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Multidimensional being at your service...

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posted on Jun, 16 2012 @ 06:08 PM
And what about that asteroid really? Is that the final act of this epic drama? Is that what we are going to get from the sky instead of Jesus?

posted on Jun, 16 2012 @ 06:15 PM
reply to post by Rathyas

I understand your skeptic words, for my mouth were once filled with them.

There are two things I define as possible truths.
1. Is when there is a familiar story compared to your own that basicaly slaps your face.
2. The one you see with your own eyes. (but this itself could be misleading because truth ultimately is whats in your heart.

The one thing I learned the hard-way was: , to never dismiss information because logic does not allow understandings to be possible, simply because we were programmed to believe in a certain way. However; in the OP's case, I am familiar with the story. And I would like to hear/read more.

Not all information is meant for everyone. And I think OP was just hoping to connect with people who has gone through similar things.

Surely you can understand that. All it takes is maturity.

Now, one other thing I will say, I used to deal with trolls back when I moderated a website, and I could usually spot a troll rather quickly. Not rocket science to figure out.

But to those who keep bashing the OP, why are you on the defensive? Why not just leave the thread alone if you don't like what is being said? Just ignore and allow others who had similar stories, to take part on the conversation.

It is not logical, to bash something that you do not understand, unless you are a troll yourself.

Just my 5 cents

edit on 16-6-2012 by RisenAngel77 because: (no reason given)

edit on 16-6-2012 by RisenAngel77 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 16 2012 @ 06:36 PM

good luck

sorry im just not sure what else to say to all this. If you believe what you are saying then you are on the precipice of another reality one way or another. If this is a troll post you have gone to a lot of trouble so congrats on that. Which ever it is all I can do is wish you a fun and safe ride.

posted on Jun, 16 2012 @ 06:37 PM
chances are that you will not see this over the flood of replies but i believe i was meant to find this post and in a vain attempt to contact you via the ATS messaging i find my self here typing this very statement. First of all i would like to say that i believe you to the fullest extent because i personally KNOW it is possible to control the reality around you. I too have had paranormal experiences that i cannot explain and seem to know things without having read them anywhere (until after i thought them up. reality just confirming itself.) my issue is that i dont seem to have enough... "power" for lack of a better word. i can do minor things like imagine a small conflict with my parents that happens hours later or have a monologue with myself about a future conversation with my friend or even forseeing the next customer to come in at the gas station i work at. it seems that i have my own consciousness working against me. negative thoughts pop into my head that impede progress towards my long term goals. i cant seem to change my mindstate long enough to have any significant impacts on my surroundings. (aside from my new hobby doing martial arts and my even newer job but it just isnt enough to satisfy.) going back to what i said earlier about how i was meant to find this post i have said in my mind many many times that i "needed help". and i believe that is supposed to be you. i wish to make contact but that is only possible if you happen to see this reply among all the others. today i had a customer tell me never to second guess myself. and here i was about to delete this post just when i thought of him. please help me obi wan kenobi. you are my only hope. i wish to have complete control instead of just extremely partial. : P keeping fingers crossed and waiting eagerly for a reply.

posted on Jun, 16 2012 @ 06:47 PM
reply to post by Myth567

You are not a victim. You completely control your perspective, though whether or not that is "seen" is a different story. And how much it controls you is the subject of thousands of years of exploration.

In regards to something like the conflict between your parents. Are you creating this, or is it simply being "seen" before it happens? We can control our perspective, beyond that, is a question that is up for discussion. Free will may only pertain to ones perspective, which consequently drives our actions, and thus "impacts" the world around us due to our actions.

You can send PMs (U2U's here) when you reach 20 posts.

posted on Jun, 16 2012 @ 06:58 PM

Originally posted by sinohptik
reply to post by Myth567

You are not a victim. You completely control your perspective, though whether or not that is "seen" is a different story. And how much it controls you is the subject of thousands of years of exploration.

In regards to something like the conflict between your parents. Are you creating this, or is it simply being "seen" before it happens? We can control our perspective, beyond that, is a question that is up for discussion. Free will may only pertain to ones perspective, which consequently drives our actions, and thus "impacts" the world around us due to our actions.

You can send PMs (U2U's here) when you reach 20 posts.

it seems i have reached some sucess with my "cry for help." haha i am aware that i control my perspective. its changing it thats hard. though by saying that i am therefore creating it into my reality and maybe now you can start to see my issue. you can probably consider it as both premonition and creating. i have found that everything needs to be imagined before it can be created. (obviously.) and thank you for that tidbit about 20 posts i had no idea you had to do that. it seems silly but i still hope the OP still reads my reply. he must know a bit more than i do in my early stage of "power" lol.

posted on Jun, 16 2012 @ 07:05 PM
reply to post by Myth567

Beware false prophets.


If you think you are both seeing these things happen as well as create them, then that implicates that one can affect anothers free-will without action. I am not so sure this is the case.

What you seek requires discipline. This is referred to as "mindfullness" in many circles. Try to stay focused, not just on a daily basis, but a continuous basis. You can start wherever you choose, the topic of focus is not relevant. What is relevant is that you let it grow to encompass more than just "that," but also "this."

Youll get there. No one can really tell you how, just communicate their own perspective.
The legwork is all up to you.

posted on Jun, 16 2012 @ 07:11 PM
reply to post by RisenAngel77

What a waste of textual space!

All you have to do is read the line "I am the third cousin of Obi Wan Kenobi...sorry! I meant Sir Alec Guinness...the best Obi Wan :-)" to find out you're outright wrong.

Quit feeding so deeply into something that's blatantly humorous and not at all serious like you think.

posted on Jun, 16 2012 @ 07:13 PM

Originally posted by Rathyas
reply to post by RisenAngel77

What a waste of textual space!

All you have to do is read the line "I am the third cousin of Obi Wan Kenobi...sorry! I meant Sir Alec Guinness...the best Obi Wan :-)" to find out you're outright wrong.

Quit feeding so deeply into something that's blatantly humorous and not at all serious like you think.

i am his 3rd cousin, I was trying to be fun thats what life is about...If I must I can get photos to show his grandmother against my mum they are identical!

posted on Jun, 16 2012 @ 07:16 PM

Originally posted by kublakhan11
I didn't choose to be in this situation from my earthly perspective. I love it though. I haven't really spoken much about my experience/s, with the outside world at least. I see it important now though to start to explain where I have come from and what has happened to me.

I have started writing a blog though I am struggling to write my third major post. It seems to me that so many people are dwelling on the past, something that, you are all finding out, has been altered to some extent. I thought it best I deviate rather than continue to bang on about my story and how things are and were; perhaps I ought to produce something that maybe nobody knows about...Yet!

So anyway, my name is Aaron here on Earth. I am an 11th dimensional being and my "higher self" is king of a place in the 11th dimension called Glamoria/Glamuria.

I seem to know...stuff...without having read anything! i can take people to see things and make people see things (long story, maybe a post there).

I am the third cousin of Obi Wan Kenobi...sorry! I meant Sir Alec Guinness...the best Obi Wan :-)

I have been head hunted by the Freemasons, offered to receive Tao from a Tao master, followed by unknown strangers and all sorts!

I would love to say I am normal but I am not! I have stopped trying and so here I am!

Please read my blog as I need all the help I can get! I should have done this a long time ago but better late than never huh?

Peace and love to you all
Ah (

posted on Jun, 16 2012 @ 07:19 PM

Originally posted by kublakhan11
A few things I would like to raise:

Firstly Glamoria is what I have named it from here, it's a beautiful place reminiscent of what is told in Colleridges Kubla Khan.


posted on Jun, 16 2012 @ 07:20 PM
reply to post by kublakhan11

Also, were you the "clear" 11th dimensional being peeking through my window last night, because I thought I was visited by the 9th dimension...just asking.

posted on Jun, 16 2012 @ 07:20 PM

Originally posted by sinohptik
reply to post by Myth567

Beware false prophets.


If you think you are both seeing these things happen as well as create them, then that implicates that one can affect anothers free-will without action. I am not so sure this is the case.

What you seek requires discipline. This is referred to as "mindfullness" in many circles. Try to stay focused, not just on a daily basis, but a continuous basis. You can start wherever you choose, the topic of focus is not relevant. What is relevant is that you let it grow to encompass more than just "that," but also "this."

Youll get there. No one can really tell you how, just communicate their own perspective.
The legwork is all up to you.

perhaps i was just creating it then. i seem to have better results when i try and create rather than foresee. unfortunatly i am not smart enough to explain my thoughts properly. (damnit i did it again.) sometimes i wish i could just die and ascend to a higher dimension already so i can play around with a multitude of realities because i am getting quite bored of this 3d body with limited power. i require more! i want to shoot lightning and fly around damnit! all jokes aside i do appreciate the advice and will have lots of time to think over this little chat and i do believe it will help change my perspective a bit for the better. so thank you.
i have never spoken openly about my "findings" until today.

posted on Jun, 16 2012 @ 07:32 PM
reply to post by RisenAngel77

Very mature post brother, I'm glad to see your wisdom and sincere self again

Much love J

posted on Jun, 16 2012 @ 07:32 PM
What a coincidence. I have found if I take enough pharmaceutical grade jelly beans I too become a multi-dimensional being, epic

posted on Jun, 16 2012 @ 07:41 PM
reply to post by Myth567

My perspective is that you were seeing what has already happened. Time is a funny thing, in that way. No reason to go more in depth here though.

To gain true power, in the way it is seen, one must first have the proper foundation to build upon. Thats the tricky part, as to all things physical, the only constant is change. However, I do not feel we are strictly physical. Though, everything from thoughts, emotions, etc. stem entirely from physical systems (the brain). They may be representative of "reality," and are part of what they see, but do not encompass Truth in totality.

This "3d form (sic)" has much more to it than you may realize! The grass is always greener on the other side. "Your cup is already full and its bound to overflow." It is in realizing the process itself, rather than the results, that stability seems to be gained. Ive said it before, but what you seek is already "there" and "here," hiding just outside of your perspective. Kind of like the rock in ones shoe when hiking. It doesnt seem to be there until we step on it.

Others words can be used at lighthouses, but we must steer the ship ourselves. There is beauty in that.

All the best.

posted on Jun, 16 2012 @ 08:12 PM

''So anyway, my name is Aaron here on Earth. I am an 11th dimensional being and my "higher self" is king of a place in the 11th dimension called Glamoria/Glamuria.

I seem to know...stuff...without having read anything! i can take people to see things and make people see things (long story, maybe a post there).

I am the third cousin of Obi Wan Kenobi...sorry! I meant Sir Alec Guinness...the best Obi Wan :-)

I have been head hunted by the Freemasons, offered to receive Tao from a Tao master, followed by unknown strangers and all sorts!

I would love to say I am normal but I am not! I have stopped trying and so here I am!

Please read my blog as I need all the help I can get! I should have done this a long time ago but better late than never huh? ''

Such wisdom...
Cool story bro.

edit on 16/6/2012 by JustEve because: (no reason given)

edit on 16/6/2012 by JustEve because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 16 2012 @ 08:52 PM

Originally posted by votan

Originally posted by Reddupo
Another thread written by somebody claiming to be different, more powerful, more privileged, more divine, more enlightened, .etc

We're all the same, OP...

I am the most divine, most powerful, most privileged and more enlightened than all of us...

I disagree!

posted on Jun, 16 2012 @ 08:56 PM

Originally posted by votan
Isn't the 11th dimension the one where all the socks that go missing in the dryer go to??

I have lost many a sock in the dryer....

posted on Jun, 16 2012 @ 09:00 PM
reply to post by kublakhan11


my hand is cupping my face at the moment im sorry.

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