everyone, or that specific president did something against the ideals of the party?
Ya..we had a big problem with the lybia thing...the only saving grace was it was a UN action, and we are obligated to preform our part in. Still,
would have been nice for it to be at least voted on in congress to support it (not like we had a choice anyhow..but official condoning or objecting
for the record anyhow).
Mittens is talking about making war himself for purposes of ??? without any discussion from the international community. Pre-emptive crap. No UN, no
NATO, none of that...America V Iran.