posted on Jun, 10 2012 @ 09:46 PM
Almost 59. First not so subtle introduction to things paranormal was recurring reincarnation dreams as a toddler until kindergarten. First psychic
experience at 10 at the Gettysburg Monument when I had a vision of being in the battle. Several psychic experiences after that including a nice talk
with my father
after he died.
Conspiracies: JFK which I watched in real time from a few hours after it happened through the whole weekend, glued to the screen right along with
Walter Cronkite (old IronPants or IronButt I think they called him); I saw Oswald The Patsy get murdered live on black and white tv thankfully (the
B&W part); fast forward through VietNam, the incredible year of 1968, Watergate, lying presidents, good presidents like Carter being made to look like
idiots, bad presidents being propped up like puppets in a play, the horror that was Reagan for eight interminable GD years, then that worser horror
Bush the Elder (a lying sack of reptilian # from another universe no doubt), then the idiot that was Clinton (and to the poster up above, Slick Willie
has been known to comment that Hillary has eaten more pussy than he has, yupperoo; she didn't marry him for his sex appeal, she married him cuz she
was gonna maneuver him to be President, then everyone was gonna luv, luv, luv Slick Willie so much that she was gonna segue into the Oval Office after
him, instant dynasty for 16 years in a row.... but SW torpedoed that plan by being a little too obvious with Monica. Kinda funny, that). THEN, the
piece o'crap cloned but something went wrong with the brain part presidency of GWB, and finally god knows what Obama is. I'm leaning towards
Freeman's idea that he's a clone of Akhanaten, but who knows anymore.
Oh, yeah, I almost forgot 9-11. Wasn't it painfully obvious as soon as the first tower fell that it couldn't be anything but planned, and by someone
with unlimited funds to burn, not the longest running patsy in CIA history? And oh, by the way. The Towers Were Nuked. They have tactical nukes
now with very low radiation signatures that are the size of a potted plant, or an apple, or your lunch. No worries about 'wiring the buildings' or
any of that. Just plant one on every other floor and set them off from America's Mayor's bunker. Then take down Bldg 7 the same way to hide the
evidence. Ain't Amerika fun? We're so Exceptional....
edit on 10-6-2012 by signalfire because: (no reason given)