Well it's not exactly a "formation" so to speak. It has a little bit of structure but it could have easily been a bunch of birds or bats flying
past... can't really makes any conclusions without examining it much closer.
In my opinion whatever they were, they don't look like they are in space or even off the planet. They look much too close to be in space. I am going
to have to say birds or even insects. Bats are a good explanation too, though they fly more in swoops and circles than a straight line. This is just
my opinion though.
yeah, may as well go ahead and tell everybody, it's the alien fleet and they're on their way. They emailed me a few weeks ago to say they were
coming. Said they'd probably land around Wednesday and go ahead and take over the world. They've been putting it off and putting it off, but with
Summer here now, they have more time to spare so they're going to get it taken care of before school starts back in the fall.
I believe I posted this a while back and got mostly 'it's a flock of birds/bats' although I totally disagree.
No proof will ever be enough or justified. Not saying this is proof per se, but there is no way Humans will ever agree in harmony about anything let
alone this topic. And even if they saw this live and in person, they'd still disagree.
I only see Moon craters, yes all lit dots just like on many Moon pictures their shape combined with the direction of the sun rays make them like
lighter dots than the rest of the Moon.
the telescope is so far zoomed in,,, zoomed far enough to see the moon that close,,, wouldnt anything low to earth i.e. birds or bats or bugs appear
very large in the view? not so tiny and appearing closer to the moon then earth?
"ole Bill is just presenting the material". He said what it most likely is. Bats or birds. Of course ole Bill would really have you believe that it
was a fleet of UFOs going around the moon. Ole Bill need to have another Pabst Blue Ribbon, and calm his butt down.