I am what I call a non-practicing psychic-medium. Meaning, I do not actively do readings or seek out information. I quit giving readings a few years
ago because it made me physically ill. Since then, however, I have had the universally-shared disaster dreams and premonitions and have accurately
predicted personal events in my family, but nothing on a large scale.
Two nights ago, I dreamt of a date--October 10th, 2012--and felt the urge to post about it. I never dream of specific dates (usually general time
frames), so I thought I would post it here to see if anyone else has any feelings, connection, or information regarding this date. It is short but
was in a personal context that I will describe below.
I'm a dj in real life (among other things) and my husband is, too. However, we haven't played out in 5 years since we moved to Colorado from
Chicago. I had a dream a year or so ago about friends that all gathered to play casual sets all day at a semi-open air arena. My husband and I were
there but were not on the list to play, even though we showed up with our records, so we were kind of bummed
Out of the seating area came our
friends, one-by-one. They would hug me and then step back and just sort of look at me and I kept telling them that I couldn't believe I was seeing
them. It had been so long, so I asked where they'd been and they didn't really answer. I didn't realize it in the dream, but as soon as I woke, I
thought it was strange because the four I saw and spoke with had all been dead for between 4-9 years. For them to be gathered all in one place seemed
wild to me and it felt like more of a communique than anything.
Two nights ago, I was again at the arena, but it was part of the high school just down the street from me. My husband and two children were with me
and we saw people handing out flyers by the auditorium/stadium doors. For whatever reason, my husband and I looked for our dj names and didn't see
them. I remember thinking it was odd that the high school would rent afterhours space to djs, but was excited anyway. There were a few folding tables
scattered all around the entrance and at one of them, there was an old man with a clipboard. You had to fill in your real name, email address, and dj
name and then you'd get booked for an upcoming show. No vetting, either, which I thought was strange. Still, I told my husband that I hoped the date
could be pushed back because we wouldn't really have anyone show up if it was too soon, since all of our friends are in Chicago. Somehow, though, I
knew we'd see them, knew they'd come out, two in particular who are very much alive in real life.
The old man handed me the clipboard and on the top, October 10th was circled and prominent. I sighed a sigh of relief at seeing it wasn't set until
October because I knew we'd all be able to get together by then, that everyone we knew would be here then, especially two of our closest dj friends,
and then I woke. After I thought of this, it seemed significant in some way because of the dream I had prior about the performances by those who had
passed on. In the first dream, everyone who had died got together to play and all others weren't welcome, and in the second dream, everyone left who
is still living were meeting at a future date to play, Chicago first, then here in Colorado. It may mean nothing, but I have examined it and do not
know how that dream came from my subconscious, the friends getting together part or the October 10th part.
Every New Year's Day, I make myself a sort of intuitive calendar for the year. I visualize the year by month and see if anything outstanding stands
out. This year, I realized I couldn't really see much past the end of August, beginning of September, and it was totally blank for me after October.
I am not the only intuitive or so-called psychic who can't see through to the end of the year, either. Because of this, I am taking the date in my
dream more seriously. If I interpret my dream on an intuitive or emotional level, it seems to say that there might be a widespread incident or
disaster on or just before that October 10th date, starting in Chicago and ending here (in the least) in Colorado, hence why everyone would be able to
get together to play, as in the first dream.
Thanks for reading and I look forward to any sincere comments & conversation that may follow. I am especially interested in seeing if anyone else has
any premonitions or feelings surrounding the 10/10/12 date.