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Homosexuals: Some things I'm noticing about you

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posted on Jun, 11 2012 @ 10:31 PM
reply to post by lordtyp0

Again, nothing you will take as being rational. So I have no interest in discussing this with you.

posted on Jun, 11 2012 @ 10:34 PM
reply to post by EvilSadamClone

Perhaps you could give me a try?
Presumptions are after all the factor that destroys everything, creates stereotypes, removes options and all in all makes things not worth bothering with.

posted on Jun, 11 2012 @ 10:37 PM
I've already tried, and you wouldn't accept it, so why should I try any further? And in fact, you got upset at me for trying.

I'm done here.

There is no such thing as a rational discussion when it comes to homosexuality.

posted on Jun, 11 2012 @ 10:42 PM
reply to post by EvilSadamClone

I don't recall talking with you before. But so be it.
You are correct there are no rational discussions regarding the topic. The reason being is that those who are against gays in general are against it purely because they think it is "icky". It doesn't impact their lives, yet they feel inclined to offer up their beliefs on it-when said beliefs are shown to not hold water, be it by the AMA or APA or other groups-they simply ignore it preferring to rely instead on their confirmation bias.

It is something that exists in every species on earth and western culture didn't even care about it until it was used as a justification for the crusades. Christians should not condemn it-after all they ignore the other 365 commandments in the Old Testament, so that realm is hardly solid ground either.

But if you wish to make some assertions and back them up, I await.

posted on Jun, 11 2012 @ 11:06 PM

Originally posted by EvilSadamClone
I've already tried, and you wouldn't accept it, so why should I try any further? And in fact, you got upset at me for trying.

I'm done here.

There is no such thing as a rational discussion when it comes to homosexuality.

Yes. It is time to stop FEEDING these ridiculous threads - - - that use a persecuted minority as a whipping boy.

I find this thread beyond disgusting.

As far as I'm concerned - - - it should be closed.

edit on 11-6-2012 by Annee because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 12 2012 @ 02:43 AM
i agree Op thanks for vetting your valid opinion, And just because i am does not automatically mean im totally pro homo, i still have my opinions. Let me say something though, on going out to gay clubs when i was 17 i was dangerously close to falling into the stereotype that gay guys seem to just soak up and become, that annoying flamer. It was sad, i just want gay guys to just be themselves and not feel that they have to take on this role of the sparkly eccentric bitchy homo. Im not saying that we all do it just the majority do and thats what makes it hard for me to associate myself with it. We are all free to be who we want to be but # the stereotypes and pity the reinforcers.

posted on Jun, 12 2012 @ 04:34 AM
A little experiment here

Black People: Some things I'm noticing about you

Petrus Modified

I've seen exactly one of you, on this forum, who has been capable of anything resembling legitimate rational argument.

The rest of you have consistently relied exclusively on cultural Marxist political correctness, various forms of the "hate speech," card, and if all else fails, derisive mockery against anybody who expresses opinions which you don't like.

I honestly do not care about members of the same race having sex with each other. Being brutally honest, yes, on a purely visceral level, I think it's disgusting within interracial couples, and I don't know of too many other non blackpeople who feel otherwise, but I don't believe that there should be a law against it; I just don't want it done where I have to watch. That also doesn't mean I'm asking for anything to be banned in public, either; I don't go out a lot. Apart from that I can live with it, without any problem at all.

What I really don't like about blacks, on the other hand, is their apparent authoritarian Marxism, and their insistence on controlling the way other people think. Being a Stalinist shouldn't necessarily have anything to do with race, and I'm not sure why, in the case of blackness, those two seem to so consistently go hand in hand.

A lot of you apparently need to become a lot more realistic, about the fact that not everyone is going to like you; and that trying to force them to do so, is no better morally, than some of the things which genuinely have been done to black people themselves in the past.

If I have one request for the black community, at least here on ATS, it's to turn the emotion dial down, and the logic dial up. My consistent observation of blacks as a group, pretty much anywhere, has been that you are dominated by both a lack of emotional control, and an overwhelming, continual sense of victimhood; and neither of those things really seem to be helping you. I certainly know that watching you express them isn't enjoyable, anyway.

You realize how you sound yet?

But then again, this is ATS so a lot of people would probably agree with it as well.
edit on 12-6-2012 by RealSpoke because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 12 2012 @ 04:45 AM

Originally posted by RealSpoke
You realize how you sound yet?

It's an argument that I've seen gays try and use many times before. I've always considered it rationally illegitimate in the past, and I'm not going to change that opinion now.

Homosexuals are not a different ethnic group, as much as some of them might like to be, because of, as you demonstrate, the increased potential for a justified sense of victimhood that it would offer them.

So no. I'm afraid you haven't successfully established that I'm a bigot, as was your intent. You've shown, as I said in my OP, that many (although by no means all, as a number of other responses from gay people to this thread have proven) within the gay community operate primary from a position of passion, rather than logic.

posted on Jun, 12 2012 @ 04:59 AM
reply to post by petrus4

It doesn't matter if they are an ethic group or not. You could put the word American, European, Australian, ATS member, hillbilly or any other group of person in there and the same rule would apply. It would just be as bigoted as your OP.

There are radicalized gay people, just like any other group. But that's like using the KKK to represent the white race as a whole. It's just silly.

edit on 12-6-2012 by RealSpoke because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 12 2012 @ 06:07 AM

Originally posted by RealSpoke
reply to post by petrus4

There are radicalized gay people, just like any other group. But that's like using the KKK to represent the white race as a whole. It's just silly.

I make observations, based on my experience. This is what my experience had been, up until that point. It has already been slightly different, in terms of the responses I have had to this thread. So my perspective has changed, accordingly.

posted on Jun, 12 2012 @ 06:30 AM
reply to post by petrus4

I am honestly not sure what you are trying to say with this post? As far is I can understand you are cool with homosexuality as long as you don't have to watch, participate, or listen to it.
I personally agree with you that people should not victimize themselves to much, self pity is not a very productive feeling.

But is it really that big of a problem? Surely there are people who have less problems and complain even more. I think most people complain about stuff that has less substance than what the homosexual community has had to face. No doubt their are also those with bigger problems who complain less.

I am not sure if the percentage of Marxists are higher among the homosexual community, but again, I do not see why your "apparent political arch-enemies' " sexual orientation would make any difference to anything. But even if there are more, wouldn't that just be the natural consequence of left-wing politicians being faster to recognize the violations of human liberates committed by (some of) those who oppose homosexuals?

And could you please elaborate on your definition of "cultural Marxist political correctness" and "apparent authoritarian Marxism"? Cause this just looks like big words to me. Isn't Marxism basically about violent revolution and overthrowing capitalist governments? How does political correctness and Marxism fit together in this debate. Just seems like you are going for some easy points with the crowd. Then again, I might be wrong.

Either way - I don't see why anyone would ever priorities bashing homosexuals over helping those in need. Personally I don't do either, but if I did, I'd start with those in need of help.

posted on Jun, 12 2012 @ 06:32 AM
You know Petrus

All the concerns you raised in this silly thread, could be applied to any person on this earth. Honestly, your concerns towards gays are not just applicable on them at all.

I have seen people of my own race, of other races, gays, different cultures, all behave in the manner you described. Single out gays for this thread, well, that is just silly mate.

Some people would even accuse you of doing all the things you just mentioned in this thread. Its the old thing mate, First remove the log in your own eye, before the splinter in someone else's eye.


posted on Jun, 12 2012 @ 08:26 AM
reply to post by Asktheanimals

The problem is politics and the divisive methodology applied to every minority group that implies they require special treatment or protections. In the end it's all being done for votes, money and power.

I would add "influence". (Ever notice that whatever a group legitimately seeks they never actually get, they get legislation that sounds good but it never actually turns out to meet the actual objective, but causes further resentment)?

When I think about what separates us from each other, I see the same pattern almost always, that's politics. Regardless of what people represent, there always seems to be a group within a group that displays poor or inconsiderate behavior or intolerance for others... and that is what the media makes a point to focus and exploit to make it come across as a representing the whole group.

edit on 12-6-2012 by ScatterBrain because: spelling correction

edit on 12-6-2012 by ScatterBrain because: same

posted on Jun, 12 2012 @ 08:26 AM
I can honestly say that most gay and straight people I know dont have a clue what a marxist is...........Gay people were put here just like everyone else, they have no choice except suicide..........I dont like most str8 OR gay people,,,ALL people can suck ....

posted on Jun, 12 2012 @ 10:24 AM
I don't think the OP has read this:

It was written by Frederich Engel and Karl Marx om 1888, from whom we get the term Marxism.

This is the full text.

When you read it and compare it to the original post, it doesn't even compare to homosexuals at all.

And in fact it is probably the origin of the phrase "WORKING MEN OF THE WORLD UNITE!" to which there have been countless memes, long before there was even the internet.
edit on 12-6-2012 by EvilSadamClone because: fixed spelling errors

posted on Jun, 12 2012 @ 04:15 PM
reply to post by petrus4

Thing is, it sounds like you are being intellectually dishonest.
Your statements ring more from Confirmation Bias than experience as I promise you-many many gay people have crossed your path that you had no idea about. Every stratum of profession has gay people within it, from menial labor all the way up to Senators. Most are in the closet because of the insidious views that people like you espouse.

posted on Jun, 12 2012 @ 05:18 PM
To the now predictably gathering circle of trolls, who are accusing me of bigotry or a lack of integrity in having written the OP, I offer this post as an example of what I was talking about.

I want to see more posts from homosexual people, responding to arguments which they either disagree with or otherwise don't like, in a rational manner. This is what I consider a valid example, of level headed, balanced, and rational argument.

I do not want to see homosexual responses to what they perceive as anti-gay statements (or even worse, potentially legitimate scientific research which simply draws conclusions that they don't like) exclusively with mockery, sarcasm, attacks on the poster's integrity, (as I have already endured in this thread) or other forms of ad hominem, which do not refute the statement being responded to, in any meaningful way.

I am asking only that homosexual people be held to the same standards of rational argument as everyone else. The fact that I have had the usual swarm of trolls in this thread, attacking my integrity, is yet another example of the fact that, most of the time, they do not adhere to said standards.

posted on Jun, 12 2012 @ 05:29 PM

Originally posted by lordtyp0
reply to post by petrus4

Thing is, it sounds like you are being intellectually dishonest.
Your statements ring more from Confirmation Bias than experience as I promise you-many many gay people have crossed your path that you had no idea about. Every stratum of profession has gay people within it, from menial labor all the way up to Senators. Most are in the closet because of the insidious views that people like you espouse.

ABSOLUTELY!! Maybe its just me, but I have never asked anyone their sexuality upon first meeting them... and not at all at any point in the friendship that I can think of. I think a lot of folks who dont get out much think that all homosexuals are "nelly" and lisping hip swingers. Now, I couldnt care less if they were, but this is the sterotype that makes everyone think they can tell a homosexual from a "normal" person.

As a side note.. a funny observation: the gay bar on main street in my small town is the ONLY bar on main street that doesnt have the cops there every weekend or shootings. Whoda thunk it?!~ Our small gay pride parade is populated by mainly younger lesbians and gays, and their friends and parents. Its never been a problem and a thoroughly enjoyable parade and get together. The age is what struck me.. being an old woman myself. Gays and Lesbians are just folks.. regular folks with hopes and dreams like all of us. Im sick of the sterotypes, bullying and hatred... and purposeful misconceptions AND obsession with homosexual sex by some. Its really a sickness of some sort to have these unhealthy angry feelings toward strangers who just might be homo and this fixation concerning what they do behind closed doors.

posted on Jun, 12 2012 @ 05:34 PM
Here we go again: the "evil" feminists and gays - on and on it hammers on them in every thread, with no definitions, and no understanding.

What's the point?

Gays are painted with propaganda that's in excess of gay meaning.
Serial killers and pedophiles, and Marxists, and reverse "straight-haters" ... we gays cause all the evil.

Just mention a bad label, and attach it to gays and it seems rational to some!
What do those labels actually mean?

Is anybody torturing you poor straight people that are obsessed with gay and feminist issues?
Are you strapped to a chair with electrodes on your genitals trying to make you gay?
You do know that this is sometimes still done to gay young people in your country?
Would you say that torture of gay people is capitalist or Marxist?

Are you a country that condones torture or not?
How must the world see your country?

If people are victims of that with religion wouldn't you say they have a right to be upset?
Oh no, gay people should never be upset.
Just pay up for your own torture and say "Thank you, sir" with a smile.

Or is torture not a reason to get upset anymore in your country?
What about your "Abu Ghraib" democracy with fascist FEMA camps, and constant observation of the citizenry?

And yes, I'm very emotional right now.
Because I'm noticing right now that people can say whatever they like about homosexuals.
It could be another group soon.

We must dig our own graves and lie in them.
If we defend ourselves against absolute lies and madness then we are discriminating against a certain group of "poor little straight people".

In SA we get hammered by race all the time, and now it's being hammered for being gay.
Where can one find some peace?
edit on 12-6-2012 by halfoldman because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 12 2012 @ 05:47 PM

Originally posted by halfoldman

We must dig our own graves and lie in them.
If we defend ourselves against absolute lies and madness then we are discriminating against a certain group of "poor little straight people".

Thank you.

The only reason I can think of - - that a thread like this is allowed to continue - - is most posters agree with you and not the OP.

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