posted on Jun, 30 2012 @ 05:50 AM
I don't know. I have always had a sort of resentment for higher education. I absolutely agree it is imperative to get some sort of education/
formation but I revere MAKING your own job. It is one thing to be able to get a job, it is another to make your own job.
I think that is why small business has always been targeted for elimination by big business. Once education is completely out of our reach unless we
are the accepted pupils, there will be no options except federal jobs, corporate jobs, or the military.
The small business is conducive to family unity, community unity, and other great sociological enhancements that make a nation grow and prosper for
ALL. We need to start business without bank loans. We need to educate ourselves for the pleasure of learning. We need to make money without hurting
our world.
If you can't get a job, think about making one. It's almost impossible, but doable. One person can employ many. support your local businesses. They
hire as long as you work hard, are committed, and loyal. Like the old days.
You wont be able to afford a new car every year, but you will be free.
edit on 30-6-2012 by BIHOTZ because: (no reason given)