posted on Apr, 23 2003 @ 03:39 AM
Since I started becoming interested in conspiracies and the such ( alway had intrests in space and abstract things) Most of them talk about how bad
the world is or that it is much worse than we realise. It's either aliens underground needing our bodies to feed them, save their race, do their
slave work, fight their war etc. Then there is the NWO, Illuminati satanist cults and such, Then there is the world is going to end soon, we will all
day this way or that way or from some disease or war. And we can't forget there is the antichrist is fixing to come to power and we shall go through
revelations. Then there is the lizard aliens enslaving us and there is/was planet X destroying us. Mayan calenders, supossed prophets and all that...
So is the world really as bad as it seems? Is there an elite govt secretly wanting us as their slaves for all of eternity, or is this just creative
imaginations at work, sure there are corrupt people every where but is that just human nature, and free will?
Or is there something deeper, or has all these thoughts been planted and rooted in our minds because of a few creative minds and it spread? I remember
being a kid not worry about anything like that, I'd just look at the sky and smile at night while gazing at the stars. I see the world being worse
than the popular american view on it. I don't think the end of days is near, I just think we need to change a lot of things about earth. Wars are
pointless people need to let go of hatred that they can't even remember why they hate another people. I wish goverments didn't keep things from
their citizens, I wish we were more focused on exploring space. And if infact there is some alien race wanting us as slaves or not wanting us in space
I think our goverments should tell us, teach us, train us, equip us to defeat anything that is a threat to the human race. I rather we die fighting
then go on living as an ignorant slave. Maybe none of this is true and we are all just having negative wishful thinking...
I know I am ranting, but sometimes I just sit back and wonder about everything and nothing all at once.