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the Theory of Global Peaceful Unification

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posted on Jun, 20 2012 @ 10:42 AM
The drive for Global Peaceful Unification is embodied by the increasing cooperation and dependency between governments.

posted on Jun, 20 2012 @ 11:24 AM
reply to post by sld6397

I hope they pay you well .

posted on Jun, 21 2012 @ 03:58 AM
Unification can potentially lead to a single Global Government representing everybody with certain jurisdictions and responsibilities. The amount of cooperation, dependency responsibilities and power of such a body can be used a benchmark to measure the unification ratio.

posted on Jun, 21 2012 @ 11:11 AM

Originally posted by sld6397
Unification can potentially lead to a single Global Government representing everybody with certain jurisdictions and responsibilities. The amount of cooperation, dependency responsibilities and power of such a body can be used a benchmark to measure the unification ratio.

Give it up shill . You can't be that stupid ! Those jurisdictions as you call it would be Fiefdoms and if you made it through their massive population reduction you would be owned . The Banksters that are bringing about this one world government and global money are not your friends . These greedy bastards and their minions are thinking only of themselves . You would be no more than Chattel and just as disposable . Then you cam give up your computer ,phone , car , air-conditioner personal property , right to self determination ,healthcare and a future .
You have not studied exactly whats going on in this global thing . You will find that you are the enemy ,terrorist , useless eater ,blight on the earth that is raping the earth and if you are lucky in the end a common serf . I don't care how much they are paying you tying the knot for your own hanging is not smart .

posted on Jun, 21 2012 @ 11:53 AM
People inherently know that the most stable and peaceful societies are segregated along cultural lines. It's harmonious. What have we had since globalism has been preached? Two world wars and a coming third. Even in the USA and here in the UK, tensions are rising as forced immigration of dissimilar cultures are brought in. For centuries both have been melting pots whereby the immigrants have blended in and accepted our lifestyles and morals. No longer. And tensions are rising as a result when immigrants refuse to adopt the ways or practices or faiths of the nations into which they go. We are different! Many differences should be recognised as good things instead of the "evil" that Satan and his hoards preach. Globalisation will not be utopia under men who think that they are gods. And don't believe that they'll all be arrested and imprisoned, for if that is sold on the public, it means that even worse are to come.

posted on Jun, 22 2012 @ 12:06 AM
• Globalization: Economy, culture.
• Common threats: Terrorism, oil crisis, greenhouse effect, etc.
• Technology and standards
• International Organizations: United Nations (UN), World Trade Organization (WTO), European Union etc.

posted on Jun, 22 2012 @ 12:29 AM

Originally posted by sld6397

• Globalization: Economy, culture.
• Common threats: Terrorism, oil crisis, greenhouse effect, etc.
• Technology and standards
• International Organizations: United Nations (UN), World Trade Organization (WTO), European Union etc.

The very things that will bring down your standard of living and imprison you are ;
Globalization ;Lowering your living standards to that of the Chinese and Middle East
False Flag Terrorism perpetrated on you by the NWO to take away your rights and enslave you
The advanced technology that will spy on you and keep you in step with the NWO
International Organized governmental agencies that will force your compliance with out any escape
People like the one trying to put forth this Guideline to your enslavement .

posted on Jun, 24 2012 @ 12:10 AM
• Nuclear weapon developments: e.g. North Korea, Iran, etc.
• Polarisation: e.g. between islamic and western world.
• Human nature: distrust, envy, hatred, anger, fear of different cultures
• Nationalism
• Balance of Power: Influential nations are very reluctant to give away power
• Religion
• Hard to manage and coordinate: Micromanagement still needed and what architecture to use?
o Unification is more the question of what issues should be 'world' issues. And what other issues are less important, and can be governed locally.

posted on Jun, 24 2012 @ 03:34 PM

Originally posted by sld6397

• Nuclear weapon developments: e.g. North Korea, Iran, etc.
• Polarisation: e.g. between islamic and western world.
• Human nature: distrust, envy, hatred, anger, fear of different cultures
• Nationalism
• Balance of Power: Influential nations are very reluctant to give away power
• Religion
• Hard to manage and coordinate: Micromanagement still needed and what architecture to use?
o Unification is more the question of what issues should be 'world' issues. And what other issues are less important, and can be governed locally.

Are they paying you good to sell your own family into this enslavement you are pushing . How does it feel to betray the love of your own family .If you like this Global Government life you are pushing go to China and live . You will get your fill quick . You should check out the Aaron Russo film where he talks about this wonderful NWO from Nick Rockefeller .

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