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Why are UFO believers ridiculed so much?

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posted on Jun, 10 2012 @ 06:41 PM

Originally posted by Druscilla
The video you've posted is well documented as skydivers doing a demonstration night jump with meteor flares.

There ya go.

Like I said, go to 2:35, that's the bit I meant. Wasn't talking about the start.

posted on Jun, 10 2012 @ 07:22 PM

Originally posted by RAY1990
reply to post by kevbrownuk

was on a bike ride with someone once and saw 2 UFO's in the sky and I said look at that and he wouldn't he just said their not real.... what a idiot

That’s the coolest UFO comment I’ve seen in quite some time.

Many, if not most, scientists unfamiliar with the most convincing cases at least publicly scoff at the notion that some UFOs really do look and perform as commonly described, In the past, of course, scientist scoffed at some concepts that later became widely accepted (meteors, for example). So why should we expect a more unbiased attitude from a public skillfully fed anti-UFO propaganda?

That’s not to say that jumping to conclusions in the face of a mystery is a good thing when “I don’t know” can be deemed high ground. Being convinced there’s nothing to it seems unreasonable, yet there is logic to believing there is something going on based on a personal sighting even if suspecting but not embracing without strong evidence the ETH. In the realm of mystery, witnesses comprise the privileged class while hoaxers are vile monsters.

posted on Jun, 10 2012 @ 07:55 PM
Why are UFO believers ridiculed? Simply because the UFO phenomenon is so mysterious, and with the mysteries that surround the phenomenon come people who claim to "know" what is going on. They claim lizard people have taken over governments, ancient aliens did everything in the past because humans could not build anything back then, aliens are our space brothers here to help us, aliens are our enemies and want to eat us, UFOs are demons who want our souls, UFOs are time travelers here to watch us, UFOs are Nazi tech, UFOs are holograms, etc etc.

Most people who do not believe in UFOs think people who do believe in UFOs believe in all the above. It is a double edged sword really. If you believe in UFOs you are crazy, if you do not believe in UFOs you are dumb or closed minded.

I believe 99% of true UFOs(disk, triangles, cigars, orbs, ect ect.) are the works of man. However, I do indeed believe a very very very very very very small percent(1%) are of a questionable nature.I believe ETs do exist somewhere in space, but I no longer believe the 1% are of ET origin. Who or what pilots the 1% I do not really know, but they have been here since we first showed up.

The truth is there is no proof. There are some very nice pictures and videos, maybe some little bits of physical anomalies, but nothing that proves anything one way or the other. So, in the end, we are only left with stories. Either you believe some, all, or none of these stories. Most UFO believers think we are gaining ground on this phenomenon, but we are not. We are as lost on this phenomenon as we were thousands of years ago. Something is playing with us, either for their own amusement, or for their own gain.

Are we helpless against them? I do not know. Are they evil or nice? I do not know. Are they even real in a physical sense? I do not know. The only thing I do know is this, there is a very strange phenomenon taking place on this planet we call Earth. A phenomenon that takes a new shape when ever the time is needed and it seems to take these new forms as a way of hiding the truth. What is this truth? I do not know, and I do not believe anyone truly does.

Will we ever know? Well that is the thousand dollar question isn't it?
edit on 10-6-2012 by davidwaters84 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 10 2012 @ 08:09 PM
I appreciate that some of posted your best UFO films. They are intriguing but I guess I'd like to see something more conclusive. In general I side with believing UFOs do exist, but believe them to be flown by humans.

posted on Jun, 10 2012 @ 08:12 PM

Originally posted by TheEnlightenedOne
1) They do not accept the possibilities of life in/out of our own galaxy,
2) They do believe but for fear of being ridiculed themselves they join the band wagon of making fun of others,
3) Simply ignorance,
4) Too religious to accept anything but what the bible says,
5) Fear of not knowing what the "unknown" might bring, they rather be part of #3.
edit on 10-6-2012 by TheEnlightenedOne because: (no reason given)

I love how one of those "reasons" isnt: There is no proof WHATSOEVER that aliens have visited us. Not only that, but you guys are so frequently wowed by the most obviously fake or just plain nothing footage, that of course we are going to mock you. If i kept showing you grainy, blurry footage while insisting that it a unicorn You would mock me too. Thats what you guys are doing. You are showing us consistently sh*t footage that you insist are aliens.

And by the way. I and most people i know DO believe in life elsewhere in the universe, just not that they have visited us. A basic understanding of Physics and also a healthy amount of natural skepticism keeps us from thinking that video that is CLEARLY showing Chinese lanterns is in fact aliens from another world.

but hey. if it helps you get through life thinking we mock you for the reasons above (and others posted in thsi thread) then by all means carry on. The fact you guys need to come to terms with is that you are believeibng in things without a shred of proof. Not a shred. Sorry

posted on Jun, 10 2012 @ 08:41 PM
now go away or I shall taunt you a second time.

posted on Jun, 10 2012 @ 09:05 PM
reply to post by BoyTheEarthTalksTo

how are you supposed to capture a "good" ufo video.

call zeta reticuli and arrange a photo shoot for popular mechanics.

most sightings are just average citizens who just happened to have their mid price video cameras on hand and are caught completely off guard.

posted on Jun, 10 2012 @ 09:19 PM
reply to post by kevbrownuk

You know, i have been a believer for a very long time, I am 30 and been looking at ufo, alien, etc since high school. I always been ridicule by friends and family.

About 2 years ago, I had one of my best UFO encounter with one of my friend who was a skeptic. Since that day he has changed his mind about UFO and has look at what I have been throwing at him with a different eye.

Then 1 year ago, I had the best UFO encounter of my life with the same friend, my little brother and 2 other good friends who were skeptics as well. We saw this huge triangle craft, bigger then the house, maybe bigger then 2-3 houses together, completly silent, moving above us in a no cloud sky just after dusk. Wish we could filmed it but we were in awe the ~7 seconds we saw this thing move above us...

Since that day they have complete trust on what I say to them and they believe what I say or most of it is true or could be. They no longer deny it.

So until a skeptic have a personal encounter, they will not believe in anything, they will try with everything they can to deny every part of your story, going with things like "pic/vid or it didn't happen", "swamp gas", "venus", "satellite", "space station", "birds", "plane or chopter", "everything on the internet is true", " its on youtube it must be true!", etc, anything to have a good laugh at you.

I do not really care anymore because, I have seen incredible things and they didn't and I have close friends who saw them with me so we have proof, I am not alone in this story.

But even with a picture or video, skeptics will still deny your story. Because THEY didn't saw it.

So I gave up on trying to prove my story, I just keep them for myself, humanity has shut they're eyes to the paranormal, they are more preoccupied, with what will happen in the next jersey shore what is the next movie released, who's superstar is addicted to drug, etc. They don't care and don't want to know and some want to know just to ridicule you. And those who want to know you don't have to argue with them.

So to all none-believers and skeptics....

edit on 10-6-2012 by skywalk because: (no reason given)

edit on 10-6-2012 by skywalk because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 10 2012 @ 09:27 PM
I have decided that, after a few decades following this ufo subject, ufology is a religion. A scientific religion. There is evidence for people's religious based beliefs (I think the shroud of Turin is extraordinary) just as there (used to be) landing trace and EM effects cases. This whole thing about all these different races visiting us and some of them like "strawberry icecream" < insider thing for all you old ufology veterans) and they come to you in dreams, etc, is just like a religion and it's beliefs. A religion to me, isn't synonymous with nonsense, on the contrary. But ufology is a scientific religion. And some of your charismatic pied pipers in that field are ufology's preachers and cult gurus.

posted on Jun, 10 2012 @ 09:35 PM
Because we go against the grain of society. We don't accept the lies we are told. Anyone who thinks outside the box is ridiculed and labeled as a pariah and or made fun of. If and when the truth comes out the same people who were poking fun will be the first to jump on the bandwagon of "I knew all along"

posted on Jun, 10 2012 @ 10:05 PM
reply to post by PrestonSpace

Yes exactly, I wish I could remember everyone who laugh at my stories or wrote and discredit me on internet and when this goes mainstream, when the truth is told, to do what they have done to me or other believers.

Also the 'scientific ginger' who discredit scientists on Larry King Live should be hanged.

posted on Jun, 10 2012 @ 10:09 PM
I understand your sentiment, I have come to the conclusion people choose to ridicule, because tv tells them its not possible without snarky undertones (Randy Quaids character in Independance Day comes to mind). MSM will not cover it, even in local news if its covered,newscasters break out into little green men comments. This has basically made people ridicule a very wide spread and real phenomenon. Whats upsetting is the ridiculing is so wide spread, that legitament cases, and real people with experiences have no where to turn, thats gotta hurt. Just for being intrested in truth has brought some adversity to me by family, I could not imagine what they feel.

posted on Jun, 10 2012 @ 10:28 PM
Religion is a mental illness, beneficial to a few.

I dont mind getting ridiculed by mentally ill people to be honest.
So my advice is dont expect too much logic or critical thinking from people pretending talking to an higher being.
Humans are mostly despot, they are practicing religion just to go to "heaven".

You know what's funny?
If you wanna be a rabbi, you need to see an higher being in your life to be a rabbi.
So technically, any rabbis are flippin' hard or are hypocrites.

posted on Jun, 10 2012 @ 10:36 PM
The same reason religious people are. Because it is just a theory with no concrete proof.

You say that people have seen aliens and space craft but religious people will claim they have witnessed miracles
from god. Neither can be proven and it comes down to your personal beliefs and what you think you see.

posted on Jun, 10 2012 @ 10:38 PM

Originally posted by kevbrownuk
Just a general question which has always bugged me.

Why are those of us who believe in UFO's ridiculed and scoffed at so much, by governments, Mainstream media etc?

However a person can go to church every day and be considered a devoted Christian. Now this is not a dig at religion or anything from it. It it just really boils my blood that we can be laughed at yet the USA's motto is 'In God We Trust'

Well, I agree with you on the religion angle, folks will believe all sorts of lies just because their parents said it was so regardless of EVERY inconsistency religion has to offer.
However on the ufo angle, that is gonna depend on what you are referring to.
If you are talking about green men, butt probes, crop circles, abductions, cattle mutilations Etc....
I think those folks are a sandwich short of a picnic basket.
I do believe in ufo's however.
UFO stands for unidentified flying object, that can be a number of things, actual alien craft, military craft, science experiments, or just hoaxes.
I'm leaning toward military tech however.
Anything can happen but there is hardly "proof" of much of anything that cannot be explained away.

posted on Jun, 10 2012 @ 10:38 PM

Originally posted by kevbrownuk
Just a general question which has always bugged me.

Why are those of us who believe in UFO's ridiculed and scoffed at so much, by governments, Mainstream media etc?

However a person can go to church every day and be considered a devoted Christian. Now this is not a dig at religion or anything from it. It it just really boils my blood that we can be laughed at yet the USA's motto is 'In God We Trust'

Try being a christian, you will get laughed at and made fun of more than being a believer of ET's.

Btw, the God the U.S. trusts in is not YHWH it is Mystery Babylon, or Ishtar and our nation boasts her huge f***ing idol off the coast of new jersey and long island and her husband's eye is peering at you on the back of U.S. currency.

posted on Jun, 10 2012 @ 10:43 PM
reply to post by LastProphet527

Pretty sure that flares don't fly around as though being controlled.

The 'Tail' of each of the objects changes direction... it would appear as though they stop falling and hover about for a while.

A different explanation is required for this one because it doesn't fit very well with the flares idea, unless there are some pretty powerful jetstream winds blowing around up there but even then the 'flares' would have drifted off and either away from or towards the p.o.v of the camera... which they didn't.

posted on Jun, 10 2012 @ 10:43 PM
U2U me if you really wanna know what UFO's and E.T.s are, i can tell you.

posted on Jun, 10 2012 @ 10:45 PM

Originally posted by kevbrownuk
Just a general question which has always bugged me.

Why are those of us who believe in UFO's ridiculed and scoffed at so much, by governments, Mainstream media etc?

However a person can go to church every day and be considered a devoted Christian. Now this is not a dig at religion or anything from it. It it just really boils my blood that we can be laughed at yet the USA's motto is 'In God We Trust'

I don't know if you've noticed, but the socialist we have in the white house has emboldened a whole lot of people to ridicule Christians lately.

As for UFO believers, I don't know that I care, personally. I've seen one up close in broad daylight and no amount of ridicule will change my mind about my experience.

posted on Jun, 10 2012 @ 10:45 PM
It's no different than the ridicule endured by religious folks. As a matter of fact, I don't even understand why you're griping about it on this site of all places. ATS is very welcoming to the UFO believers. If you want to experience some real ridicule, try quoting the bible.

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