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Would you be in FEAR if an alien species came to EA*RTH to modify current EA*RTH inhabitants DNA?

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posted on Jun, 14 2012 @ 01:18 PM
reply to post by Ophiuchus 13

I don't agree with that.

historically, as a species, we react rather badly in the face of anything radically new.

posted on Jun, 14 2012 @ 01:31 PM
reply to post by Ophiuchus 13

I most definately would not be afraid in fact I have been expecting it for a very long time ... reading your OP I would have to say that you and I seem to be on the same page as far as human seeding is concerned ... I have not seen either of the films but they sound very interesting ... I have had thoughts about our DNA being upgraded for many years and some of us have already had what I call our 'trigger-genes' upgraded ... you might enjoy the things I have written about all this in some detail ... or not whatever the case might be;

The Atlantean Analysis


posted on Jun, 14 2012 @ 01:33 PM
I have to think on it for a bit. But I wouldn't be the first one that is for sure. I live to far north and too few people to be noticed at first.

posted on Jun, 14 2012 @ 01:35 PM
reply to post by woodwytch

what are "trigger genes", briefly?

posted on Jun, 14 2012 @ 01:39 PM

Originally posted by aaaiii
reply to post by woodwytch

what are "trigger genes", briefly?

Rather than derail the OP's thread just check-out the link I provided it's all there.


posted on Jun, 14 2012 @ 01:39 PM

Originally posted by Chrisfishenstein
reply to post by Ophiuchus 13

Hey O....Another quick question not related (so I think) to this thread.

Why do you spell Earth (EA*RTH)?

See post above its related to me just acknowledging they were possibly here.

Originally posted by Chrisfishenstein
Back on topic here......I thought about it a little more and maybe I would be a little afraid.

I am thinking about if (like the movies) they pretty much scour the Earth (EA*RTH) for all inhabitants and make them do this, I think I would be afraid for my families lives! I would want to protect them with all of my being, so I think I would have some fear I couldn't do that!!

If they offered the choice, I would choose not to....If they forced everyone, I would try to hide.....

I understand you on this as well I am a father of 2 so for them I CARE also AND DONT WANT THEM TO DAL WITH SUCH DEEP SITUATIONS. The choice though what if its related to EA*RTH being about to change and you me our families must go elsewhere for EA*RTH would be unsafe for some UNGODLY REASON LIKE THE REAL 1Z WHO CARE NOT ENTERING THIS ZONE WHO ARE THE REAL 1Z MANY FEEL SOME ARE WHO MAY BE THE UPGRADERS- MAYBE BEING UPGRADED FOR PROTECTION AND NEW ENVIRONMENT. I wont assume to far but I get what your saying I think the same way when considering the DUMBS built and how my family ALREADY WONT be able to ENTER them but others will. So with having the mindstate that IF SOMETHING GOES DOWN I know me and all I love will be locked out 1 tends to think deeper about the balances that govern us all here on EA*RTH. 1 hopes its not something the children would have to face but im no high ranked official and even if I was I would feel bad as ever knowing im ok wihtin a dumb with other families kids and adults and KNOW others families KIDS AND ADULTS ARE STUCK OUTTHERE ALONE SO IM AN OUTSIDER ALREADY EVEN W/O KNOWING WHAT FULLY COMMING. Sad isnt it, but what do you do cry and whine for not being allowed into a possible safe zone or try to figure out MORE what may be going on on my own. Oh and again thanks for your time know your a busy individual

edit on 6/14/12 by Ophiuchus 13 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 14 2012 @ 01:41 PM
reply to post by Ophiuchus 13

I can understand this as well but look @ the human collective and how it consciously dreams or imagines these images shown within movies. Movies like AVATAR (HUMAN SOUL TRANSFERINTO NEW BODY DONE ARTIFICIALLY INSTEAD OF GENETICALLY). THE MATRIX (HUMANS CONSCIOUS TRAPPED WITHIN A HOLOGRAPHIC WORLD WHY THERE REAL BODIES LAY ASLEEP) just some human examples of how it DOES cross the human mind. SO I considered how would an ET do the something similar to AVATAR and this is what just makes me wonder is there more to the human genetice evolution agenda...

This is not just for planets like earth, but this is how ETs do it too. They behave like avatar, they create hybrids or AI suits that are suitable to large amounts of systems, ie. various types of greys, or mainenance workers, and then go further and fine tune it even more as needed for hybrid suits to operate out of. Sometimes needed because they require more density, and sometimes because they require less, as this is school and there are many grades/densities. Greys have amphibian, reptilian, plant and humanoid dna, so they kind of are very universal in their tolerances.

For those who think that God wouldn't let them do such a thing, well, if the universe could be compared to a school, then we'd have roughly half of them working for their own goals, and willfulness, and half of them doing the work they came to do and caretaking the vineyards would be part of it.

But we need to stand up for what is right, equality, beauty, happiness, joy, love, and abundance, for all, along with positive ways to learn lessons and grow.

posted on Jun, 14 2012 @ 01:44 PM
reply to post by knowledgedesired

knowledgedesired, thanks for your input
Reminds me of a human trying to go into sleep CRYO sleep without his body????? Its been within the human collective to upgrade so why not elsewhere and also WHO PLACED THAT WITHIN US ALL* POSSIBLY. THE CREATOR OF ALL* ENERGIES

Originally posted by All Seeing Eye
You guys just crack me up, and I love you. But you do know this is a attribute, not to some dark evil but to something I wish I had more of. Ahh, anyways.....

The Idea of a "Alien race" showing up and offering to, well, the very fact that they show up is revealing enough, but if they offer to, as you put it, change our DNA, well, it would be easier if instead of enhancing it, just return it to where it is suppose to be in the first place, would be acceptable.

That makes sense but you must also question WOULD BEING RETURNED BACK TO THE OLD BODIES SUPPORT LIVING IN TODAYS WORLD??? I dont think the old bodies would just as from the Fukushima/GOM effects on the world will change it I dont think the current bodies will support life to well under the conditions unless cleaned.

Originally posted by All Seeing Eye
And another thing, if and when they "Show" themselves, it would be very helpful for them to move the human heart in a very emotional way, and to vibrate it. This way all of the heart will know from within, the intent.

Blink, blink......blink.....

YES I agree, it will help if they ARE compassionate to how the human emotion has evolved and reacts to certain experiences.

edit on 6/14/12 by Ophiuchus 13 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 14 2012 @ 01:44 PM
reply to post by Ophiuchus 13

Yeah I saw the post about them possibly being here.....But I guess I am still confused, maybe just don't understand....

Can you explain it to me a little better?

I don't see where the EA*RTH comes from even when mentioned that way.

Thanks in advance buddy!

posted on Jun, 14 2012 @ 01:44 PM
Who say "the unknown" are not already doing it whatever they are. For those that have experianced things that are very out of the normal reality. Change do not frighten me so it depends on what they are telling me. If they are advanced then they will know the stupidety of hurting other souls.

posted on Jun, 14 2012 @ 01:56 PM
reply to post by Chrisfishenstein

the EA is familiar, but the RTH escapes me.

posted on Jun, 14 2012 @ 01:58 PM

Originally posted by Chrisfishenstein

Originally posted by aaaiii
reply to post by Chrisfishenstein

what if it was god who wanted to do the upgrade? would you do it then?

Why would god want to "upgrade" something that is already perfect?

You might not see your life as perfect, but look deeper! Brain function, blood flow, eyesight, movement....etc

Think about how perfect human beings are (physically) not mentally!! Our body and bone structure and functions are completely perfect for something rediculous like evolution to be true! It would take Trillions of years for an advanced civilization to come from a form of animal.....More likely scenario is that evolution of humans is not possible.

But to answer your question, god would not want his perfect creation's to get a different body than what he made for us.

I don't agree fully. This body is nice and have a few cool features that are hidden that you can discover and it can change a bit to become much more low maintanance. But still the body it is very limiting and small and the processing power of the mind is a bit low and the memory recollection is not so good. The effort that is needed to push even the overhead understanding of technical system is a bit high. Im waiting for an usbport that i can upload the books straight info the brain for direct access. Or maybe the option to read and understand books while I sleep.

posted on Jun, 14 2012 @ 02:01 PM

Originally posted by aaaiii
reply to post by All Seeing Eye

holy carp, do you want to be an ape again?

Am I not still and ape? Im not sure leaving the tree was a good idea.

posted on Jun, 14 2012 @ 02:06 PM
reply to post by apushforenlightment

amen to the usb port. maybe then i'd understand advanced math!

posted on Jun, 14 2012 @ 02:12 PM
reply to post by apushforenlightment

I see what you are saying here apushforenlightment......But think of it in terms of God creating everyone.....

If there was absolutely nothing on this earth (civilized anyways), the body and physical ability of a human being is beyond imaginable in relation to anything else....

Sure there are some things that could be improved now-a-days, but the body in full and a human is perfect.

Your mind tells your body what to do, your body fights viruses and bacteria......Your arms and legs move the way you want them to......Your brain not only thinks, but has a memory card!! You can retain information and speak with your vocal chords.....You have blood flowing to every important part of your body at all times.....

Your organs all work together to create a perfect harmony......Everything in total is perfect....

Are there things that could be improved on? Yes.....But the body is a perfect machine created by the perfect god......

Sorry this is all in my own opinion of course, but everyone's body works the same way, so I guess not just in my opinion now that I think about

Do you see where I am going with this?
edit on 6/14/2012 by Chrisfishenstein because: (no reason given)

edit on 6/14/2012 by Chrisfishenstein because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 14 2012 @ 02:16 PM
reply to post by Chrisfishenstein

as long as there is room for improvement then we have not achieved perfection, and I don't think god wants us to because then we'd be him.
edit on 6/14/2012 by aaaiii because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 14 2012 @ 02:23 PM
reply to post by Chrisfishenstein

post by Chrisfishenstein
Bring on the "PROOF" buddy.......Rain it on me......And good luck with that one by the way

Ok , and this is on topic as it deals with our DNA .

There is a lot more out there if you care to look but you've made it quite clear your mind is fixed .

post by Chrisfishenstein
Let the crickets start chirping now!!

I can hear them ... can you

posted on Jun, 14 2012 @ 02:29 PM

Originally posted by aaaiii
reply to post by Chrisfishenstein

as long as there is room for improvement then we have not achieved perfection, and I don't thing god wants us to because then we'd be him.
Agreed. Well, divine, anyways. But yes, it would ruin the fun in life. It would ruin the adventure, the challenges, and the rewards. You have the Evil matrix of lies and control, and you have the Divine Matrix plan of adventure and learning, living. There must always be a question, so that you can search for the answer. Otherwise, there is no point for the human eye, or body.

posted on Jun, 14 2012 @ 02:44 PM
reply to post by gortex

You can't evolve anything non civilized into advanced civilization without the assistance of advanced civilization being present...

No matter the arguement, you can't start out with a monkey and teach the monkey how to speak or think for itself without something teaching it.....

There is no arguement for evolution without something more advanced LETTING (that animal or whatever you want to call it) something else learn from it.....

There are tons more debates of people trying to "prove" evolution and all of those debates are 100% unsuccessful every single time....

So say what you will about evolution my friend, but the fact of the matter is......You are believing something someone else tells you, I find god for myself and have a great standing relationship with him....

I hope you can do the same one day!

posted on Jun, 14 2012 @ 02:44 PM

Originally posted by Unity_99
We're in a duality school, and there are sides here. Earth and its inhabitants have been up and down, I believe this is a downgrade right now.

I personally just want all my memories back and to go home, or hopefully graduate to another level sometime soon, and be with Family, in far more perfect form, and with my soul mate who I feel is waiting and my children, who have visited, the veil lift. If there is ever a change while I'm here, concurrent to my lifetime of these suits, I'm not sure they would feel comfortable approaching me because I 've seen some of the suits we see here, that are cosmic and already wonder why so many men or male energy beings are having too big a say, deciding what shapes and forms others should be in, because I have some pretty high standards, that are both intelligent and loving and beautiful for all. Female enegy doesnt do function over form, but knows everyone needs to feel good about themselves, a gift to self and others, all the time, and that what is good for our psychology is needed, our spirits, and beauty is equally important to function.

So I hope all the female energy on this planet is going to speak up stridently and that the cosmic beings will be ducking and dodging a bit, instead of doing whatever they please.

I understand what you mean Unity_99 about males having too much a say. But you have to consider FEMALES have played just as important a part. If I am reading what you mean you are relating the male influence to the strength of males over females ect. But just because males are or MAY be physically strong that does not mean the females are not strong in other ways for instance its the FEMALES who carry the bloodline traites. I dont know if thats because the males were or are hypothysised to leave the family and when hunting may lose their lives so the females were picked as the genetic conduit for the gene tracking. So again Unity_99 the female aspect is important. Not to mention there MAY be QUEENS out there in the cosmic family who control entire HIVES like those seen or depicted in the SERIES "V". I do feel you though you would like for there to be a more balanced layout as far a sthe female and male interactions here and you never know Unity_99 I even read somewhere about human males being chaned int females which may increase the potential for inbreading between other species and humans. Like turning all the males of a sphere into females so they can be mated with like the watchers did or were said to of done in the past here....

Originally posted by Unity_99
After a friend shared his experiences with what was a black op, abuse of women and children and using them as slaves, for their programs, I've already stood out under the stars shaking my fists at everything and telling them to let women and grandmothers run the show so everyone can be happy, and children safe.

And I am 1 who has no prob. with male female co op. interactions to guide any. I do see the males have a seemly more control I say seemely because ask any hetrosexual male (would he go to rok everyday if he had no family or wife/lady to take care of. Sure they MAY work but maybe to the minimal, but add in the family life and wife/lady and then you see how powerful the FEMALE influence really is.

True kingship, claimed Enki, progressed as a matrilineal institution through the female line, and by this right of descent Enki maintained that he was the first born of the royal succession.”

“I am the great brother of the gods.

I am he who has been born as the first son of the divine Anu.”
See LORD ENKI would not of been given EA*RTH control if it was not for his mother. There is much importance to the females influence so never feel less then or doubt that.


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