posted on Jun, 9 2012 @ 12:02 AM
So, I've been following ufology for years. I'm no scholar, I'm no college graduate, I wont use fancy referencing, just call it as I (now) see it.
I am wondering how much of ufology has been a manipulation. Granted, I myself had sightings, pretty awesome ones, long ago. But I've been learning
disturbing facts, like for example, the "abductee" Hills were friendly with an AF Intel guy, Maj MacDonald, before the incident, and after the
incident, were visited by some men later connected to the JFK assassination Zapruder film, (obtaining it) one of these, Charles Douglas Jackson, who
worked with psychological warfare for CIA. NICAP garnered Agency -psyops- guys as well, for it's Board membership. The early CIA days, with their
Psychological Warfare and MK Ultra experiments. Keyhoe wasn't of clean hands there, either. Our early Disclosure hero.
It could be that some alien ufo space ship crafts........have been, are, buzzing around here.
But it is written that 'contactees' George Adamski and Howard Menger were 'run' officially. I've been aware of a number of former Intel people
in Ufology. We who are ufo-history knowledgeable, know about the crazy 1980's. Moore, Doty, MJ 12, Lear, Cooper, Lazar, etc. Back in the
early-to-mid 1990's, Laurence Rockefeller hosted Ufologists, planetary scientists, and Dick Cheney and Hillary Clinton, to meetings about ufos. And
there were the "Aviary" spooks and the CIA "weird desk".
I am aware of the 'Project Oxcart' psyop, even the Discovery Channel did a show about some of that.
I've been recently re reading some of Ufologist/researcher Martin Cannon's old mind-control theories and discoveries in relation to this field,
(also Adam Gorightly) (and the late Todd Zechel's) (and more currently Joe Montaldo, re. the 'MILABS' .)
To those of you fellow buffs of whom much of that is familiar, how much do you think it figures into the ufo phenomenon? Where people in society, and
Ufologists, (The ufo-government-coverup Disclosure activists and authors) even, make their stand on the subject. I read somewhere recently, that
Jacques Vallee was concerned about this ufo wilderness of smoke and mirrors, as well. The officially sanctioned aspect.
What did I see back in the late '70's? Why should something round or even with a dome and further, be a alien space ship? I mean, I guess it could
be, but why? And abductees with hard evidence. Who did that abducting