Its because if China doesn't meet its Oil/Energy needs very soon (next few years) its economy will collapse under its own weight
China gets its oil from every country the Western World "doesn't do business with" because of there appalling human rights in those countries, western
corporations require strings attached to deals, such as oil revenue to go to alleviate the poor, environmental measures, the building of schools &
hospitals and a stable country, China simply doesn't care about any of these things if there is a civil war within the country or the country's
regimes that is massacring its own people, it will take the resources and make the problem 100% worst buy essentially funding those governments such
as the ones in Africa, the deal it has with Iran is quite simple, it Veto's everything and anything against Iran from the security council prolonging
UN sanctions it does the same with any other country it is raping for energy,
China simply does not care about the pollution & poisoning it does of this planet where ever it may doing business and this is largely due to it
staggering growth in recent years, because it doesn't play by the book, if its own country is anything to go by, which is far in excess of that of
Western country's could ever do because they have rules and regulations, China's policy is one more of ...erm it has no policy or regulations in place
other than eat eat eat destroy destroy, China is in every sense of the word a parasite without a care for anything or anyone, it allows its city's to
be basking in illegal levels of pollution, it allows its own rivers lakes & seas to be over spills for chemical & toxic waste production plants, it
allows children to work in essentially in slave labour camps the list is endless all of which in any Western country would be illegal and condemned
Its only goal is to desperately climb the ladder and become No1 and clearly at a massive cost to the planet, if every country on the planet acted in
this manner we would be well and truely F#*ked, expect much much more of the same in the next decade or two the worst is yet to come
Don't take my word for it, have a look for yourselves
This image, which was captured by NASA's Sea-Viewing Wide Field-of-View Sensor, dates back to January 2, 2000; it shows a layer of polluted air
covering a large portion of southeastern China. The increased use of fossil fuels is largely to blame for the opaque haze. Given that China now tops
the U.S. in total greenhouse gas emissions, just imagine what a satellite picture of the region would look like now...
You think that's air you're breathing?
edit on 18-6-2012 by TritonTaranis because: (no reason given)