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China, India, Iran wait to pounce on Afghan riches

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posted on Jun, 17 2012 @ 11:40 AM
reply to post by steve1709

Actually chuck, Bush wasn't the reason we went into Afghanistan, Clinton and his policies were...Bushy just inherited it..much like Obama inherited Bush's economic policies or lack thereof....which still doesn't make the Obamanator any better...actually he did worse than Bush on the economy.

Bush might have been a tard, but at least he knew when to let his cabinet do their job and advise him on the best course of action. Obama is kind of a ball hog and he doesn't like to share.

posted on Jun, 17 2012 @ 11:50 AM

Originally posted by Ek Bharatiya
India has always tried to gain constructive foothold in Afghanistan by building roads, offices, transport etc.


So has the US going back decades as well. Building roads, offices and transports etc etc etc... So, according to your logic, if building roads, bridges, office etc is justification then the US has just as much right as India..



When the Soviets invaded in the 80s they made good use of the many highways, roads and bridges the US built back in the 50s and 60s. They also bombed the crap out of the many schools and hospitals the US built as well.

then I dont know what you would call drone and missile attacks - a genocide perhaps?

I call that Pakistan reaping what it sowed

edit on 17-6-2012 by SLAYER69 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 17 2012 @ 12:30 PM

Originally posted by SLAYER69

Originally posted by Ek Bharatiya
India has always tried to gain constructive foothold in Afghanistan by building roads, offices, transport etc.


So has the US going back decades as well. Building roads, offices and transports etc etc etc... So, according to your logic, if building roads, bridges, office etc is justification then the US has just as much right as India..


It has right..a right which should be supported by Afghanistan to choose whoever it wants to to increase it's trade relations with.

posted on Jun, 17 2012 @ 12:42 PM
What I have learned from this thread so far:

Amerika is evil.
Amerika didn't get any oil from Iraq when they said we did
Amerika didn't get anything for a decade of war In Afghanistan

and China,and India,and Iran are going to get rich of them Iran supposedly being sanctioned, and India just playing the U:S and China off each other, and Pakistan who has been in Afghanistan for decades long before the war with ISI.

Don't know what the hell abu grab has to do with the topic of Afghanistan where they poison school children, and behead people and a list of other atrocities too long to list.

But hey evil Amerika

It's a damn broken record that has never held the meaning out there they want to mean because the simple fact is worse people out there exist.

Just ask Daneil Pearl.

posted on Jun, 17 2012 @ 01:11 PM
The US helps India get their foot in the Afghanistan’s door
India is in Afghanistan working hard making money
India buys over priced military equipment from the US
They need to hire training experts and buy parts for years to come
800 million people starving because of the government that is so gentle they cannot butcher a cow
However, they spend billions on weapons to kill people, all while lining the pockets of the Capitalistic Devils
Thank you very much India your f35’s are just about ready
Why don’t people get the big picture?

posted on Jun, 17 2012 @ 03:07 PM
India buys over price military equipment from Russia and China after all that have their first carrier after they bought one from Russia and slapped a Made in India label on it, and purchase other weapon systems from them as well.

India is no ally of the US.
edit on 17-6-2012 by neo96 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 17 2012 @ 04:07 PM
reply to post by neo96

China is making India nervous
China is increasing defense spending
India needs some quality weapons alls-for-deep-us-india-defence-ties-more-arms-trade-228185

Panetta calls for deep US-India defence ties, more arms trade

Mr Panetta also called on New Delhi to modernise its defence procurement rules and nuclear liability legislation and said the Pentagon would work with Indian leaders to cut red tape and speed up defense sales.

"I think close partnership with America will be key to meeting India's own stated aims of a modern and effective defence force," he said.

The friendship between the world's two largest democracies is viewed with caution from Beijing, where some in government fear India is part of a U.S. strategy to limit China's rise on the world stage. India is spending about $100 billion over 10 years on modernising the military, in large part with an eye on China

Why escalating Chinese defence budget is ALARMING! m/forums/chinese-defence-affairs/17012-why-escalating-chinese-defence-budget-alarming.html

posted on Jun, 18 2012 @ 04:10 AM

Originally posted by LastProphet527
reply to post by SLAYER69

TextChina, India, Iran wait to pounce on Afghan riches

I guess america is rubbing off !

It's more like "American Gangster is rubbing off!" Because it's a whole trillion dollars. That's like a gazillion billion Daddy Mac smacks.
Then there is all that poppy
And cheap ignorant indigenous labor who don't realized their own production worth that Western industrial elites can exploit for pennies on the dollar.

So the plan for the exploiting countries is this:

Rip off their jewels that Afghans have buried under them.

Grow and make drugs in their backyard.

And pimp out the people to the world.

What a score!

posted on Jun, 18 2012 @ 04:16 AM

Originally posted by GrandHeretic
reply to post by steve1709

Actually chuck, Bush wasn't the reason we went into Afghanistan, Clinton and his policies were...Bushy just inherited it..much like Obama inherited Bush's economic policies or lack thereof....which still doesn't make the Obamanator any better...actually he did worse than Bush on the economy.

Bush might have been a tard, but at least he knew when to let his cabinet do their job and advise him on the best course of action. Obama is kind of a ball hog and he doesn't like to share.

News flash

Conservative leaning women are not hot. So don't try be fly.

To be fly you first have to...

Get liberal.

Love Obama.

Then you'll be so hot.

Until then, you can't fly. Because you are not super fly. And you have to be super fly to be HOT.

You Dig?

edit on 18-6-2012 by LilDudeissocool because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 18 2012 @ 05:53 AM
reply to post by LilDudeissocool

LOL you operate under some assumtion that I am conservative.....I am neither Liberal nor put all of your eggs in one basket IMO is petty and the more one clings to a given party or affiliation just proves how they tend to lack depth.

I hate both sides of the fence equally, as for the afore post, just stating a well known fact.

posted on Jun, 18 2012 @ 11:29 AM

Originally posted by SLAYER69

This reminds me of Iraq all over again. The US/West does the fighting and dying while other nations move right in and take the booty. Iraq awarded the largest untapped oil fields to Russia and China now over in Afghanistan we get this report.

I'm sure glad President Kowtow is looking out for America's best interests.
I'd hate to think what a President who wasn't would have done [Or not have done as the case may be]

Your thoughts?
(visit the link for the full news article)

In fairness, if you believe anything 'official', the wars in Iraq and Afghan were to stop Al Qaeda and Bin Laden in response to the 'war on terror', remove Saddam and his threat of WMD and make the region a safer place, so why should we even care if we don't get the 'prize', that isn't what we want to war for!

The irony of this thread is pretty awesome

posted on Jun, 18 2012 @ 12:56 PM

Originally posted by GrandHeretic
reply to post by LilDudeissocool

LOL you operate under some assumtion that I am conservative.....I am neither Liberal nor put all of your eggs in one basket IMO is petty and the more one clings to a given party or affiliation just proves how they tend to lack depth.

I hate both sides of the fence equally, as for the afore post, just stating a well known fact.

Okay, you're a moderate of mixed politics then, a political mulatto.

And you changed your avatar from Super Girl to a spooky Waldo, now my last post makes no sense. Very clever.

posted on Jun, 18 2012 @ 01:08 PM
reply to post by SLAYER69

Sometimes I wonder SLAYER69, If it was possible to drop say (1) 30 ton pure diamond cube and (1)100 ton pure (almost reansparent gold) cube in certain 3RD world like areas of EA*RTH would those areas then become RICH and well of and able to build and then compete with the financial/political games laid out here on EA*RTH by its CURRENT rulers??? Or do you think WARS will be STARTED to OBTAIN these minerals illegally??
Just wondring what you thought and would it help the parts of EA*RTH that seem left in the midst because they are financially broke as countries ect.
edit on 6/18/12 by Ophiuchus 13 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 18 2012 @ 01:51 PM

Originally posted by SLAYER69

China, India, Iran wait to pounce on Afghan riches

Thats all exceptionally good news.

America was there for 10 years and the Afghan GDP per capita has not got above 585 stinkin bucks a year.

I'll bet China India and Iran get the Afghani GDP per capita doubled each year for the next 5 years.

posted on Jun, 18 2012 @ 02:17 PM
reply to post by Rocketman7

February 15, 2003

Global protests against war on Iraq: People around the world demonstrate against the planning of war against Iraq. In Rome one million people take to the streets, in London one million. In Berlin there are half a million in the largest demonstration for some decades. There are also protest marches all over France as well as in many other smaller European cities. Protests are also held in South Africa, Syria, India, Russia, Canada and in the USA, in around 600 cities in total.

You know I love America, I am a Canadian, we are cousins. I have studied American history extensively, and like most people cannot help but look at the great American heroes of the past with awe and admiration.

But when George Bush Jr. launched an attack on an unarmed Iraq, using extreme deadly force, it made me want to vomit.

America will never again be able to wear a white hat. Never again be seen as the good guys in the eyes of the world. You have soooo disgraced your heroes they would burn their citizenship if they were not dead.

These people here in this video?

You disgraced their honor, and made all their sacrifices worthless.

With the Iraq invasion by America, Britain, Australia etc never before has such injustice, and abuse of power been seen on the face of the earth by any evil regime.

You have painted yourselves yellow, forever. I am sorry to say.

How is it possible, that so many otherwise good people, would sell out everything they and their forefathers ever believed in, for a few lousy buckets of oil.

For shame.

posted on Jun, 18 2012 @ 02:24 PM
reply to post by Rocketman7

Oh you mean like Tibet has improved since China has practically taken over? They would be better of dead than be ruled by the reds. DIdnt the russians try this already? I smell a repeat.

posted on Jun, 18 2012 @ 03:28 PM

Originally posted by yuppa
reply to post by Rocketman7

Oh you mean like Tibet has improved since China has practically taken over? They would be better of dead than be ruled by the reds. DIdnt the russians try this already? I smell a repeat.

You know how most civilized people abhor cannibalism, and efforts were made through history to eradicate the practice. The natives were killed and forced to conform and converted and whatever it took to stop it.

Well Tibet has cultural practices that get on China's nerves just like that.

They have all sorts of cultural practices that many people in other countries besides China would call devil worship as well.

So all is not always as it appears.

posted on Jun, 18 2012 @ 03:40 PM
reply to post by Rocketman7

Well I guess I have to put aside my anger frustration and disappointment with America's performance in listening to reason, visa vis Iraq prior to their invasion, so that we can have our little conference. (G20 in Mexico starts today)

I just wanted to make it perfectly clear right at the start whose side I am on.

S.C.O. Stands for Stephen Chris and Osiris, the three sons of Zeus.

And if our dad is on your side, he better be losing some weight, thats all we got to say. Don't mess, with the Muhabeans. (thats the name of our bicycle gang)

G20 begins to grapple with crisis

wht? You never seen a world conference appear before your very eyes before on cue?

posted on Jun, 18 2012 @ 04:12 PM
reply to post by Rocketman7

"Frankly, we are not coming here to receive lessons in terms of democracy or in terms of how to handle the economy," he told reporters.

No thats right, we are here to open a trade route through Afghanistan from the far east. And we should maybe invigorate the Orient Express. Maybe even build more rail capacity.

Greece would benefit from cheaper goods coming into the Mediterranean as well. Syria says that if it can get its merchant navy back in shape, it can ship goods cheaper by 30% as well.

Russia wants to firm up its port presence in Syria and I suggest that a large dry dock be constructed to service the Syrian merchant marine fleet, any Russian ships in need of emergency repairs and also any ships in the S.C.O. which is Russia China the stans with India and Pakistan as observer nations etc.

And the reasons for this should be clear to the worlds leading economists and finance ministers who are at the G20 today. But for the sake of others, it is to level a playing field for countries in the region, which basically have small GDPs per capita.

They need to trade on their own level, since we wealthy countries are not helping them since they cannot afford our goods at this time.

Later once they have some economic growth, then they will be able to trade with us better and that will provide economic opportunities for us as well.

Venezuela, congratulations, (their oil reserves are now the largest in the world)

Which is also good for South America in general which will have a good supply of oil for years to come.

Whats the good news whats the bad news and where are we headed?

I will make another post and give you my opinions.

posted on Jun, 18 2012 @ 04:46 PM
reply to post by Rocketman7

Before I found out last week that while I was speaking here in ATS people had gone back in time, not mentioning any names (Obama) to the beginning of May and declared to the people of Afghanistan, they were withdrawing their troops, I thought that it might be a good idea to let the military stay in Afghanistan.

But I guess I was out voted on that one. In know I know this is not a democracy.

However America and lets include their side kicks in this did some useful investigation in Afghanistan by way of the Geological Survey, and found some means by which Afghanistan might improve their GDP if they had some investment and they have now found some investors as you know.

So thats good news. In fact there is good news all over the region.

Globally, our global economic strategy of a return to supply and demand and a form of capitalism, whereby people have to look for opportunities and try things, and maybe change careers, you know what I'm talking about, is working well. In most places. A non interventionist approach would not be practical, if things weren't stable and growing marginally in the G7 countries.
Where you sit you may not see it, but at the same time trying to maintain slow growth, and not encourage inflation, is often so subtle that you can miss it until it has been around for a while.
If you are for instance worried about your real estate holdings or commercial lease value, you might not agree with me, but if you are a small shop owner who has now secured a reasonable lease, then you would be smiling all the way to the bank.
I don't want to talk about America, because America is doing ok, and squeaking like a squeaky wheel, while having the worlds largest economy and most excessive largess in all forms of luxurious living.

The emerging economies are doing great. On-line sales and the Internet in general is connecting them to markets all over the world. Shipping is fairly quick, except China needs to look at streamlining its processes to speed things up a bit.

But we can help the East by really building a great trade route that will dwarf the Silk Road.

Its true the plans we considered for a pipeline through Afghanistan did not seem practical. A more practical pipeline might be to Iran from China. Notice the direction I said because we would assume the ones with the most ability would create said pipeline. But I am just tossing it out there.

Europe is finished now as you know, finally. What Hitler was unable to do, Greece has managed to accomplish.

I really hope that all the endless stories I see from the EU, is part of our strategy to talk a lot about everything but do very little. You know when you engineer a soft landing, that does not mean you are staying in the clouds.

I know I should have told them it was time to put away the broom and pick up a shovel, when I put an end to tourism worldwide almost overnight.

But seriously, it didn't really hurt did it? That was the second worst Depression, America had ever seen.
We watched it on TV in Canada.

Well anyways, what is the purpose of having such geniuses gathered together in Mexico and elsewhere if I am going to do all the talking. The future looks bright. But don't get excited and rush out there and be irrationally exuberant. You know you want to. Put your money to work for you and build some things.
Its an exciting time in the East. Lots of economic potential.

edit on 18-6-2012 by Rocketman7 because: (no reason given)

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