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Parents, take your children back!

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posted on Jun, 18 2012 @ 02:38 AM
I have seen so many posts over the past couple of months addressing various issues with the public school system. At this point, I don't feel parents have a right to complain if you are going to utilize the system and count on it's educators to deliver your child a good education, be treated fairly within the confines of that system, and keep your child safe from it's bullies and predators.

The public school system is a system of indoctrination, to teach your children to fall in line, and to obey. Your child cannot have their own personality there. Your child cannot have his/her own thoughts unless they are agreeable to the curriculum. Your child cannot have their own system of way learning, and must submit to a one size fits all education. Subsequently, if your child is a square peg and cannot fit into a round hole, then the child is a failure because they aren't falling in line with the curriculum and the system.

I'm in a rural area, and at our county school, they used to have a recess twice a day, each for 30 minutes. In the latter part of 1999, the school district shortened it down to only 30 minutes per day in the afternoon. In 2007, they shortened it again to 25 minutes. In 2012, they have now shortened it to 15 minutes in the afternoon one time a day.

What was their reasoning? The teachers didn't want to stand out on the play ground for too long, or, be in the gym during winter.

What happened to the students as a result of these decisions? Poor concentration, inability to sit still in the afternoon classes, behavioral issues, irritability toward teachers and other classmates, and poor attention span.

Now, the school district is considering completely eliminating recess time all together, in favor of a "quite moment time" where the lights in the class room will be lowered, and the student can either read or lay their head on their desk for one 10 minute period in the afternoon.

One more thing I want to touch on is, they held a meeting and are considering doing away with the morning Pledge of Allegiance, because too many parents that have moved up here from California and other lower states are complaining that they don't want their child being forced to stand, or say something they don't want to say.

Lastly, I know I said that was it, but I'm going to throw this in......

This is the difference between our school in the 1990's and the school at present in 2012:

1990 - Christmas tree in the main annex of the school, with a united tree lighting ceremony with the students and teachers, singing a few Christmas songs with the junior high student choir

2012 - No Christmas tree allowed. No Christmas songs, as this will offend some of the students and their religious beliefs. Now, a "Winter Festival" is held with the focus on snow men, snow flakes, and snow capped mountains, with cookies, cocoa, and common games.

1990 - Halloween party, with suitable costumes, not the immodest ones we see today. With candy, cupcakes, punch, and games. Junior high class put on a haunted house for the entire school.

2012 - No Halloween festivities or costumes allowed. Now, we have the "fall harvest festival" where everyone gathers for apple cider, baked goods, country music, common games, and a hayride.

1990 - Valentines Day. Children make their own Valentine boxes and decorate them, and enter them in a contest of the prettiest or most interesting box. Children pass around cards to each other, then celebrate by having cookies, candy, and punch.

2012 - No Valentines Day. Some parents who do not wish their child to celebrate it have complained, and said they don't want this going on in the classroom. Valentines is completely overlooked at the school. Some conservative Christians also went after the school district complaining that they didn't want their child participating in the ritual of giving a heart card to another students because they are teaching their child about waiting for true love, and didn't want their young children being taught otherwise.

1990 - St Patrick's Day, wearing of the green, green food coloring in the lunch foods for fun, etc.

2012 - You can wear green and that is all, but, they will not talk about St. Patrick and who he is to be cautious of entering religious territory. No green dyed foods with food colors, because some parents complained that they don't want their kids consuming it.

1990- You could walk in the front door of the school and go on to your locker or class freely.

2012 - You must stop at the front entrance, have your back pack checked and go through a metal detector.

The the school district in the next city over from me is trying to do away with letting the high school kids carry in back packs because the teachers claim they are afraid of what is in them. So they may now, force kids to carry their books and outlaw bags.

If you want to know who runs these indoctrination "camps" it's not just the government or the state, it's the parents too, with their crazy ideas and their irrational fears.

edit on 18-6-2012 by Thunder heart woman because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 18 2012 @ 02:48 AM
I agree this is an issue

Problem is the culture has changed dramatically over the past 20 years. one of fear

posted on Jun, 18 2012 @ 02:51 AM
Really? Metaldetectors in schools?
Poor third-world-country, all people running around with weapons. There should be more troops to secure the official buildings, the UN should bring in more peace-keeping troops to do that job.

Oh, it was the US you mentioned? Not some failed state in Africa? Well, nevermind then. All clear, everybody please move on, nothing to wonder here!

posted on Jun, 18 2012 @ 02:54 AM
I haven't really touched on the more serious issues, but I think some people over the past 20 years have simply gone crazy. I think we have too many teachers in the classrooms who have a hatred for children. I am seeing 18 year old children graduating out of high school that cannot even read or write well. There are so many problems I don't know where to start.

I'm fortunate that I at least grew up during a time where I was given a good education, where my teachers did care if I learned something, and took some personal responsibility for their jobs, rather than blaming their failures on the parents. I realize many parents don't care and use the schools as their babysitter. I'm also fortunate that I grew up during a time where everyone wasn't so freaked out over a holiday, a song, or a cookie. Helicopter parents annoy me to no end. They want to wrap their kids in cotton wool until their child turns 21.

posted on Jun, 18 2012 @ 02:55 AM
reply to post by ManFromEurope

The culture changed.

Back in 50s you could buy a 38 revolver at a gas station and bring it to school for show and tell.

I have yet to hear of any school shootings before columbine

posted on Jun, 18 2012 @ 02:59 AM
If you dont mind me asking but what grade level are they having "nap time" again?? Wow.

I had nap time in like Kindergarten. That is really discouraging if your kids are older. If they are in k-6 take them out now and check the laws on Homeschooling in your area.

But, in a way its happening everywhere. I just recently saw a video on Youtube, where 20-35 yr olds are playing KICKBALL, and they were acting like it was the NBA Finals. Unreal!!!!!!!

edit on 18-6-2012 by hoochymama because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 18 2012 @ 03:00 AM
Its certainly sad to see not only our schools, but every aspect of our lives being overtaken and controlled by others - that only serve to satisfy the views and agendas of particular groups or individuals. Let kids be kids and the same for adults.

If the kids want to have fun dressing up for Halloween, go for it, if the kid doesn't want to then don't make them.

You are correct in saying that it's not just the government or the school officials being responsible for the over policing of what seems about every aspect of school these days, it also comes down to the parents. The day we stop trying to protect each from making good mistakes and learning life lessons is the day we evolve as humans.

I believe there are only a few guidelines we need to set for our kids. Teach them how to respect, how to love, how to be compassionate, how to avoid obvious dangers. Life should be fun. Let's make it fun for everyone to explore their own lives and figure out what works for them or not.


posted on Jun, 18 2012 @ 03:01 AM

Originally posted by BulletShogun
I agree this is an issue

Problem is the culture has changed dramatically over the past 20 years. one of fear

The last time I lived in suburbia, I didn't know my neighbor's names, because they kept to the inside of their house, and would not allow their children to play with other kids on the block. My daughter wanted to play with their daughter, and they said they didn't allow their children to do that. I invited my neighbors over for a barbeque and they would tell me they were too busy, every single time. They all hovered in their big house, with their satellite dish and just never.... came out in their yard.

When my grandparents were young, they knew all their neighbors, shared their gardens, had barbeques, had parties, and watch each others children.

I've encountered so many parents over the past ten years who do not want their child playing with other children that do not run in the social circles, church, or school functions.

People are afraid to break out of their shell. It's so weird.

When I was a kid, we ran, played with all the kids in the area..... and the parents didn't care. The parents didn't get all freaked out over a peanut, or a piece of candy, or a Christmas song.

posted on Jun, 18 2012 @ 03:01 AM

Originally posted by hoochymama
I just recently saw a video on Youtube, where 20-35 yr olds are playing DODGEBALL, and they were acting like it was the NBA Finals. Unreal!!!!!!!

That's not the issue. The issue is our children being taught to be fearful and being pusifed

posted on Jun, 18 2012 @ 03:04 AM

Originally posted by hoochymama
If you dont mind me asking but what grade level are they having "nap time" again?? Wow.

I had nap time in like Kindergarten. That is really discouraging if your kids are older. If they are in k-6 take them out now and check the laws on Homeschooling in your area.

But, in a way its happening everywhere. I just recently saw a video on Youtube, where 20-35 yr olds are playing DODGEBALL, and they were acting like it was the NBA Finals. Unreal!!!!!!!

The "nap" time is for all students k-8th grade. (I'm in a rural area)

It concerns me to see recess scaled down, because the kids need it in order to empty out their mind, and relax.

posted on Jun, 18 2012 @ 03:07 AM

Originally posted by BulletShogun

Originally posted by hoochymama
I just recently saw a video on Youtube, where 20-35 yr olds are playing DODGEBALL, and they were acting like it was the NBA Finals. Unreal!!!!!!!

That's not the issue. The issue is our children being taught to be fearful and being pusifed

Many are also being taught how to be classist and arrogant.

posted on Jun, 18 2012 @ 03:14 AM

Originally posted by Thunder heart woman

Originally posted by BulletShogun

Originally posted by hoochymama
I just recently saw a video on Youtube, where 20-35 yr olds are playing DODGEBALL, and they were acting like it was the NBA Finals. Unreal!!!!!!!

That's not the issue. The issue is our children being taught to be fearful and being pusifed

Many are also being taught how to be classist and arrogant.

I blame the pop culture for that. Jersey shore and the like

posted on Jun, 18 2012 @ 03:20 AM
reply to post by BulletShogun
My bad. Kickball. But, your point is relevant all the same.

Link below. I think the utter lack of competition in Grade School creates this:

I will edit earlier Post.

posted on Jun, 18 2012 @ 03:22 AM
Now look forward if you can to what might be in ten, or twenty years. If you think it's bad now...

Be grateful the students still get Winter Festival and Fall Harvest. Eventually, the seasons themselves will be banned. You know I'd love to be a kid again but if it meant entering security check points and being locked in the class all day, forget it.

By the way you're right about recess and breaks being important. Take those away and the kids might start getting a bit restless and unable to focus. Then doctors would dub these natural characteristics as "disorders" and put them all on drugs.

Will there come a time that our own country flag will be banned?

posted on Jun, 18 2012 @ 03:24 AM
reply to post by Sek82

Like orwells 1984

posted on Jun, 18 2012 @ 03:24 AM
reply to post by Thunder heart woman
Need to get them involved in some sport just to keep them active and alert. If you have to keep them in the cesspool of Garbage Teaching and no Common sense than try and get them active in sports or activity outside that environment because it is different. The people are the same with the exception of the Psychologists. You still might have those but in that case, they totally change outside the School System.

posted on Jun, 18 2012 @ 03:26 AM

Originally posted by BulletShogun
I agree this is an issue

Problem is the culture has changed dramatically over the past 20 years. one of fear

Not just the fact that fear has been pumped into everyone making them more like sheep but the US gov has also been working at keeping people dumb so they don't see that they are heading to the slaughter house.

The whole education system needs a complete do over. The methods are outdated like the text books. There needs to be more teachers who are passionate about teaching kids, not the grumpy teachers who make learning difficult. Classes should have a good student to teacher ratio so that students can get individual help when needed. Learning should be fun and you should be able to learn all your hearts desire at no cost.

Do colleges/universities accept home schooled kids?

posted on Jun, 18 2012 @ 03:29 AM
reply to post by BulletShogun
Thank God that MTV now has 16 and pregnant.

Jersey Shore is a Joke. The Hills was a Joke. Rob and Big was funny, but "The Rob Deydrick Experience (whatever its called)" is complete horse S******T. Why would anyone watch that?? I think the whole "kids" culture is fine tuned now as Parents dont have the time to do anything but post on Facebook and go to the Bar with there friends.

posted on Jun, 18 2012 @ 03:33 AM
reply to post by knoledgeispower
The Text Books are Wrong. That is crazy to me. Who writes the History?? Who wrote the Bible?? At some point your Kids themselves need to learn what is right and wrong. At some point, your Kids need to go to College or some other type of Institution, unless they create there own business. So, the main key is always the parents but we all know how that goes now a days. There are always bad seeds, but leaving it to even worse seeds to try and change it could be even worse.

Teachers are different now, Schools are different now, Administrators are different now, but if Parents are different now than we are more screwed than we even think, which I think is the case.

posted on Jun, 18 2012 @ 03:48 AM

Originally posted by hoochymama
reply to post by knoledgeispower
The Text Books are Wrong. That is crazy to me. Who writes the History?? Who wrote the Bible?? At some point your Kids themselves need to learn what is right and wrong. At some point, your Kids need to go to College or some other type of Institution, unless they create there own business. So, the main key is always the parents but we all know how that goes now a days. There are always bad seeds, but leaving it to even worse seeds to try and change it could be even worse.

Teachers are different now, Schools are different now, Administrators are different now, but if Parents are different now than we are more screwed than we even think, which I think is the case.

Yes it is hard for children to stand a good chance at growing up when they come from a messed up family who doesn't know any better because they too came from a messed up family. It can turn into a vicious cycle.

Back in the day you could afford for one parent to stay home to raise the kids while the other parent works. Now a days both parents usually have to work so the children are raised by daycares/babysitters/tv. It has had a huge effect on society. The main issue that once dealt with will solve a whole lot of different issues is we need to unite as one. When everyone is living as one then people are looking out for everyone. No one is having to try and struggle alone. It is true when they say it takes a village to raise a child. Through world unity then we can revamp the government, healthcare, education system, justice system, etc. Everyone will be able to get the basic needs for survival for free.
This is not something that will happen over night but we can pave the way for future generations to be happy, have full knowledge and the pursuit of the souls desires.

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