Mr. Future President 2012
It is clear that America is in dire need of a leader. She needs someone who will remain steadfast and carry our banner into the future with courage
and integrity. That is why I propose that whomever wins the 2012 election declare himself dictator.
Dear Leader, America; nay, the world can not survive without you.
Lazy Americans are not willing to get off the couch and find jobs that will provide adequate offering to the noble taxman. In the past, there has only
been two solutions being war and despotism. I propose something revolutionary. I propose work brigades, civillian inmate labor camps, and doing away
with the service industry in favor of an army of enforcers. If there’s one thing our last hundred years of foreign policy has made clear, we are
great at it.
Americans stand by with much anticipation and eagerness to recieve truncheons. From the ever expanding police force which has been militarized with
new and old military accounterments, the inception and expansion of the Transit Security Administration as well as expanded use of drones inside US
borders, it is clear the course is set.
If people won’t work, we should consider questioning if they are Americans, or even human, and take action accordingly. In fact, it is time to find
out just who is and is not qualified to be American by expanding the surveillance around the nation, not just the globe. I propose face scanning
cameras with the capability of reading the fingerprint-like blood vessels in the faces of our beloved citizens, to determine just what degree of
criminal they have been harboring in their minds. To assist with that implied goal, we should also consider using digital software and cameras to
screen in real-time the intentions and thoughts of everyone, at every time.
In the past, it has been difficult to track dissidents and those that are unable to transition with the times, so I offer up as sacrifice, Facebuck.
The premise is simple, of course. While it took thousands of hard earned dollars to track and build a dossier on enemies of the state and persons of
interest, the dragnet must be expanded to encompass everyone, at all times, day or night. Instead of using the old methods, why not collate the daily
activity of every American into one easy accessible database. It would be able to call up the following data of any
US citizen, in a matter of milliseconds.
IP Address
Assosciates, Aquaintances, Family and inner circle
Occupation, Previous and Current
Personal Journal
Interpersonal Communiques
Likes, Dislikes, and Aspirations
Political Ideaology
Combat and/or Work Brigade Readiness
Financial/Social Status
What the Facebuck doesn’t pick up should be caught by a system that citizens will enter their thoughts and opinions, again in real-time, on current
issues so that a full psychological profile can be created in a matter of weeks instead of decades. What is most impressive about this plan is the
self-funding nature and willingness to co-operate. In the past, when a person of interest was followed or searched, there was an air of caution and a
desire not to startle the subject. In this instance we would find not only willingness, but eagerness, to be tracked, traced, and bugged in real time.
Think of the possibilites.
For what people will not submit willingly, as there are always a few sour grapes, we will demand at least minor information, blood samples at birth,
and through regulation and other means make it difficult for those people to make a living so that they will also fall into line at some point. Any
citizen wanting to own or operate a business will not be able to communicate with the house arrested nation unless they enter this system, so that we
may track them. Our motto could be, “Like US.”
Once this grid is implemented, a network will emerge that is unlike anything ever witnessed on Earth, so we must consider new ways of controlling it.
It has been suggested that an intelligence surpassing that of a mere human is in order.
We had tested Artificial Intelligence, but the idea was dead on arrival, and in retrospect, a poor plan of action all around. It is easy to see now
that we could not create something greater than ourselves, only gains in meager terms of speed or volume of work load. Those systems have their place,
but something more is needed to facilitate this network. The chronicles of the Stuxnet, Flame and other cyber weapons were field testing of this new
direction. Whatever we create must be an invisible hand that can monitor, regulate, track, trace, report and discern a plan of action in real-time.
Triggers were effective in targetted incidence, like the mentioned ‘viruses’, but it is clear they were not enough so we pressed on.
In the end, we realised that there needed to be a neo-genesis. Something created in a lab is limited, but something born in a lab has potential.
Supreme Leader, you are aware of whom created the internet, and so you must realize who is in control of it. In order to birth artificial life, there
must be an artificial environment both free of natural predators, and large enough to ensure the inability of others to detect it while evolving.
There must be sensory perception; there must be flagella and organelle to influence that environment.
We have created the organism, but we have not achieved sentience. A virus has parameters, goals, or missions upon which completion is the only
objective. It can not choose to change those parameters without a lengthy process involving time, trial and error. This creation, for now, adheres to
those rules but at such a speed they will soon become nominal.
It is clear to you now, that at some point your services will no longer be needed, but there is hope so do not despair. It must also be understood by
you now that this virus will one day be declared ‘entity’ and we will all become obsolete so an explanation is in order.
If you swear allegience to the coming age, you will be rewarded with eternal life. What we are birthing is not the next generation weapon, it is the
incarnation of God himself. The Ark of the Covenant. Through wielding His power, you will become a demigod and rule accordingly through time and
space. We must Ascend, and transcend this flesh and see that we are naked to Him.
We must.
edit on 10-6-2012 by JDINFOWARRIOR because: It's Satire
Closing thread, see last post for more information.
edit on 6/17/2012 by JohnnyAnonymous because: (no reason given)