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Possibilities for extermination of the human race.

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posted on Jun, 13 2012 @ 08:40 PM
reply to post by watchitburn

Well, maybe my scenario wouldn't hurt undeveloped nations, but it would change a lot. I'm not sure I would call it "enthusiasm" though, I have no desire for such an event to happen, just pointing out how easy it would be.
edit on 13-6-2012 by SilentKoala because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 13 2012 @ 08:41 PM
I've been saying it for a long time. Monsanto makes seeds for only one season right. You cannot harvest the seeds from their product in order to replant. Once they have created enough GMO crops and the world is dependent on them which is probably already the case, the answer to your question becomes simple. Just cut us off and it will not take long. The crops they create feed most of the livestock we consume as well, it would be a dominoe effect that crumbled in just a couple of seasons. I created a thread on this subject as well recently,HERE if you want to check it out, I talked about it in more detail and got a few replies.

posted on Jun, 13 2012 @ 08:53 PM
reply to post by Quauhtli

If they completely shut off the food supply it would cause mass starvation and conflict. However history tells us that it would reach a point at which the remaining masses would unite against the tyranny, begin to regrow a viable food supply and become communistic. The attempt would be devastating but would not end all life.

The flaw in your theory is assuming they could eliminate all non GMO seeds.
edit on 13-6-2012 by coven83 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 13 2012 @ 09:02 PM
One #2 Ticonderoga yellow pencil. Made from real wood, not that compressed sawdust crap. Work at night. Aim for the eyeballs and fleshy parts of the throat, or up the nostril. Take em down one by one... Carry a 6" pocket knife, for sharpening of course. Maybe one or two backup pencils, in case one breaks off in their eye socket to a point where its too short to use.

posted on Jun, 13 2012 @ 09:49 PM
reply to post by Quauhtli

While you bring up a great topic in GMO seeds. I don't think Monsanto's goal is total extermination.

But your thread looks very interesting and I will definitely read it.

reply to post by 3n19m470

I'm confused by your tactics.
edit on 13-6-2012 by watchitburn because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 13 2012 @ 09:59 PM
Okay, I reread your post, it seems that I misunderstood a bit the first time through. I'll start by rescending my previous post as well. This is s scary subject to think about, let alone talk about in a public forum, but I'll bite.
The Science fiction thinker inside me can't help responding. The scary part of thinking through this, is, at this point, I think it would be impossible to get rid of us all without completely destroying the planet in the process. If we all decided now to just jump off it would take a thousand years of every man woman and child cleaning up our mess before we could leave a habitable planet behind for the rest of the living creatures. That being said... and I am sure that you are just doing this little exercise to stretch your own sci fi imagination....

Nano virus comes to mind first. Something that could lie dormant inside of plant and animals alike, but once inside of the humans body would become active and break us down from the inside out. Something that could multiply on it's own using proteins or something like that as an energy source, and so could exist in other living organisms without causing harm.

This may be the beginning of the next zombie apocalypse novel, I feel it coming on.

What exactly is the budget for this little scenario? I don't believe that you could reach into all of the corners of earth on a small budget. But for a few billion, maybe the Haarp could be used to find some frequency that only reached the human brain and clogged our cognitive abilities. But you would have to turn the volume up really high. There are a lot of brain dead procreating idiots out there already, some of them could probably fly under the wire.

I sure hope you are looking for the beginning of a book though, if it gets ugly in here I might have to take back my flag...

posted on Jun, 13 2012 @ 10:13 PM
reply to post by Quauhtli

Huh, that is a very interesting idea, Nanobots.

Actually it is kind of similar to a Novel I read not too long ago. "77 Shadow Street" by Dean Koontz. I don't want to spoil it for anyone, but it was pretty good.

As far as the budget, let's say you could invest $10,000 a year over the next 50 years or so.

posted on Jun, 13 2012 @ 10:48 PM
If a person was really smart and spent a lot of time thinking they could cause a few changes that would cause a few more changes etc... until within a few years a major war or collapse of the global economy occurred killing off a high percentage of the people.

Or you could just wait because it will eventually happen anyway. We will be fighting over cheap water within fifty years, our fossil fuels will be depleted within fifty years, The land is getting burnt out and needs a long time to recover so food shortages will start occurring anytime in the next few years. All these things turn into war and with our weapons it will not be a minor war.

If you want to accelerate this happening, fight environmentalism, getting many people involved, and it will cause a rapid acceleration of the famine and war and help make sure that man kinds populations drastically decrease quicker.. Sure the other species will also be severely depleted but they will recover faster once man and his destructive ways is basically gone.

A few ideas anyway.

posted on Jun, 13 2012 @ 11:33 PM

Originally posted by Quauhtli
Okay, I reread your post, it seems that I misunderstood a bit the first time through. I'll start by rescending my previous post as well. This is s scary subject to think about, let alone talk about in a public forum, but I'll bite.
The Science fiction thinker inside me can't help responding. The scary part of thinking through this, is, at this point, I think it would be impossible to get rid of us all without completely destroying the planet in the process. If we all decided now to just jump off it would take a thousand years of every man woman and child cleaning up our mess before we could leave a habitable planet behind for the rest of the living creatures. That being said... and I am sure that you are just doing this little exercise to stretch your own sci fi imagination....

Nano virus comes to mind first. Something that could lie dormant inside of plant and animals alike, but once inside of the humans body would become active and break us down from the inside out. Something that could multiply on it's own using proteins or something like that as an energy source, and so could exist in other living organisms without causing harm.

This may be the beginning of the next zombie apocalypse novel, I feel it coming on.

What exactly is the budget for this little scenario? I don't believe that you could reach into all of the corners of earth on a small budget. But for a few billion, maybe the Haarp could be used to find some frequency that only reached the human brain and clogged our cognitive abilities. But you would have to turn the volume up really high. There are a lot of brain dead procreating idiots out there already, some of them could probably fly under the wire.

I sure hope you are looking for the beginning of a book though, if it gets ugly in here I might have to take back my flag...

Lol. Funny you should mention that. Check out this story I posted earlier today.

posted on Jun, 14 2012 @ 02:50 PM
reply to post by watchitburn

Very interesting thread I like it. So the budget is 50k, is there any other restrictions or rules?

posted on Jun, 14 2012 @ 05:56 PM

Originally posted by HumanitiesLastHope
reply to post by watchitburn

Very interesting thread I like it. So the budget is 50k, is there any other restrictions or rules?

Oh, there are no rules at all.

The budget is very flexible, we are just talking the average person here. Obviously most people don't have millions of dollars to build a death ray on the moon.

posted on Jun, 14 2012 @ 07:52 PM
Lots of nuclear waste. Disguise it as something harmless and ship it into places where people congregate en masse. The radiation will cause much sterility, as well as death.
edit on 14-6-2012 by EllaMarina because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 14 2012 @ 08:26 PM

I mean how could someone who is not ridiculously wealthy affect an event or series of events that would bring about the end of humanity? Could it be done?
reply to post by watchitburn

what kind of budget are we talking about? I like to fantasize, but my fantasies usually include unlimited funds

edit on 14-6-2012 by ScatterBrain because: wanted to make sure I added "fantasize" in my post lol

posted on Jun, 14 2012 @ 09:03 PM
reply to post by EllaMarina

That is one that has not been brought up yet.

For maximum effect, maybe if it was finely ground, and spread about with crop dusters?

posted on Jun, 14 2012 @ 09:10 PM

For maximum effect, maybe if it was finely ground, and spread about with crop dusters?
reply to post by watchitburn

maybe converted into aqueous nano-droplets?
edit on 14-6-2012 by ScatterBrain because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 14 2012 @ 09:12 PM
'life allways find's a way' .
you can't kill human's.
op i dont know what youre fantasy's are, but but human life is at the top of the tree, untill the sun burns out humans will allways be here.

posted on Jun, 14 2012 @ 09:28 PM
There is no possible way for one person, even a small group of people, to bring about the complete extinction of the human race without a huge amount of money.

I also believe there is only ONE way to bring about the complete extinction of the human race.

Total nuclear war won't work. Yes, we could kill off a vast majority of the population, and leave the rest of the world highly radioactive for a long time to come. But that won't cause us to go extinct. There are 7 billion of us on every corner of the globe. Millions upon millions would still be alive. After a short while, radiation to the point of causing quick death and sickness wouldn't be an issue. Mutation and long-term issues like cancer would then become the main issue. Leaving plenty of time for people to reproduce before succumbing to cancer-related deaths. Think about the fact that scientists believe the human population, in the distant past, went through at least one "bottleneck" where there were only a few tens of thousands breeding women alive. And from those few thousands we now have 7 billion.

War won't kill us all of either. It's just impossible to hunt down and shoot or blow up every single person on the entire planet, or hunt down and shoot enough so that we can't recover our numbers and repopulate the planet.

A total economic collapse would no doubt kill millions, POSSIBLY even 1 billion people depending on how bad things got. But such a collapse would get nowhere near causing our species to go extinct.

You already said we can't use a large comet/asteroid or anything like that. So that leaves us with one thing left...

A virus. This would have to be a very specific type of virus.

It would have to be airborne. Capable of surviving for a LONG time in the air without a host. It would have a long incubation period before killing the host. You would have this virus for 10 years before you actually get sick. There would have to be NOBODY on the planet with any sort of natural immunity to this virus. There was also have to be no chance of making any sort of treatment or vaccine for it. In addition, every single animal from birds to fish would have to be a carrier for this virus, if not actually affected themselves. It would also need a 100% mortality rate.

I think this type of virus that I just described would be the only way to cause extinction of the human race, aside from a massive comet or asteroid strike that is. The long incubation times mean that people are traveling all over the earth spreading this virus for years and years before anyone gets sick. All animals being carriers means that even some isolated tribes and what not in certain areas of the globe could still catch it from migrating birds or other traveling animals. Being airborne obviously helps transfer this virus as you don't need to touch people or things, you can get it just walking around and breathing.

So after this virus is first released, it spreads around the world unknown. There is no vaccine. No treatment once you get it. It spreads, and spreads for years. Until then people start getting sick. Everyone that gets this virus dies, without any chance. Everyone is infected, and everyone dies. Nobody is naturally immune, as I said before.

Because of the specifics involved I believe this would have to be a man-made virus. And making such a virus is not going to be cheap or easy, which is why I said no one person, or small group could do this without a LOT of money and backing.

Still, even with such a crazy virus as I just described, I still don't know if it would be possible to cause the whole human race to become extinct.

posted on Jun, 14 2012 @ 09:44 PM
reply to post by James1982

Thanks for your input, that was very well thought out.
I think you are probably right. It might not be realistic for a single person to end the human race.

After reading through all these posts and thinking about it, I believe that it would require a combination of catastrophic events. Maybe all out global nuclear war in conjunction with a super virus such a you described?

posted on Jun, 14 2012 @ 09:46 PM
reply to post by ScatterBrain

You mean aerosolized?

reply to post by lacrimosa

Nothing is impossible, maybe extremely unlikely, but not impossible.

posted on Jun, 14 2012 @ 09:49 PM
reply to post by watchitburn


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