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Why America Is Doomed And Why The World Hates America.

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posted on Jun, 17 2012 @ 06:53 AM

Originally posted by Germanicus

Originally posted by boncho
America isn't doomed and it makes no sense asking for a new superpower to take control or dominate world matters. It's not as if the next one would be any less corrupt or any less caring about public opinion throughout every nation. In fact, the majority of them would be worse.

The world had given up on the US. They are irrisponsible. They are lazy and incompetent. Look at their economy. They refuse to fix it. They continue to overspend.

It is out of our hands anyway. The onlt thing saving the US is having the reserve. When the USD is unseated the US will collapse.

Your above post is correct FOR CERTAIN PEOPLE. But not every American does this. I would suggest, at least in my area, that most Americans are pinching pennies and doing their best just to survive. So please be careful with the generalizations.

Now, having said that, I do agree that our government has screwed things up so badly for out country that it may be an uphill battle to fix....

So....what's the immigration policy in Australia these days???? You may have a boatload of Americans heading your way....

posted on Jun, 17 2012 @ 06:54 AM
Why dont you post it proper. Its not the US that wont fix it and you shouldnt be hating on the US. Our greedy rich people in power may be destroying us but it is not the people. Lazy, I bet i work freggin circles around you. I own my own business for the past eleven years and i produce 40 -50 hours of manual labor weekly, I also spend another 20-30 hours in meet and greets,phone calls, bid work and design. I know i speak for a large majority of people. Our system is screwed and yes they all need to be fired but to post a blanket statement about the people of the US is bull#. Yes we have our lazies but dont you and your place of residence. Poor, and lazy people are everywhere.They gave up on giving a rats ass a long time ago, when our elected officials stopped representing us based on our countries founding principals,and instead filled there pockets with money.
There are many,many people who love our country, work our asses to the core,and would fix it, and not be fueled by greed. So get it it right and post it proper.

posted on Jun, 17 2012 @ 06:57 AM

Originally posted by earthart
Why dont you post it proper. Its not the US that wont fix it and you shouldnt be hating on the US. Our greedy rich people in power may be destroying us but it is not the people. Lazy, I bet i work freggin circles around you. I own my own business for the past eleven years and i produce 40 -50 hours of manual labor weekly, I also spend another 20-30 hours in meet and greets,phone calls, bid work and design. I know i speak for a large majority of people. Our system is screwed and yes they all need to be fired but to post a blanket statement about the people of the US is bull#. Yes we have our lazies but dont you and your place of residence. Poor, and lazy people are everywhere.They gave up on giving a rats ass a long time ago, when our elected officials stopped representing us based on our countries founding principals,and instead filled there pockets with money.
There are many,many people who love our country, work our asses to the core,and would fix it, and not be fueled by greed. So get it it right and post it proper.

I am not saying it is the people. It is your government. That is moot. The fact is that you are doomed. The rest of the west needs to turn away just like the world has turned away from Greece.

Why should you bring the rest of us down?

China and Russia have been wanting to talk about changing the Reserve. It is about time dont you think? Its only fair. It is not our fault your government messed up.

posted on Jun, 17 2012 @ 06:58 AM
Guys Guys calm down a bit,
what i think is that there has to be battle in America to revide its values i think we all agree on that.
Lets take little bit of germanicus and little bit of others.
World is really considering leaving US dollar no doubt. Reasons are obvious.
Truth is that government of U.S. appear to be really straight-forward what takes of world-police and they have unresolved domestic problems which will soon force them to two scenarios, one is already taking place.
1)Revising values, stop their wars because there is not enough funding, start solve illegal imigration, job market and FED + their monetary system and that big debt...
2)or continue doing what they do, be blind and set whole nation to war state military like dictatur which will have strict laws and enforce their world domination by power, threats...

So the conclusion is Yes US dollar will fall under current circumstances if something wont happen and that something are scenarios above.

posted on Jun, 17 2012 @ 07:05 AM

Originally posted by smyleegrl

Originally posted by Germanicus

Originally posted by boncho
America isn't doomed and it makes no sense asking for a new superpower to take control or dominate world matters. It's not as if the next one would be any less corrupt or any less caring about public opinion throughout every nation. In fact, the majority of them would be worse.

The world had given up on the US. They are irrisponsible. They are lazy and incompetent. Look at their economy. They refuse to fix it. They continue to overspend.

It is out of our hands anyway. The onlt thing saving the US is having the reserve. When the USD is unseated the US will collapse.

Your above post is correct FOR CERTAIN PEOPLE. But not every American does this. I would suggest, at least in my area, that most Americans are pinching pennies and doing their best just to survive. So please be careful with the generalizations.

Now, having said that, I do agree that our government has screwed things up so badly for out country that it may be an uphill battle to fix....

So....what's the immigration policy in Australia these days???? You may have a boatload of Americans heading your way....

We have 30000 Greeks that have come here as refugees. It is not a joke. It is serious.

And I know it isnt the fault of the people but you all will vote for Romney or Obama. You will not last 4 more years. You are doomed.

It is not the fault of the Greeks but look at what happened to them. Nobody cared. I did. I do. Nobody will care about americans when you lose the Reserve. I will because it will be very bad for america. Worse than Greece. But its going to happen. There is no fixing america. The world is turning on you this very second. The oil-rich nations of the middle east starting to turn on you is just the start. But there is already many nations like the BRICS and ALBA and others that are not using the USD. All US allies are bankrupt. The US is bankrupt. It is all over. The capital has all shifted to the east. The only thing left is for China to take the reserve currency. Like I said, its not just the BRICS and ALBA. Many nations are working against the dollar. It is amtter of time.

posted on Jun, 17 2012 @ 07:09 AM
reply to post by Germanicus

But there is already many nations like the BRICS and ALBA and others that are not using the USD. All US allies are bankrupt. The US is bankrupt. It is all over. The capital has all shifted to the east. The only thing left is for China to take the reserve currency. Like I said, its not just the BRICS and ALBA. Many nations are working against the dollar. It is amtter of time.


The problem being that the BRICS are in the position they are in holding onto US and EUROs which essentially have to be downgraded to toilet paper before they can make their move into the top position. But to do that would make a large percentage of their wealth non existent.

It's a bit of a catch 22 isn't it?

Just search google and look at how Hu Jintao is lobbying for more action to save the Euro...

posted on Jun, 17 2012 @ 07:13 AM
reply to post by Germanicus

The funny part about all this Germ is this is no secret. Australia and China are two of the most expensive countries to live in the world......meaning Aus and China will feel this as much, if not more than anyone! You seem to be under the illusion that when the USD is no longer king, that we're somehow going to cruise on by unscathed.

Seriously, for the umpteenth time......we're all screwed. Do you honestly think when people have nothing left to lose, they just lie down? This whole world will turn to hell in a hand basket. The thing is......are you ready to defend yourself here? Do you have what it takes? Do you think nobody is going to kick in your door and take what's yours?

And by the way..........maybe CK has seen the light!

posted on Jun, 17 2012 @ 07:15 AM

Originally posted by Germanicus
reply to post by boncho

Look at the US economy? Name one economy that is doing good right now!

The Australian economy is doing good right now. Asia is doing ok as well.

The BRICS are fine.

It is the West that is doomed.

The Coming Global Recession
China, India, and Brazil are all slowing down simultaneously, plunging the entire world into economic crisis. ion_.html

(Reuters) - Standard & Poor's said on Monday that India could become the first of the so-called BRIC economies to lose its investment-grade status, sending the rupee and stocks lower, less than two months after cutting its rating outlook for the country.

the BRICs are repeating many of the same errors committed by Europeans and North Americans in the lead-up to 2007, namely the following:

A housing bubble. Lax monetary policy has allowed unsubstantiated rises in the price of housing vs. available income, fuelled by bank loans. The growing value of houses has in turn brought about rampant consumerism coupled with even greater mortgage debt, piling yet more pressure on house prices.

Inflation. Savage increases in circulating capital, to keep pace with the speed of price rises, have made inflationary tensions inevitable. Inflation has been further fuelled by large wage increases, a production system operating beyond capacity, alarming industrial price growth, and extremely dangerous price rises in countries where food constitutes a considerable percentage of the consumer price index.

Over-reliance on the financial sector. This results from failing to curb increasing credit penetration as a percentage of GDP, dodgy criteria for awarding loans, dubious value of collateral assets, and, in China, the increasing influence of a “shadow banking” sector.

(continued at source)

edit on 17-6-2012 by boncho because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 17 2012 @ 07:17 AM
Germanicus, you are being very naive. You seem to have the perspective that world economies are insulated from each other and that the fall of one is a boon to the others. There is a reason why China has continued to buy U.S. dollars and has not (yet) collapsed the dollar. I agree with you, they could collapse the dollar very easily by selling off the dollars that they do own, but it would be with very dire economic consequences to themselves.

Quite literally, we have a one world economy - when one economy goes down, it affects the whole world's economy - especially one the size of the U.S.

Be careful what you wish for...

posted on Jun, 17 2012 @ 07:18 AM

Originally posted by boncho
reply to post by Germanicus

But there is already many nations like the BRICS and ALBA and others that are not using the USD. All US allies are bankrupt. The US is bankrupt. It is all over. The capital has all shifted to the east. The only thing left is for China to take the reserve currency. Like I said, its not just the BRICS and ALBA. Many nations are working against the dollar. It is amtter of time.


The problem being that the BRICS are in the position they are in holding onto US and EUROs which essentially have to be downgraded to toilet paper before they can make their move into the top position. But to do that would make a large percentage of their wealth non existent.

It's a bit of a catch 22 isn't it?

Just search google and look at how Hu Jintao is lobbying for more action to save the Euro...

Its not a catch 22. The debt will not go away. It will be like the Greeks debt. China will own you.They dont own the US. They do not own a massive part of US debt but they own enogh. They keep buying it for power. The only reason they were able to make fun of the US and give them orders after the humiliating Credit Downgrade was because they own US debt. They have power like the IMF has power over Greece.

They want the europeans to jump ship and stand behind them. They must be seen as making efforts to help europe. But a collapsed us economy is what suits them best. Like I said, the debt wont go away, it will just become harder to repay.

You should google China and Russia seek to discuss an alternative to the USD as reserve. When it happens, it will cripple the US economy. That is what they want.

posted on Jun, 17 2012 @ 07:21 AM

Originally posted by Stonesplitter
reply to post by Germanicus

The funny part about all this Germ is this is no secret. Australia and China are two of the most expensive countries to live in the world......meaning Aus and China will feel this as much, if not more than anyone! You seem to be under the illusion that when the USD is no longer king, that we're somehow going to cruise on by unscathed.

Seriously, for the umpteenth time......we're all screwed. Do you honestly think when people have nothing left to lose, they just lie down? This whole world will turn to hell in a hand basket. The thing is......are you ready to defend yourself here? Do you have what it takes? Do you think nobody is going to kick in your door and take what's yours?

And by the way..........maybe CK has seen the light!

Why did the last GFC help us then?

We are expensive because our economies did not collapse.

And Honk Kong is expensive. China isnt but it takes a bit to buy a house in China.

We actually got a bump because of the last GFC.

Australia is number 1 OECD nation. China is true superpower.

posted on Jun, 17 2012 @ 07:24 AM

Originally posted by Iamonlyhuman
Germanicus, you are being very naive. You seem to have the perspective that world economies are insulated from each other and that the fall of one is a boon to the others. There is a reason why China has continued to buy U.S. dollars and has not (yet) collapsed the dollar. I agree with you, they could collapse the dollar very easily by selling off the dollars that they do own, but it would be with very dire economic consequences to themselves.

Quite literally, we have a one world economy - when one economy goes down, it affects the whole world's economy - especially one the size of the U.S.

Be careful what you wish for...

The only way for the Reserve to change hands is war or a depression. China wants it. They are actively working toward unseating the USD as reserve. What does that tell you?

They will not play second fiddle. They want the Reserve. Everything changes after that.

posted on Jun, 17 2012 @ 07:24 AM
America is doomed....OK.

We will do what we always do and reinvent ourselves. America has been there before and will be there again.

In 1814, Britain burned our capitol and marched freely as invaders across our soil.

1861-65, we suffered a terrible Civil War that killed hundreds of thousands of soldiers and as many civilians by shot, sickness, and starvation.

Oh... and the Great Depression. There was violence and riots and long soup lines and mass migrations from people losing there homes and jobs. It couldn't get any worse..

Dec 7, 1942... Pacific Fleet decimated at Pearl harbor...we also lost Wake Island, the Phillipines, even a few of the Aleution Islands... dark days those were.

How about the 1960s..Kennedy killed, Martin luther killed, another Kennedy killed, Civil Rights marches, the 1968 Democratic convention, riots in the streets, the Kent State massacre...

Oh... Watergate, gas lines, retreat from Viet Nam....

Yup... the end was in sight for the USA... couldn't last much longer...tearing apart at the seams.

OK... so the dollar declines and the US is no longer a key plater on the world market. Fine...we will survive.

Now... let's look at the other end of your supposition.

Australia gets in bed with the Chinese or Russians. I suggest a little study in a good historical text covering the history...especially current history.. of both countries.

China has a stellar performance on Human rights, the envioment, work place conditions, encouraging entreprenuership, freedom of thought...NOT.

And Russia has an equally worthy report card in regards to political freedom...

Good luck with your new found mates.

posted on Jun, 17 2012 @ 07:34 AM

Originally posted by Germanicus

The only way for the Reserve to change hands is war or a depression. China wants it. They are actively working toward unseating the USD as reserve. What does that tell you?

They will not play second fiddle. They want the Reserve. Everything changes after that.

I don't disagree that the BRIC nations want the reserve currency changed - they have for some time because they don't want to continue to fund U.S. intervention in or near their own borders.

I'm just commenting on your seeming elation at the prospect of the U.S. economy going down. A U.S. economic collapse will trigger a global depression. Are you ready for that? It may seem exciting to you right now but I guarantee it won't be fun... for anyone - including Australia.

Like I said before... Be careful what you wish for.

edit on 17/6/2012 by Iamonlyhuman because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 17 2012 @ 07:36 AM
reply to post by AlreadyGone

I think America can come back as well. I think its a good thing. I think the Greeks can do it too.

We can only do it if we refuse Austerity though. The banks and corporations think we will live as a slave race. It is better to rise like a pheonix without them.

I think the US Banks have doome dAustralia as well.

When the Us goes so will the rest of us. I think Australia is in the right part of the world and has alot to offer. Whatever happens, Australias future is brighter than any other western nation in an Asian dominated world.

But yeah, I think you can come back. The whole unseating of the dollar will be serious when it happens though.

posted on Jun, 17 2012 @ 07:36 AM
When the USD is unseated the US will be in big trouble and so will the rest of the world. They will not go down peacefully. America was created to be the hammer of the earth. She has one final protocol: self destruct.

posted on Jun, 17 2012 @ 07:42 AM
reply to post by Germanicus

The Euro AND the USD, in my opinion, wont be around much longer. If and when this happens, our floating dollar wont look too flash either. In this scenario (mind you finance is not my strong point) I no longer see a stock exchange in existence but I do see a prolonged, violent war. In other words no money is worth the paper it's printed on. I would hazard a guess at "potatoes for chicken eggs" being part of a near future currency.

posted on Jun, 17 2012 @ 07:42 AM
reply to post by Germanicus

They want the europeans to jump ship and stand behind them. They must be seen as making efforts to help europe. But a collapsed us economy is what suits them best. Like I said, the debt wont go away, it will just become harder to repay.


If the Euro and USD collapsed China and other BRIC countries would stand to lose the most. Who says it's not going to happen and it's not going to be by design.

Global Debt Clock

Global public debt in 10 years has more than doubled. Doubled!

Where is the fake money coming from that produced so much debt? The funny thing about debt, is that it can be (and in some cases needs to be) written off. When things are sold pennies on the dollar because of the circumstances surrounding the situation, there is always a winner and a loser.

The story is far from over, and far from clear for the average observer.

The economy is globalized as another poster mentioned. There won't be a clear cut winner and loser until the dust settles in the case of a collapse. And even if China manages to earn a reserve spot, they will be systematically decreasing the wealth they are holding in other positions.

posted on Jun, 17 2012 @ 07:46 AM

Irresponsible? As much as the great builders in Dubai that spent all the money on giant metaphorical penises in the desert?
reply to post by boncho

Excellent analogy. I always wonderd why so fast & so BIG!

posted on Jun, 17 2012 @ 07:46 AM

Originally posted by Iamonlyhuman

Originally posted by Germanicus

The only way for the Reserve to change hands is war or a depression. China wants it. They are actively working toward unseating the USD as reserve. What does that tell you?

They will not play second fiddle. They want the Reserve. Everything changes after that.

I don't disagree that the BRIC nations want the reserve currency changed - they have for some time because they don't want to continue to fund U.S. intervention in or near their own borders.

I'm just commenting on your seeming elation at the prospect of the U.S. economy going down. A U.S. economic collapse will trigger a global depression. Are you ready for that? It may seem exciting to you right now but I guarantee it won't be fun... for anyone - including Australia.

Like I said before... Be careful what you wish for.

edit on 17/6/2012 by Iamonlyhuman because: (no reason given)

Im not elated.

But I do remember when the Australian dollar was worth 60 cents US. Americans do not know how it feels to have to be responsible about running their economy. Having the luxury of being able to print money because oil is bought in USD is something that the rest of us do not know.

America has failed as superpower and I am glad. I am glad because their government is a jerk. The 'aid' scams are scams and military 'aid'. They have their military all over the world. They cant run their economy. They force unfair Trade 'Treaty' agreements. They boss other nations around and give orders. I am glad that the BRICS are going to take over. I think the United States has done a terrible job. That is nothing personal against american people. But I dont feel sorry for americans either, like I said, I remember the Australian dollar being around 60 cents US. Its not the end of the world. You guys will be ok in the long run. I think there will be hyperinflation if it is just left to hit a brick wall. But even if they get hyperinflation, things will even out. America will just be a middle level nation at best after it loses the Reserve Currency though.

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