posted on Jun, 15 2012 @ 10:09 PM
Can you imagine what we as a species could achieve if we stopped fighting over territory's and religion. If we stopped fighting over commodities such
as oil. Fine we should stand up against regimes that oppress us, protest against those who try to drown us out, but why fight each other?
Can we not, as a SPECIES, work together towards a common goal. We all live on the same rock, we all share the same air, the same water, the same
emotions, the same feelings. Hopefully a day will come when we realize how insignificant we are in the grand scheme of things, how insignificant that
piece of land is we are paying for with human life.
Imagine what we could acomplish if the AMericans, Russians, China, Japan joined together, created unimaginable technology, to put humans on mars, to
take man where man has never been before. To make the world a good place for everybody. Until we get past this ridiculous 'power mad' phase this
species will always be known as a species of parasites, take what they can and move on.
What frustrates me is thinking about what we can already do, the true power of the human brain fascinates me and what are we using it for? Nothing,
people who try to do good get shot down and the people who shoot them down get the influence.
Imagine if we wernt spending millions every hour on war, imagine what that money could do in one country alone. Imagine if the man who invented free
energy for all was allowed to prosper, imagine if money in Africa was spent on its people rather than hidden away by dictators.
One day someone with power, someone who people listen to will just stand up and say 'whats the fu_cking point'. 'So what if they have more oil than
us, we will make our own energy form thats even better'.
Just imagine how great this world, our lives, your kids lives could be if the human race wasnt so damn small minded. Just grow the # up please.