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Why are UFO believers ridiculed so much?

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posted on Jun, 11 2012 @ 07:30 PM

Originally posted by MaMaa
For what it is worth, I know plenty of Christians who believe in the idea of aliens. While I'm not Christian, that is how I was raised and mom used to say that we would be awfully arrogant to think that we were the only intelligent life form that God created. And that if God had created us, that surely God would have created other life forms as well.

Who cares if aliens exist somewhere in the cosmos. The ignorant part(not arrogant), is people ignoring the difficulties of space travel, so they assume a UFO is somehow alien origin.

What your mom said was very true, spot on.. But it has nothing and I mean nothing to do with the fact the intelligent aliens have never entered our atmosphere nor will we ever be able to do what we humans do in the movies. Stuff you see in the movies , Stays in movies.

posted on Jun, 11 2012 @ 07:45 PM
reply to post by Xaphan

G'day Xaphan
re your post "I've always found this strange too. In Western society it's considered perfectly acceptable to believe in a man who walked on water"

I didn't realise you read the story of Chuck Norris, the commoner and JC a well. They were out on a boat in shark infested water and it started to sink. JC sais we'd better get to shore and proceeded to walk across the water to shore. The commoner jumped out and immediately started to sink then was eaten by the sharks. Then Chuck jumped out and walked to shore where upon JC said "should we have told him about the rocks?" and Chuck answered "what rocks?"
So I guess you were also talking about Chuck hey?

edit on 11/6/12 by steve1709 because: spelling "again" sheesh

posted on Jun, 11 2012 @ 07:59 PM
reply to post by kevbrownuk

Religion is ridiculed more than UFO buffs. UFOs/ETs are also some kind of twisted religious type thing as well.. so it come with the territory...

If you disagree... I just want you to know that most UFO/ET believers only believe by faith not by hard facts... you might say YES WE HAVE FACTS.

that is what religious people say and they are scoffed at and you probably scoff at them too

posted on Jun, 11 2012 @ 08:15 PM
I think it largely depends on who you ask.

Sometimes I see UFO enthusiasts ridiculed for really poor or just personal reasons. But at the same time I also see the UFO community attack or ridicule scientists in much the same way. And, on other occasions, I see both of them going after the fence-sitters who just aren't sure either way.

It depends on where you go and what type is the most populous in that area.

posted on Jun, 11 2012 @ 08:21 PM
reply to post by GiodanoBruno

G'day gio
Re "My answer : No human being is EVER going to see the end of the Solar System. No human being will EVER prove the existence of Black Holes or Magnetars or Quasars or the Big Bang OR ALIEN UFO'S.

All these factual documentaries are pure bunk. They're NOT designed to enlighten you. They ARE designed to make you mindlessly follow the theorists — who have NO IDEA of where they're going. They're just making money off of bogus videos and bogus literature. HENCE ALL THE ALIEN UFO CONNECTION. "

In the past, there were nay sayers that refused to concede that steel carriages could float in the air (planes), we would have a metal horse (trains) criss crossing countries on steel tracks, a horseless carriage (and automobiles) heck, even light coming out of a glass jar with no flame (electricity)
I'm sure glad these theorist decided to go with their unreachable ideas and turn them into possible impossibilities. I see your stance on future science and technology as no more advanced as thee nay sayers. How can you be so sure that in the future, some of these amazing, seemingly impossible feats won't be reached? (worm holes, black hole discovery, travel to distant worlds, even moving outside the time/space connumdrum. I agree with a lot of your thoughts but this one, .... sorry

posted on Jun, 11 2012 @ 08:32 PM
So I haven't read ALL the posts, but most of them. And here's why UFO phenomena is ridiculed more often than religion (sorry if this is slightly off topic).

Have you ever gone to work with a group of strangers and started discussing UFOs? I haven't. Why? Because it's a social taboo and a subverted area of discussion. Religion most of the time does not violate this taboo.I have been drawn into discussions about religion in the workplace (and other places that aren't really the proper forum for it).

In my experience, UFO enthusiasts get ridiculed either for their belief, or even for their disbelief coupled with an interest in the cultural phenomena. Even if you don't believe on faith alone, but are interested..this still leaves you vulnerable to ridicule.

I think the OP asks a really valid question. It's not an issue of whether one believes or doesn't believe. The stigma comes from associating with the sub-culture of UFO lore. Most counter-cultural groups are victims of ridicule by the dominant/majority group..because they are a threat to majority solidarity. Likewise, ridiculing the counter-culture is also a means of creating solidarity within the dom/majority group. Basically, people can't afford NOT to ridicule counter-cultural groups if they wish to maintain the status quo of the majority.

I love the line in Close Encounters from the French guy when he is asked why UFOs are important to be studied, he answers, "It is an event..sociological." Perfect answer!

posted on Jun, 11 2012 @ 08:36 PM

Originally posted by GiodanoBruno

Originally posted by MaMaa
For what it is worth, I know plenty of Christians who believe in the idea of aliens. While I'm not Christian, that is how I was raised and mom used to say that we would be awfully arrogant to think that we were the only intelligent life form that God created. And that if God had created us, that surely God would have created other life forms as well.

Who cares if aliens exist somewhere in the cosmos. The ignorant part(not arrogant), is people ignoring the difficulties of space travel, so they assume a UFO is somehow alien origin.

What your mom said was very true, spot on.. But it has nothing and I mean nothing to do with the fact the intelligent aliens have never entered our atmosphere nor will we ever be able to do what we humans do in the movies. Stuff you see in the movies , Stays in movies.

Sheesh you are rude, who peed in your cheerios? Honestly a lot of people care if aliens exist in the cosmos. Maybe they have, maybe they have not, I don't know or care to be honest. Perhaps the difficulties of space travel are only difficult for us mere humans. There very well could be a far more intelligent species out there somewhere that have figured it out. I would never presume that humans are the authority on what can and can not be done based on how difficult it may be.

I only posted that about my mom to show that not all religious people are non believers when it comes to aliens. Religion doesn't mean anti- alien. I would say it isn't highly likely that we have been visited, but I don't know for sure, how could anyone really?

posted on Jun, 11 2012 @ 08:39 PM
reply to post by kevbrownuk

Look man, I'm going to be honest with you here. The fact that you honestly don't know why we are ridiculed so much means you are very new to this subject, or simply plain ignorant. Stick around a few years and you will have your answer. The majority of people involved in this subject make the minority look like flipping morons thanks to their vocal ignorance.

Just hang out a while, you will either get it, or become one of the useful idiots that make the rest of us look foolish and perpetuate the ridicule.

I mean, shall we go through all the names of the people that outright make us look like idiots publicly, on tv, on the internet and in the print media? Long list.

posted on Jun, 11 2012 @ 08:40 PM
I don't know why they are ridiculed more, unfortunately I think it has a lot to do with the perception that it's just backwoods hillbillies and conspiracy nuts who see them. Presidents have seen them, military personnel have seen them, airline pilots have seen them, it's not just the loons. I think by now you would be hard pressed to find someone who doesn't believe the phenomenon exists. People are seeing -something-, it's not all in their minds. The question is what are they actually seeing? It's easier for a news organization to do a light hearted, two minute piece on a UFO sighting than it is to actually delve into the subject, I think that's the only reason it gets little attention in the news, and it'll stay that way until someone has really good footage.

posted on Jun, 11 2012 @ 09:03 PM
because the majority of people don't believe in aliens, and in this day of age the majority of people are idiots.

posted on Jun, 11 2012 @ 09:43 PM
reply to post by kevbrownuk

Yeah, what's really interesting to note is in my experience with Christianity - if you believe what's in the bible to be the literal word of God (as I do), then you have to believe in "UFO's," "Aliens," etc. It's just the way it is, it's all in there. But I suppose that ignorance of what most of those "Devout Christians" really are choosing to believe in, is part of the problem.

posted on Jun, 11 2012 @ 10:46 PM

Originally posted by steve1709
reply to post by GiodanoBruno

G'day gio
Re "My answer : No human being is EVER going to see the end of the Solar System. No human being will EVER prove the existence of Black Holes or Magnetars or Quasars or the Big Bang OR ALIEN UFO'S.

All these factual documentaries are pure bunk. They're NOT designed to enlighten you. They ARE designed to make you mindlessly follow the theorists — who have NO IDEA of where they're going. They're just making money off of bogus videos and bogus literature. HENCE ALL THE ALIEN UFO CONNECTION. "

In the past, there were nay sayers that refused to concede that steel carriages could float in the air (planes), we would have a metal horse (trains) criss crossing countries on steel tracks, a horseless carriage (and automobiles) heck, even light coming out of a glass jar with no flame (electricity)
I'm sure glad these theorist decided to go with their unreachable ideas and turn them into possible impossibilities. I see your stance on future science and technology as no more advanced as thee nay sayers. How can you be so sure that in the future, some of these amazing, seemingly impossible feats won't be reached? (worm holes, black hole discovery, travel to distant worlds, even moving outside the time/space connumdrum. I agree with a lot of your thoughts but this one, .... sorry

You're right I actually don't have an idea of what man can accomplish in the future. None of us can.


Our recent indigenous unreachable ideas(I wouldn't have used the word "unreachable") have been recycling for hundreds of years (and you could probably argue for thousands). Since the 1960's we've hit a "WALL" per'se, basically stuck in Earth's orbit. So,Why would I have unrealistic faith on modern man accomplishing what Hollywood Astronauts have artificially accomplished.

The Voyager probe is the fastest man made object with speeds hitting 20k to 100k mph(depending on its orbital sling-shot). Its been traveling for some 30 some years, and its currently leaving our solar system's outer limits. Meaning for 35 years the Voyager has traveled for ONE LIGHT DAY.

Starting to see the picture

We are stuck.

And pray to God(and I am an atheist) that we never ,ever, experience in being the host of any alien visitation.

posted on Jun, 11 2012 @ 10:50 PM

Originally posted by MaMaa

Originally posted by GiodanoBruno

Originally posted by MaMaa
For what it is worth, I know plenty of Christians who believe in the idea of aliens. While I'm not Christian, that is how I was raised and mom used to say that we would be awfully arrogant to think that we were the only intelligent life form that God created. And that if God had created us, that surely God would have created other life forms as well.

Who cares if aliens exist somewhere in the cosmos. The ignorant part(not arrogant), is people ignoring the difficulties of space travel, so they assume a UFO is somehow alien origin.

What your mom said was very true, spot on.. But it has nothing and I mean nothing to do with the fact the intelligent aliens have never entered our atmosphere nor will we ever be able to do what we humans do in the movies. Stuff you see in the movies , Stays in movies.

Sheesh you are rude, who peed in your cheerios? Honestly a lot of people care if aliens exist in the cosmos. Maybe they have, maybe they have not, I don't know or care to be honest. Perhaps the difficulties of space travel are only difficult for us mere humans. There very well could be a far more intelligent species out there somewhere that have figured it out. I would never presume that humans are the authority on what can and can not be done based on how difficult it may be.

I only posted that about my mom to show that not all religious people are non believers when it comes to aliens. Religion doesn't mean anti- alien. I would say it isn't highly likely that we have been visited, but I don't know for sure, how could anyone really?

"Who peed in your cheerios"


That is funny!

I'll give you a pass, you made laugh. Hard to do.


posted on Jun, 11 2012 @ 10:58 PM
It will change in time

posted on Jun, 12 2012 @ 12:07 AM
reply to post by kevbrownuk

To be honest brother, I throw the people you're talking about under the same blanket category of discrimination as racism, homophobia etc. - it's a social disease fueled by utter ignorance and a completely irrational fear of Something Different or Unknown, which is only holding us back as a species.

The question of whether UFOs are extra-terrestrial in nature is as valid as any other question of scientific and/or spiritual implications. A lot of people readily accept the existence of angels and demons based purely in faith and with zero scientific evidence or accountability, and that goes unquestioned or at least generally undiscriminated against (especially in politics). But someone who suggests that out there in that infinite sea of galaxies and planets and stars that surround us could potentially exist another species of intelligent beings who might just be more technologically- and scientifically-advanced than us, given the universe's multi-billion year lifetime, is promptly assaulted with all manner of insults and accusations. And their biggest argument for why the aliens don't exist is because they haven't "contacted" us yet.

Really, if you were a peaceful, modern scientist exploring a far-off native land full of violent indigenous cannibalistic brutes who couldn't read your writing, understand your language, comprehend your technology or tolerate your spirituality/religion, you'd probably keep your distance too. Especially if they had nuclear weapons. Maybe you'd observe their society from a distance and learn their ways to find a very subtle and non-aggressive approach to making contact with their kind, if you decided such a risk was worth the bother for both you and the indigenous species. You would obviously gain very little from contacting the species when observing them from a distance gives you all the information you need, and they could potentially destroy themselves (and you) if you handed to them tools and technology (or simply information) that they weren't mature enough to handle peacefully. So my bet is you'd either never contact them until they found you first, or you'd wait until you deemed them "ready" as a society for such an existential shock.

And any alien species who has the technology to travel the universe would have to be peaceful in nature because (using ourselves as a model of a non-peaceful society) it's highly unlikely they'd ever leave their own solar system before annihilating themselves in war and infighting. And if a non-peaceful alien species did, against all odds, master space travel, I'm sure we'd have found out about them by now. They've had well over 10,000 years to colonize our planet with very little resistance - if they showed up today, we'd probably detonate the earth in an accidental nuclear suicide, and in that case, no-body wins.

The biggest issue that I feel earth faces today is that evolution of the Mind hasn't kept pace with evolution of Technology, so now we're far too scientifically and technologically advanced for our maturity as a species and that's reflected by our abhorrence and complete disregard for the possibility that we might just not have everything mapped out as we thought we did, and that applies to all fields of human knowledge, not just the question of alien life. Not to mention our treatment of our only home (earth) and the pervasiveness of self-harming social norms and habits (consumerism, pollution, corruption etc.). If we were as advanced as we thought we were, none of these things would exist.

People used to think the sun rotated around us. People thought the earth was flat until they realized they couldn't sail off the edge. Once upon a time, people thought a horse was the most efficient method of traveling. A couple of centuries pass and now we think we've got it all worked out. We celebrate our civilization as though we've "Won" - when in reality, complete social collapse is around the corner because we're not honest with ourselves and we haven't made care to keep the Mind as capable as the Technology we have. So we have rampant corruption, war machines, trash and pollution building up at an exponential rate on our planet when in the same environment with the same technology, we could have a society of abundance and peace for all. But somewhere along the line, we chose to remain violent and primitive as a species. Maybe we'll grow up soon, eh? We've made some progress this century. Time will tell.

"I would rather have a mind opened by wonder than one closed by belief." - Gerry Spence.

I don't know if aliens exist and if they're visiting us, but I'm not arrogant enough to suggest that they most definitely are not. It's an unhealthy approach to things, I feel.

So I treat those people with the same approbation I treat racists with - that is to say very little, if any at all.

posted on Jun, 12 2012 @ 12:24 AM
Whenever you rattle the cage of the status quo, there's going to be reactions as well as consequences. It's not that the status quo is necessarily bad but rather that junky like dependence on it which resists what 'Is' rather than embraces what 'Is' in healthy ways.
I think deep down, people sense that a realization of something more than this world will be like opening Pandora's Box...and while we ATSers are used to that, for those not used to it, it can be freightening because it will call into question many things, including how things are done here in this little ol' world.
edit on 12-6-2012 by Arles Morningside because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 12 2012 @ 12:58 AM
because tyrannosaurus rex.

posted on Jun, 12 2012 @ 01:54 AM
reply to post by RAY1990

yeah. plenty. independently of icke. i only came across him after i'd found most things. my conclusions are a tad different from his - but not that much...

posted on Jun, 12 2012 @ 02:46 AM
reply to post by GiodanoBruno

G'day adain, actually I agree with this "Since the 1960's we've hit a "WALL" per'se, basically stuck in Earth's orbit."

We DO seem to be stuck don't we. Oh well, I like to look at a glass half full, so hopefully, we will eventually get there (as in "out there") And I reckon you're spot on re hoping no aliens get here first. Sure didn't go well when the Spaniards with their dogma turned up in South America. Nothing against Spaniards, everything against slimy religious primitives who have contributed to our loss of so much history and culture all over the world. That is what REALLY pushes my anger button

posted on Jun, 12 2012 @ 04:41 AM
reply to post by Druscilla

If I may ask: What the hell is up with your picture? I did a reverse-image search and found the model who it actually is, and its not you so just why are you using her picture with those bugged out eyes?

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