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Depopulation is probably the answer. Let’s face facts however as unpleasant as they be. What are t

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posted on Jun, 13 2012 @ 07:50 PM
The population will fall dramatically, you can bet on it. How and why is still in question. I read somewhere a while ago that if our population keeps growing at the current rate, and given that when we need to leave earth it becomes possible. Say for instance one out of every two suns in the Galaxy has a habitable planet the size of earth, and every other galaxy in the known universe has the same amount of habitable planets. It would take us about how long to fill up the universe with 20 billion humans on every planet...

Wait for it...

About a thousand years.

On the other hand, once TPTB has us right where they want us, they'll slam the doors on Monsanto and most of us will be gone by winters end. Is this a bad thing? Not for mother earth it's not. We have polluted and exploited her beyond recconing. Some of the damage we have caused her will be paying off for tens of thousands of years. Get an education in environmental sciences, nuclear technology or waste management. Get to know some of the global elite, or find a tucked away mountain somewhere in the southern hemisphere and you may be spared long enough to see it all go down, and find an oasis to raise your children.

posted on Jun, 13 2012 @ 08:01 PM
This video needs another bump.

Originally posted by benrl

edit on 13-6-2012 by benrl because: added vid

posted on Jun, 13 2012 @ 08:19 PM
I agree, we do most certainly have a population problem on this planet.

I am currently in the middle of a thread that is discussing how the worlds population problem might be solved here.

Please stop by and contribute.

posted on Jun, 13 2012 @ 08:27 PM
reply to post by 00nunya00

Thanks a lot buddy, I just chewed the toe off my flip flop while watching the video. Good thing I wasn't wearing my dirty work shoes... I could watch Ted vids all day, thanks for sharing. I guess the facts I read are outdated now. I can sleep a little better at night. But watch out once we figure out how to get into space,,, it'll be procreation nation buddy.

posted on Jun, 13 2012 @ 08:30 PM
I know a way to depopulate. Just have every country seal and defend its country's borders and make each country feed their own population. If they can't, tough s***.

posted on Jun, 13 2012 @ 08:34 PM
Depopulation is vile and evil. Anyone who entertains the idea of decreasing population is truly denying the dignity of life. Depopulation=murder.

People are good. The earth is good. More people =more inovation, civilization, art, love, music and joy.

Fewer people =more work per person, less innovation, less happiness and less art.

The more the merrier!!!!

This video was very odd to me...I did not understand why the audience applauded when more women had fewer children. Think of a family you know with 3 siblings....they are applauding the idea of that third person not being born! Can you imagine any thought more heinous than that? I wish you were never born? pure evil.........
edit on 6/13/2012 by Missing Blue Sky because: added comment

posted on Jun, 13 2012 @ 08:38 PM

Originally posted by Missing Blue Sky
Depopulation is vile and evil. Anyone who entertains the idea of decreasing population is truly denying the dignity of life. Depopulation=murder.

People are good. The earth is good. More people =more inovation, civilization, art, love, music and joy.

Fewer people =more work per person, less innovation, less happiness and less art.

The more the merrier!!!!

Globalism and unregulated immigration are encouraging overpopulation. Quality of life and standard of living have an inverse relationship with population density.

posted on Jun, 13 2012 @ 08:44 PM
reply to post by tucker81

No...I disagree. True human satisfaction does not come from material wealth. It comes from human connection.

posted on Jun, 13 2012 @ 08:49 PM
Just increasing education will help most of those birth rate problems. Look at japan and europe and the U.S. Smart people don't keep having babies because they seek to provide a good life for each of them and understand contraceptives. Where are large families common? Slums and rural farming communities where more kids=more hands.

posted on Jun, 13 2012 @ 08:53 PM
reply to post by TDawgRex

Maybe you could explain how over population is causing you trouble, real trouble, not just inconvenience. You have just argued for the death of your friends and family, and I assume, yourself.

In order for us to fully understand your point of view, it might be helpful to explain why killing your friends, family and yourself is going to help you and your life.

If you are trying to make the case that we need to kill "those problem people" then there is no discussion at all, many have done this: Stalin, Pol pot, Mao, and those are just in the 20th century and the effect was in no way beneficial to the common man - you.

posted on Jun, 13 2012 @ 08:55 PM

Originally posted by OhZone
So some of you think that the human population should just keep on growing.


For those of us now existing, how exactly do even more people provide some advantage?

And there are those of you who think that because all 7 billion could be fitted into some sort of sardine can, that that proves we are not overpopulated....Shame on you. Use you brain. Ask yourself it you would like to live like that - if that is what you are implying.

And there are those who keep saying this Should be done, that should be done etc. But you have no idea of how these things can be brought about.

And you keep harping on Food, water & power. Which so obviously is a real problem, even today.
NO ONE, NOT ONE OF YOU even mentioned garbage disposal, and sewage disposal. This is a HUGE Problem TODAY!!!!! Fecal matter takes a certain amount of time to degrade.
In the meantime,
ALL of Earth's water is polluted with human and animal fecal bacteria.

I'm dead-set against war. It causes suffering and makes existing problems worse. No one has to be eliminated; they just have to stop reproducing at rates faster than natural death occurs.
I'm all for mandatory sterilization of the poor and the masses in 3rd world countries who are today wallowing in their own excrement as we speak. In the short term chemical birth control seems to be a must, as the sterilizing process takes time and there are not enough people to do it.

As to potential geniuses being among the aborted - that is just more fallaceous thinking.
I think some of you must live in a bubble. Come out and take a look at the Real world.

Hitler saw a population problem too and decided that only the superior race should survive. In the 60's was a book called "The Population Bomb keeps ticking" (Searched for it but only newer editions were found) and yet who was paying attention? I read it and knew the problems and saw the exponential curve yet I didn't have 12 kids and 45 grand-kids like some I knew.

The problem is one of morality as much as anything and I grew up in that free-love era of the 60's. People didn't think about sex for procreation but for pleasure and who denies themselves of sexual pleasure? That mindset of what pleases me is ok - so what if a third world population needs to be genocide controlled right? Just luck of the draw and geographical location of birth

You ask about waste and yet what is being disposed of? Organic waste as in food scraps and for the most part, paper, plastics, glass, and metal containers yet recycling is slow to catch on. Then the fecal waste is a problem yet fecal waste generates not only nitrates for soil enrichment but gives off gases like methane that can be used to run generators and yet we are just taking a natural supply of waste that can be used efficiently and instead we dump it in the water, but it isn't the buried waste that contaminates ground water as it goes through a natural filtering process before it reaches those artesian spring depths.. Fecal matter isn't radioactive which IS what is destroying resources far worse than sewage.

If you really believe that the poor should be sterilized because they didn't have opportunity then the next step is to eliminate the old and infirm and Hitler wanted to do that too.

Who decides who is worthy? Skin color? IQ ? Strength or endurance for working? You are going down a slippery slope in mandating death to some when that judgment will be passed on to you as well some day.

But of course the Georgia guidestones is your rule of thumb because the ones who were fortunate enough to have it all are laying selfish claim to the planet and they haven't proven themselves worthy of management otherwise EDUCATION would have been foremost in their thinking. In your mind aborting unwanted is ok... not in my book as I know every life has a soul.

The problem isn't the number of people, the problem is the number of cold-blooded and heartless people. If you had a heart and know the problem you wouldn't be so quick to satisfy your lusts at the expense of needing to kill off continents worth of beings who with education could be the very ones who make scientific breakthroughs in all fields of endeavor.

Perhaps you can reconcile it within your spirit... that is what lack of empathy for others does for you but in the end, you reap what you sow and if mankind is so easily discarded because of circumstances of geographical birth then where are you going to move to when other nations decide that your nation should be removed as well? All about resources right?

This population bomb has been ticking for decades and only now are people waking up?

Perhaps we should just let them kill off 6.5 billion of us and let them have what is left... they will only have themselves to turn on next and afaic I would rather be poor and dead than guilty. God knows all hearts and minds.
edit on 13-6-2012 by anoncoholic because: correction

posted on Jun, 13 2012 @ 08:55 PM

Originally posted by Missing Blue Sky
reply to post by tucker81

No...I disagree. True human satisfaction does not come from material wealth. It comes from human connection.

I think you are partially correct. Some countries have managed to maintain quality of life despite high population density. One example is Monaco. Necessary ingredients for maintenance of quality of life with increasing population density are a well educated population, an effective and efficient government and fairly even wealth distribution.

posted on Jun, 13 2012 @ 09:02 PM
reply to post by TDawgRex
This is how you think when you grow up with constructed main stream lies filling your head.

This planet could sustain a trillion people easily! what needs to change is our ways of living and technological use of our environment.

Who keeps suppressing us so the depopulation argument has ever so slight merit albeit karmic death :S ? The Rockefellers the Rothschild and all there other NWO, Illuminati scum friends.

Wake the fu*k up and don't dare spread that specific thought. That idiotic logic is toxic!.

Do you know how many patents of free energy devices and healing devices and methods have been suppressed?

We live in a slave society. Have the owners convinced you we need to kill each other. How primitive...... Open your mind bro.

I am very disapoint with you

edit on 13-6-2012 by Mandrakerealmz because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 13 2012 @ 09:02 PM
reply to post by 00nunya00

Mentioned was the Gates foundation. Any wonder why the rich can promote control? It is because of greed and even Prince Charles made a famous quote that he would like to come back as a virus. How many off-spring do the rich have? Perhaps they should sacrifice their money into farmland and promote growing crops and not just monopolize everything for the sake of their bank accounts? If food were plentiful there would be no money in it though.

People don't want to sacrifice their own comfort and if you live in a comfort zone of apathy towards others you are sub-human and are no better than the animal kingdom where survival is one of the fittest. Hopefully the fat and lazy won't become expendable too otherwise all these high-rollers would start wondering when their time is up.

posted on Jun, 13 2012 @ 09:05 PM
Hypothetical question:

If there is a group of people, and you want to give them all a hat, but there isn't enough hats to go around, what do you do?

I would say produce more hats. The elitists would say start cutting off heads, along with the whore media and every liberal trendy cheering them on. Figure it out.

The globalists figured it out decades ago, that the biggest threat to their monopoly of power is a large and diverse population of critical thinkers. This is why so much has been done to keep third world nations in a constant state of underdevelopment, while convincing the masses of the west that the most important thing in the news is Justin Biebers new haircut.

Don't be a useful idiot for the establishment.
edit on 13-6-2012 by Konduit because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 13 2012 @ 09:06 PM

Originally posted by Mandrakerealmz
reply to post by TDawgRex
This is how you think when you grow up with constructed main stream lies filling your head.

This planet could sustain a trillion people easily! what needs to change is our ways of living and technological use of our environment.

Who keeps suppressing us so the depopulation argument has ever so slight merit albeit karmic death :S ? The Rockefellers the Rothschild and all there other NWO, Illuminati scum friends.

Wake the fu*k up and don't dare spread that specific thought. That idiotic logic is toxic!.

Do you know how many patents of free energy devices and healing devices and methods have been suppressed?

We live in a slave society. Have the owners convinced you we need to kill each other. How primitive...... Open your mind bro.

I am very disapoint with you

edit on 13-6-2012 by Mandrakerealmz because: (no reason given)

This Care Bear speaks the truth.

posted on Jun, 13 2012 @ 09:07 PM

Originally posted by Mandrakerealmz
reply to post by TDawgRex
This is how you think when you grow up with constructed main stream lies filling your head.

This planet could sustain a trillion people easily! what needs to change is our ways of living and technological use of our environment.

Who keeps suppressing us so the depopulation argument has ever so slight merit albeit karmic death :S ? The Rockefellers the Rothschild and all there other NWO, Illuminati scum friends.

Wake the fu*k up and don't dare spread that specific thought. That idiotic logic is toxic!.

Do you know how many patents of free energy devices and healing devices and methods have been suppressed?

We live in a slave society. Have the owners convinced you we need to kill each other. How primitive...... Open your mind bro.

I am very disapoint with you

edit on 13-6-2012 by Mandrakerealmz because: (no reason given)

I think you are right to distrust the motivation behind all the recent concern for overpopulation. Although I think people would be happier overall with less population density, I suspect the rich people just want more of the earth for themselves and want to kill most of us off so they can have more of it.

posted on Jun, 13 2012 @ 09:12 PM
Who has the right to make these decisions??? Because once you decide that - there is no going back.

Say Goodbye to your Granny! Then once we're used to that idea - Say Goodbye to those with disabilities! Then ......... and I could go on. I'm sure many of you could easily add to the list.


In my book it should be GOD!

Then we need to ask - Who carries it out?

Just when a lot of the world has banned capital punishment - we decide to kill off the truly innocent instead.

posted on Jun, 13 2012 @ 09:45 PM
Even if the earth does become overpopulated, nature will take care of it. just like any species that becomes overpopulated.

posted on Jun, 13 2012 @ 09:47 PM

Originally posted by Missing Blue Sky

This video was very odd to me...I did not understand why the audience applauded when more women had fewer children. Think of a family you know with 3 siblings....they are applauding the idea of that third person not being born! Can you imagine any thought more heinous than that? I wish you were never born? pure evil.........
edit on 6/13/2012 by Missing Blue Sky because: added comment

You're not going to find much support for your Quiverfull BS here. Yes, having 3 children as opposed to 8 is *usually* preferable not only to the mother who has to bear and care for them, but also for the screaming Earth in her local area that cannot support the extra 5 and the extra 5 each of them will have and so on and so forth.

We don't all want to be Duggars. Wanting to have only 1 or 2 or 3 kids as opposed to "however many God will bless us with, dontcha know" is not heinous, it's a personal choice. You don't get to judge anyone but yourself and your choices. Take care of your own log.

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