posted on Jun, 11 2012 @ 12:10 PM
I get what you are saying, and you aren't wrong. The problem is that every politician is a "career politician". Politics is a career path. It's
like saying someone is a "career dentist." Nobody get into politics to serve one term and then move on to something else.
Now that we have established that every politician is a career politician, it falls on the people to pay attention to their actions. People
increasingly have very short term memories for politics, and when it comes to Congress, may not even know why they are, or are not voting for any
particular incumbent or challenger for any particular Congressional seat. Most often, they either vote party line or vote based on their
dissatisfaction with Congress as a whole, without consideration to what the actual Congressman as done or not done to contribute to the problem.
While everyone looks for their change from the President, it is Congress playing the largest role in most matters. Unfortunately, most know very
little about their Congressmen, although many will purport to know volumes about a Congressman from another district or state.