reply to post by harryhaller
I think there is some confusion here.
The OP proposes that the virus does NOT exist, that the virus is a hoax. That AIDS is some collection of diseases and not a result of viral attack.
And presents 'evidence' (theories, hypothesies, political sniping between jealous scientists that all wanted to be the first to claim they found the
cause and cure, all part of this unusual disease) from over 20 years ago. I think we all can agree that much progress has been made since then.
You state as follows:
HIV is a virus that lowers cd count.
AIDS usually follows infection of HIV
Pharmaceuticals are the only accepted option for treatment of symptoms.
There is no cure.
And you state this is common knowledge since 10 years ago (a LOT of progress since 1990 - when they all were told they would die - and 2000 - when the
second generation of drugs went into clinical trials under NIH study A5095).
That is a BIG difference in statement, and you are definitely NOT in agreement with the OP, but more in agreement with ME.
FYI, this is not so much emotion, as I am confident that after 12 years on the drugs and CD4 way above 1000, that I will continue to live and maybe 10
more years get rid of this shackle that sucks the life out of my bank account - if the big pharamaceutical companies and TPTB allow it.
I just hate to see people misled and placed in danger, have already seen one poster on ATS that came here to discuss their options with advanced HIV,
and being misled by posters such as the OP into believing the drugs are not worth even trying. That's why I bother.
That is also why I haven't done the homework to present my evidence to contradict the OP. I came here to read, and only take the time to respond
because the proliferation of these threads denying the existence of HIV, and denying that the drugs DO help millions to restore their lives, is
I won't be adding it to this thread anytime soon, hope it goes away, but I will be working on a comprehensive posting that will be added sometime in
the near future that can be referenced here for all to see and use as real information from real and CURRENT sources. Not fables and hoaxes from the
past. Sorry I can't provide sources from the best source I know (the records of my participation in two ongoing clinical trials) because that
information identifies me. I will not do that. I will have to do some assembling of data to present a new post.
Meanwhile, I have work to do, as I am not just sitting around waiting to argue, but am a highly valued employee with responsibilities to attend to,
and that is my major priority. It's not like I am a dedicated researcher, but I've spent my time in the past, even using pseudonyms to get access to
university medical libraries prior to the advent of Internet research. I NEVER intended to be discussing this on a public forum, as this is STILL a
condition misunderstood by the masses, and I don't wear a sign on my chest. If you met me you would never know it unless I told you. I like it that
way. Took too many years to feel normal again and I'm happy that way. Not giving it up. No matter how many people tell me I'm being fed poison for a
non-existent virus.
Now if there is a thread about the price gouging on these drugs, and the profiteering by big Pharma, or the suppression of cheaper cures or
treatments, I'm all on board. Me and my wife personally make them rich all by ourselves, and I am tired of that part for sure!
Lunch over, back to work.
edit on 14-6-2012 by lakesidepark because: dyxlexic agnostic - someone that lays awake at night wondering if DOG really exists