posted on Jun, 18 2012 @ 02:50 AM
These things are merely temporary. You can think good thoughts and find yourself feeling better. But they are not long term thoughts and you
inevitably find yourself seeking them again.
If they were magick in their use, we'd only ever need to hear them once and never again.
We don't. We seek these pleasant sensations in our thought process time and time again. That is the cycle of life. We feel bad, we seek pleasure. We
find it in these words, or substances, or attention, or whatever you have.
The trick is to not seek to deny the fundamental feelings we have. Not to embrace them. But to simply let them exist.
Otherwise everything is fleeting and desirable and something we feel lacking in unless we have it.
And this can be as time consuming and draining as struggling against adversity.
"I am the best that I can be." "I am forgiving." "I love life." etc..
you don't have to be the best you can be. You are allowed to be faulty in things. It is natural.
You don't have to forgive everyone. You are allowed to feel the pain others try to inflict on you. You also have the choice to accept it and not let
it affect you.
You are allowed to feel less than love for life. Sometimes it is miserable. Sometimes it is blissful. You don't have to be happy all the time.
We're not wired to feel 100% happy 100% of the time.
We do feel scared about things. We do feel suffering about situations. It is our nature to want to be safe. Which by default means it is our nature to
experience fear and suffering.
As much as I like the idea that videos like that can temporarily make people feel good. They are also a simple temporary solution to something that we
are born with.