posted on Jun, 10 2012 @ 01:49 AM
Hello, I hope some people find this as interesting as I did having just read about this in an old book I found and I did a search using the name and
did not find anything.
Well as the story goes a farmer named Reynard Beck was actually able to levitate and was witnessed by many and apparently noone could ever figure out
what he was doing or if he even knew. I personally believe that the story might be true and falls in with tales like that of the green children or
spring heel jack which are just plain bizzare.
I found a few links with info on Reynerd so here is one with a more complete story and I also read of another fellow named Daniel Home in 1833 who
could also levitate.
We live in an amazing world with so much stuff that we have no idea of going on and I hope we can figure out if there is any merit to this story and
if so I couldn't think of anything more awsome that flying.