posted on Jun, 11 2012 @ 09:24 AM
The real resource on this is Joe Navarro. He redesigned the FBI's profiling unit back in the 80's.
Something very important to realize, which he emphasizes, is that even with all of the so-called tells and signs of lies, that even he is not correct
more than 50-60% of the time. The signals given by a liar must be combined with (1) having a strong enough sense of "normal" behavior for the
subject in order to realize when they're exhibiting behavior that is indicative of discomfort - the indicator that the subject has broken a pattern
in behavior, and (2) the combination of expertise, study, practice and humility afforded by experience, and (3) observational skills that go
well-beyond average, which can be inborn, as with a gift, or practiced over and over and (4) seeing two or three behaviors that may indicate a lie, do
not, in and of themselves, indicate that a lie is being told.
I wish it was as simple as watching Lie To Me. They make it look fun. Learning the different muscles of the face, and the part of the brain
controlling that muscle, is not fun. It's tedious, frustrating, and somewhat discouraging when taking high accuracy rates into account. Some do
have a natural ability that facilitates this process, so studying simply verifies what they already sense.