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Interesting Theory I've Come Up With

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posted on Oct, 5 2004 @ 01:27 PM

Originally posted by Drew Da General
That's what cracks me up about mankind...they think science proves everything.

Totally agree with is crap! The world went to a scientific era after the middle age and it kept goin on...people forgot that spirituality exist! No we are into scientific AND materialism era...we are getting further from our goal


posted on Oct, 5 2004 @ 01:29 PM
Ameila just your avatar you?

posted on Oct, 5 2004 @ 01:31 PM

Originally posted by Drew Da General
Ameila just your avatar you?

It's Monica Bellucci, the actresss from Matrix movies and Passion of the Christ.

posted on Oct, 5 2004 @ 01:31 PM

Originally posted by Amelia

Originally posted by Drew Da General
That's what cracks me up about mankind...they think science proves everything.

Totally agree with is crap! The world went to a scientific era after the middle age and it kept goin on...people forgot that spirituality exist! No we are into scientific AND materialism era...we are getting further from our goal


yes,society is more and more centered on materialism and money

posted on Oct, 5 2004 @ 01:35 PM

Originally posted by mpeake

Originally posted by Drew Da General
Ameila just your avatar you?

It's Monica Bellucci, the actresss from Matrix movies and Passion of the Christ.

Yeah...It's monica...I look like her A LOT, that is why I ALWAYS use her pic to represent me...and she's an intelligent woman! She is somethin'!!!!


posted on Oct, 5 2004 @ 01:39 PM
Good call.I am quite the movie buff but i couldn't recognize her because the size of the pic.Good eyes there.

posted on Oct, 5 2004 @ 01:45 PM

Good for you that you look like Monica Bellucci! Dang. OKay, not drooling anymore.....

Science is not crap. It made be stubborn and too skeptical at times, but don't throw science into the toilet because of a few loud, annoying voices out there. Eventually I believe all the metaphysical stuff you rely upon will be explained by science and not destroyed by it. Just a thought.

posted on Oct, 5 2004 @ 02:30 PM
Assuming that aliens do have superior technology and can travel across galaxies in a matter of seconds. My point still stands. WHY? Why would anyone, human, or otherwise continually research a race, using sporadic research methods, over a period of 50 or more yeras? There is no logic of any kind in doing that. It is also very unreasonable to say that aliens have highly advanced technology but no sense of logic. Both go hand-in-hand together.

posted on Oct, 5 2004 @ 02:43 PM

Originally posted by Der Kapitan

Good for you that you look like Monica Bellucci! Dang. OKay, not drooling anymore.....

Science is not crap. It made be stubborn and too skeptical at times, but don't throw science into the toilet because of a few loud, annoying voices out there. Eventually I believe all the metaphysical stuff you rely upon will be explained by science and not destroyed by it. Just a thought.

Sorry....Science is good in a way, true, but we cannot find ALL the answers in science like a lot of people think! Science has a lot of theories that can be untrue....I did not want to offend anyone saying it's crap, it's my opinion...I'm more into unexplained than "trying to prove with science and not sure"


posted on Oct, 5 2004 @ 02:44 PM

Originally posted by ElvishSolution
Assuming that aliens do have superior technology and can travel across galaxies in a matter of seconds. My point still stands. WHY? Why would anyone, human, or otherwise continually research a race, using sporadic research methods, over a period of 50 or more yeras? There is no logic of any kind in doing that. It is also very unreasonable to say that aliens have highly advanced technology but no sense of logic. Both go hand-in-hand together.

Where is the logic for us to explore the moon, Mars, our solar system? Because it's there and we can do it...that's pretty much it. Trust me, if and when we are able to travel across the galaxy for no good reason, we will. Why? Because we can. Why do the aliens need a specific reason for traveling here, but we won't need one to search beyond our planet?

posted on Oct, 5 2004 @ 02:50 PM

Originally posted by ElvishSolution
My theory on alien life is as follows:

1. Aliens, intelligent aliens, do exist. It is ill-logical to believe that in the entire vastness of the universe, humans are the only intelligent beings.

2. The majority, of (if not ALL) UFO sightings and 'abductees' are fake.

In regards to #2. you may find yourself asking Why? Well, quite simply put, if YOU had the ability to fly anywhere you wanted in space, within a resonable amount of time, would you fly all the way to Earth just to pick up humans, and do weird and unusual experiements and tests to them? Likely the answer you will come to is no. The reason I think this, is because if the alien species in question is anything like the human race, they would attempt to establish contact, and not play practical jokes on humans.
Praise? Flames? Comments please.

oops i only want to talk about your last snetence. they may not want to talk to us because even if we are a very intelligent species that would be in comparison of us talking ot our dogs. NA dif they were very smart they'd realize that most people on earth would freak out if they realized aliens came to earth.

[edit on 5-10-2004 by MacKiller]

posted on Oct, 5 2004 @ 02:55 PM
I agree with your general idea, but with the amount of reported abductions, I don't think that can be written off so easily. Enough of it is and has occurred that something beyond crackpots and needing attention must be happening. I think a hard look at the causes and effects need to be analyised. If it were just a few, or all of the abductions occured while the abdutee was asleep or about to fall asleep, I would blow it off. My concern is more to the persons such as Travis Walton, who was abducted in front of witnesses, or more recently a woman in Australia who was also abducted in front of witnesses and found several hundreds of miles from her home, two hours later. That's the kind of abduction that should be taken more seriously.

posted on Oct, 5 2004 @ 06:59 PM

and I agree that, if we accept that these putative aliens are bound by the same general rules of logic and physics as we know about, the chance of them actually having visited us is extremely small. Of course, there are a lot of people who try to explain the �sense� of their being here by assuming they are ��A space faring race that can make near-instant travels, via wormholes or dimensional gates�� [Indigo Child] which means that we now have to make another assumption: that such things as wormholes or dimensional gates actually exist.

The assumption need not be made. As their existence, for a few, is known, and for many is proven. There are many unknown aspects of our universe, that we cannot explain, such as consciousness, does that mean I should stop writing to you, because it is only my assumption you are conscious?
You ignored one other possible scenorio I conjectured; stationed on a nearby planet or moon(or indeed here) therefore not violating the current fundamentalist laws of physics.

On superluminal and advanced physics. Cutting edge quantum physics: superstring theory, non-locality, quantum entanglement. As well as the now heavily studied, researched and demonstrated psychic phenomena, give ample reason to believe in the existence of more dimensions. Again, the very fact that you are conscious, and there is existence, despite the laws of logic and physics, is more reason.

Further for me, and other spiritualists and psychic alike, the truth of my spirituality, the universal consciousness and the nature of space-time is even more proof for other dimensions.

Assume a 5th dimension for me; the quantum dimension. All matter and energy is a vibration of a certain frequency. All around us, there is energy and matter that cannot be percieved in our perceptions of 3D space. They cannot be perceived, because they are either infra or ultra frequency; infra-red, ultraviolet, x-rays. We can only perceive them when we can synchronize with their frequency. In the same way, certain particles fluctuate in a quantum vacuum, called virtual paticles, periodically manifesting from emptiness and then disappearing. Again, we can only percieve them when we synchcronize with their frequency.
Now try and envision an whole vibrational continum, where matter, energy and mind exist on various levels of the quantum dimension. If for instance, there is a universe existing on the next quantum level, then to travel to it or from it, would require a shift to the right or the left of the vibrational continum. Thus making a dimensional gate a very plausible possibility.

I am not asking you to believe this, because I cannot prove this to you. In the same way you cannot prove to me you exist. However do you really think it is far-fetched based on our current laws of physics.
The phenomena of warping space-time by gravity and high concentrations of energy has it's roots in physical science, relativity. Thus wormholes become another theoretical possibility.

Well, I think that�s kind of an ingenuous argument. It�s like saying, �Well, maybe they�re using magic. Sure. They could be using magic. If you postulate a class of critters that doesn�t play by our rules of logic and physics, than anything is possible. But if that�s the case, why even debate the issue. If you don�t start of a discussion by agreeing on some basic principles, then the argument goes nowhere.

"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic" - Arthur C Clarke

I think we can both agree, that the alleged ET's, are more advanced than us technologically. What does advanced technology mean to us? To the club-weilding stone age man, advanced technology is a sword. To the sword man, advanced technology is the gun. To the gun man, advanced technology is the laser. Now who are we relative to the ET's in technology, the stone age man, the sword man, the gun man, or the laser man?

The laws of logic and physics are constantly changing, what would have been impossible yesterday, becomes possible tomorrow. We do not advance without some lunatic(Newton, Einstein, Tesla) coming along and shattering our current models of the universe, otherwise my friend, we would not be discussing warp and dimensional travel today, we would be discussing the bull and the cart. Can you accept that there are many aspects of your observable universe that science cannot explain? If you can, then you're on your way to enlightenment.

I am an ex-skeptic, ex-atheist, and ex-scientist. If I wasn't, I wouldn't have been a spiritualist today. For me, science and logic was like one of the Zen koans, what is the sound of one hand clapping, in making me realize it's inadequacy. The differences between a scientist and spiritualist are two:

1. A scientist explains; a spiritualist experiences.
2. A scientist looks outside-in; a spiritualist looks inside-out.

As for magic; I see magic and do magic everyday, with every breath I take, and every thought I have.

Elvish solutions: I will say pretty much the same as before. What you deem to be illogical, maybe logical to them. Laws of logic are determined by us, and by our own laws of logic, the universe becomes illogical, and so do we. So by being logical we are being illogical. So let's not be illogical.

[edit on 5-10-2004 by Indigo_Child]


posted on Oct, 5 2004 @ 10:14 PM
If you had a time machine and there were no laws saying you can't do this or that and it couldn't effect your situation, would you just leave it alone? If the military or even you "could" visit cave men/women, would you, why or why not? I would.

Or, if we could go see the greys, who wouldn't? Maybe they have Elvis up there, J/K.

posted on Oct, 6 2004 @ 06:42 PM
You try to hard through Science to prove things you must use logic and common the sense the answers are the simplest the one's you always overlook. Example if you ask a small child what color is an apple the child would say red if you ask a scientist they might say well that depends there are different type apples and different colors when the simply answer is red. We are trying to hard to look at this scientifically and intelligently but you must remember they made the answers simple.
We are considered a stupid species because we use little of our brain we are to them as animals are to us.

posted on Oct, 6 2004 @ 07:14 PM
All those who are fond of positing "theories," please regard the following:


"Humans construct theories in order to explain, predict and master phenomena (e.g. inanimate things, events, or the behaviour of animals). In many instances, it is seen to be a model of reality. A theory makes generalizations about observations and consists of an interrelated, coherent set of ideas.

"A theory has to be something which is in some way testable; for example, one can theorize that an apple will fall when dropped, and then drop an apple, to see what happens. Many scientists, but not all, argue that religious beliefs are not testable, and thus not theories, because they are matters of faith.



"There are two types of theories; a supposition which is not backed by observation is known as a conjecture, and if backed by observation it is a hypothesis. Most theory evolves from hypotheses, but the reverse is not true: many hypotheses turn out to be false and so do not evolve into theory. [Hypotheses are expressed as a relationship between variables, e.g., if this, then that. Grady]

"In common usage a theory is often viewed as little more than a guess or a hypothesis. But in science and generally in academic usage, a theory is much more than that. A theory is an established paradigm that explains all or many of the data we have and offers valid predictions that can be tested. In science, a theory can never be proven true, because we can never assume we know all there is to know. Instead, theories remain standing until they are disproven [sic], at which point they are thrown out altogether or modified slightly.


Further explanation of a scientific theory

"Theories start out with empirical observations such as �sometimes water turns into ice.� At some point, there is a need or curiosity to find out why this is, which leads to a theoretical/scientific phase. In scientific theories, this then leads to research, in combination with auxiliary and other hypotheses [link deleted] which may then eventually lead to a theory. Some scientific theories (such as the theory of gravity) are so widely accepted that they are often seen as laws. This, however, rests on a mistaken assumption of what theories and laws are. Theories and laws are not rungs in a ladder of truth, but different sets of data. A law is a general statement based on observations.

"Some examples of theories that have been disproved are Lamarckism and the geocentric universe theory. Sufficient evidence has been described to declare these theories false, as they have no evidence supporting them and better explanations have taken their place.



"Often the statement "Well, it's just a theory," is used to dismiss controversial theories such as evolution, but this is largely due to confusion between the scientific use of the word theory and its more informal use as a synonym for "speculation" or "conjecture." In science, a body of descriptions of knowledge is usually only called a theory once it has a firm empirical basis, i.e. it

[a.] is consistent with pre-existing theory to the extent that the pre-existing theory was experimentally verified, though it will often show pre-existing theory to be wrong in an exact sense,

[b.] is supported by many strands of evidence rather than a single foundation, ensuring that it probably is a good approximation if not totally correct,

[c.] has survived many critical real world tests that could have proven it false,

[d.]makes predictions that might someday be used to disprove the theory, and

[e.] is the best known explanation, in the sense of Occam's Razor, of the infinite variety of alternative explanations for the same data.

"This is true of such established theories as evolution, special and general relativity, quantum mechanics (with minimal interpretation), plate tectonics, etc."

[edit on 04/10/6 by GradyPhilpott]

posted on Oct, 7 2004 @ 12:48 AM

Originally posted by ElvishSolution
In regards to #2. you may find yourself asking Why? Well, quite simply put, if YOU had the ability to fly anywhere you wanted in space, within a resonable amount of time, would you fly all the way to Earth just to pick up humans, and do weird and unusual experiements and tests to them? Likely the answer you will come to is no.

Well, I don't think so... Scientific minds have always wanted to know, this is the engine of knowledge advancement, and we must admit that, us humans, have always wanted to cut into pieces new forms of life that we discovered, to know "how it's made inside"... Even (if that story is true then) the aliens crashed at Roswell, this is the first thing we did... Ok they were dead, but I am mostly sure that if we had only one alien, and alive, we would have at some point been trying to explore its body, one way or another, just scientific curiosity. So why should it be different with them? They are supposed to be scientifically advanced...

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