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Europe is imploding right now in front of you

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posted on Jun, 14 2012 @ 04:02 AM
reply to post by amongus

there is a financial collapse underway in europe. if this scares you I am sorry. would you prefer if we all just pretend this is not happening?
edit on 14-6-2012 by lacrimaererum because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 14 2012 @ 04:04 AM

Originally posted by fictitious
Does the moody rating reallly mean anything anymore anyway? It's been a waiting game for a while now. Nowwww they are "downgrading" several countries that should have been "downgraded " long ago.

Society is falling apart....and you know what? We probably all deserve this. This monster is "our" creation. Tick tock.

Forget this! How can you dare say that? Most of us had NOTHING to do with this crap! I sure didn't run up their bills! I didn't make the laws! I was practically born into this crisis because it was planned so far long ago. The game was in the process of being over a long time ago.

I do the most I can to prevent this, but the reality is that the aware citizen is a very small minority. We can't wake people up, either. I've tried. Many have tried. THey don't care. They are the ones who deserve what's coming for being ignorant. Don't blame people like I who try to gather support for this thing called reality. Everyone is living in a damn fantasy land until they are taking handouts for food because their money is worthless!

posted on Jun, 14 2012 @ 04:04 AM
Spanish 10-year yields gone past 7% - level is unsustainable

Italy is up next.

posted on Jun, 14 2012 @ 04:12 AM
When the dikes finally do break I hope everyone is near high ground.

The flooding could be biblical.
edit on 14-6-2012 by Azdraik because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 14 2012 @ 05:39 AM
Is there a place on Earth now where strife isn't occurring?

Seems like the entire world is going through some tough times.

posted on Jun, 14 2012 @ 05:41 AM

Originally posted by Agarta
I am beginning to wonder if the Olympics being held in London this year will boost enough revenue in such a short period of time that they may make it out okay.

That's a common misconception... Olympics have a tendency to ruin economies instead of boosting them. Far too much money spend on facilities which will not be used after the whole deal is over. Look up previous hosts and see how much debt they have accumulated... it's staggering.
The only thing the Olympics are good for is the commitee and the tv ratings.

posted on Jun, 14 2012 @ 06:08 AM

Originally posted by flice
That's a common misconception... Olympics have a tendency to ruin economies instead of boosting them. Far too much money spend on facilities which will not be used after the whole deal is over. Look up previous hosts and see how much debt they have accumulated... it's staggering.
The only thing the Olympics are good for is the commitee and the tv ratings.

Greece is a perfect example.

posted on Jun, 14 2012 @ 06:13 AM

Greek banking stocks have jumped more than 20% amid talk that secret opinion polls show that pro-bailout parties are likely to win at the Sunday election, which would confound most people's expectations. Greek law bans the publication of opinion polls in the two weeks leading up to an election.

Panagiotis Kladis, analyst at NBG Securities, told Reuters:

The market sees that a pro-European government which will push ahead with reforms will be formed on Sunday.

Our Athens correspondent Helena Smith reported yesterday that anger had given way to fear in Greece.

Not sure what to make of this yet. Could be straighforward and the fear is going to provide pro-bailout parties with a win. News like this could anger and motivate more people. Most lightly kind of propaganda too.

posted on Jun, 14 2012 @ 06:21 AM
I'm very concerned that in the midst of economic crisis and down turns they're going to call the war and the economy is going to recover like ww2. And its all a huge artificial game they are playing with people.

posted on Jun, 14 2012 @ 06:33 AM
does it really matter what value bail out each country gets ?

I mean, if you only have £1 or $1 and you need to buy food at £100 or $100 and you cant afford it, it really doesn't matter how much bailing out you need.

It's all fictitious fiat money anyway.
It only makes difference to you or me when we need help (or taxed to death).

posted on Jun, 14 2012 @ 07:19 AM
i have to wonder if the JP Morgan losses...from a CEO declaration of only $2billion... is an ongoing saga because their CDSwaps were focused on the PIIGS in Europe..

it JPM hedged a bunch of derivatives & swaps on Greece in this instance... JPM might just need to be writing down anywheres from $3-7 billion
but JPM holds some $2Trillion in customer cash so even a $7billion loss is chump change
(the top execs will get their outsized bonuses regardless)

so as many on the thread already stated... this Euro malstrom will quickly bring the whole global finance system into the eye of the storm...wit: JPM & unknown others.

posted on Jun, 14 2012 @ 07:55 AM
I don't post as much anymore as what I frequently use to post as indicators of possible financial collapse is now becoming reality. Got my popcorn.

posted on Jun, 14 2012 @ 08:16 AM

Originally posted by amongus
Yep...same BS that members here on ATS have been spouting for over two years.

Fear. Monger.

Guess proving your lack of brains makes you feel good? Or does it?

As I have been saying, this is an enforced crisis, if I go to a bank, get money and then dont give it back, I face serious trouble. I cant understand how they can "bail out" the banks, but not hold the bankers responsible when 40bn € goes nowhere "bailing" the banks. A perfectly engineered crisis I say.

posted on Jun, 14 2012 @ 08:58 AM
Greece will leave the Euro.

The Greek people will not be slaves to austerity measures handed down by Germany.

In time the whole European Union will collapse Spain next followed by Italy. Once that happens the effect will be felt in America thus creating most civil liberty's to be taken away and a collation of country's will then form "Dare I say it" NWO

I have no facts but a educated guess

posted on Jun, 14 2012 @ 09:12 AM
Why would a bailout make a difference?... Borrowing money to pay debt never helped anyone did it?....

posted on Jun, 14 2012 @ 09:32 AM
Most likely scenario is a split-europe. With a Nordic Euro, and a mish-mash of "old" currencies in Greece, Italy, Spain and Portugal.

The PIIGS Need their old currencies back so they can inflate their way out of the quagmire they got themselves in by making tax-dodging national hobbies.

Is it a rwal solution? No, not really, not as long as "debt" is the motor of the financial scams that make the rich even more wealthy especially when crises hit.

If there is a financial crisis, the first thing to do is to watch the politicians, NOT the markets. Politicians will, invariably, use the panic on the markets ad a smoke-screen to force-through all kinds of nastieness. Merkel's latest statement was about as big and red as a warning-flag can get....

posted on Jun, 14 2012 @ 09:35 AM
The vulture debt buyers never helped anyone either and they shouldn't call them vulture because vultures only eat what's truly dead.

We've got a world wide legal system that keeps everyone in the bondage that is debt and I can't see an out unless there IS a fight.

The situation is sad and people are still pro-bank pro big corp, wanting to put 100% of the blame on the little guy.

Well, I'm not a right winger and I'm not an OWSer, I just like people and I know that people make mistakes and I don't want to see them get squashed like bugs for it. That's wrong.

Some of these big bucks with the big money and the big land and the big resources are going to have to decide that they've got enough and cancel some debts.

But corporations are NOT people and they'll never decide to do that. People might choose to cancel debts, big corps never do, because they are not human. They just sell them to vultures that eat countries or people while they are still struggling but breathing.

I hope if we have WWIII it is against the big hydra headed corporations - not all of them, but funny how the monsters' names just keep coming up.
edit on 14-6-2012 by hadriana because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 14 2012 @ 11:11 AM
People seem to forget it is a World Economy its a pack of cards all resting on another and when one goes they will all go

The Euro zones problems are but a tea party compared to that of the US

posted on Jun, 14 2012 @ 05:42 PM

Originally posted by surrealist
I don't post as much anymore as what I frequently use to post as indicators of possible financial collapse is now becoming reality. Got my popcorn.

You're going to need a lot more popcorn. What will you be eating when your money buys almost nothing?

People joke about this. I find it offensive. It's almost as if people take it lightly. I realize you can say you're just joking. I don't find it appropriate for some reason.

posted on Jun, 14 2012 @ 05:54 PM
Mike Whitney predicted the effects of the $100 billion bailout for Spain's banks extremly accurately 2-3 days before it happened

Sure, it’ll keep the markets bubbly until mid-week when fears of the Greek elections set in, (June 17) but that’s about it. It won’t fix the eurozone’s underlying problems, in fact, it doesn’t even address them. The narrow purpose of the bailout is to keep insolvent banks propped up to avoid another Lehman Brothers-type catastrophe. That’s it. In other words, the 100 billion will not boost competitiveness, spur growth, reduce unemployment, or increase fiscal and political integration. It doesn’t do any of these things, in fact, Spain’s debt-to-GDP ratio will widen even more due to the new burden its leaders have taken on. That means, Spain’s working people will have to endure even harsher conditions for a longer period of time to repay the obligations assumed by Madrid. How does that help?

The same rule applies to borrowing costs. The bailout doesn’t ensure that yields on Spain’s debt will fall or that the ratings agencies won’t continue to downgrade its banks and sovereign bonds. (which will make borrowing more expensive) In fact, adding 100 billion to the country’s debt load will probably trigger more downgrades, lowering Spanish debt to junk status. Finally, the bailout will not stop the slow-motion bank run that’s seen 100 billion euros exit Spain in the last year. (How’s that for symmetry?) The country is borrowing the exact same amount that it’s lost due to the flawed architecture of the eurozone which does not provide blanket guarantees on deposits.

He always seems to be on the ball throughout this whole crisis since 2007, more than anyone else I have read.

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