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Credible Amelia Earhart Signals Were Ignored

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posted on Jun, 10 2012 @ 11:31 PM

Credible Amelia Earhart Signals Were Ignored

A new study says the aviator's plane was on land, upright for several days after disappearance.

Dozens of previously dismissed radio signals were actually credible transmissions from Amelia Earhart, according to a new study of the alleged post-loss signals from Earhart's plane. The transmissions started riding the air waves just hours after Earhart sent her last inflight message.

The study, presented on Friday at a three day conference by researchers of The International Group for Historic Aircraft Recovery (TIGHAR), sheds new light on what may have happened to the legendary aviator 75 years ago. The researchers plan to start a high-tech underwater search for pieces of her aircraft next July.

"Amelia Earhart did not simply vanish on July 2, 1937. Radio distress calls believed to have been sent from the missing plane dominated the headlines and drove much of the U.S. Coast Guard and Navy search," Ric Gillespie, executive director of TIGHAR, told Discovery News.

Now here is a fresh new angle on the mystery and possible conspiracy that keeps giving even after all the decades have past. Here is a rather interesting perspective that may shed some light on this still unsolved mystery.

Was she on a spy mission and got shot down and captured by the Japanese? Did they simply run out of fuel and ditch and die in the ocean or did they land and survive for a long time stranded on some isolated island?


posted on Jun, 10 2012 @ 11:37 PM
reply to post by SLAYER69

Was she on a spy mission and got shot down and captured by the Japanese? Did they simply run out of fuel and ditch and die in the ocean or did they land and survive for a long time stranded on some isolated island?

She was abducted by aliens cause Star Trek Voyager said so!!

I think they crashed on that island and survived for a short period of time finally dying from exposure and starvation.


The Japanese found them and took them back to Japan where they died from the war.

my choices.

edit on 10-6-2012 by neo96 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 10 2012 @ 11:46 PM
reply to post by SLAYER69
If she was a spy, wouldn't a more motivated search been conducted?

I wonder if sexism played a part in her not being rescued.

Maybe she accomplished too much in too short a time and whomever was in charge did nothing based on that.

posted on Jun, 10 2012 @ 11:48 PM
I say she died in the ocean.

But I do hope one day somebody does find the wreckage and solve this mystery.

posted on Jun, 11 2012 @ 12:08 AM
I thought they found her freckle cream jar on that atoll..I say keep digging,75 years of sand movement can hide a lot of wreckage.Would be nice to bring her bones home for a great memorial.

posted on Jun, 11 2012 @ 12:15 AM
The best evidence available points to the two landing quite a distance away from Howland island, on a reef in the Pacific. Someone made a thread about it the other day, and in it they linked to the artifacts and other physical evidence found on the island. This is the most logical conclusion as to what happened to them, considering a skilled aviator would know when they were going to run out of fuel, and probably would have put the plane down well before fuel was to run out...

It is known that they were completely lost. She was supposed to be receiving signals from a US coast guard ship, to help guide her into Howland island, but it was clear to them that she was having trouble. The one big problem with the idea of them landing on this other island is that there is no trace of the aircraft. In the other thread I believe it was concluded the plane was swept off of the reef by a large swell. The information in this thread clearly corroborates the idea that they indeed landed somewhere in the pacific, on land, and were sending signals for quite a while afterward.

They would have to have stopped signalling if the plane was swept away, or if the batteries died. The one question I have if this scenario is accurate is weren't there people living on this island? I could have sworn I read somewhere that the island had inhabitants, but I don't remember what the time period was. I suppose they could have migrated there after the 30's...But usually that isn't how Pacific populations operate, to my knowledge.

The saddest part of this tragic story is that the initial flight plan called for her and her navigator to fly first to Hawaii from the mainland US, through the pacific, and then the route that was ultimately flown...After an accident in Hawaii, after crossing most of the Pacific, the feat had to be started again, and she made the decision to put the Pacific leg of the journey at the tail end of the flight plan...It was known that she had developed illnesses due to the conditions and lack of nutrition along the flight, so by the time they got to the Pacific, I'm sure they were pretty exhausted and worn out. This could have played a role in why they got lost, but ultimately, picking one island out of the hundreds that dot the ocean is next to impossible without sophisticated navigation equipment...

And they were still using a compass, sextant, and the stars in those days. Not ideal navigating for an area like the Pacific, where every single island looks exactly the same as the last. I have always wondered WHY the coast guard didn't take these signals seriously...I mean WHO in the world would be out in the middle of the ocean hoaxing signals? I say this was probably sheer stupidity on someone's part, but I do not know the whole story. The US did end up making it to the right island if I remember correctly, but this was apparently long after they had died from exposure, starvation, dehydration, illness, or a combination of the four.

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