posted on Jun, 10 2012 @ 07:43 PM
That is the link. Check out this video on BBC News. It at first depicts cheaply made, rather useless robots that are able to hover on their own and do
a few simple flips. Then it progresses to Aeriel robots able to move through gaps, and around obstacles. Next we see the flying hoverbots completely
and seamlessly coordinate in a group of 20 others, moving as one. Finally, the part where I almost got sick, they described how these bots can be sent
as a first response to stop intruders or measure radiation levels. It also shows how a single bot can map out an entire building and although it is
controlled by a human, for now, it can move around on its on, and know exactly where its at. In closing, the video shows a little music video, it is
unlike anything you have ever seen, and your mind will be blown. Enjoy.
edit on 10-6-2012 by football6 because: (no reason given)