posted on Jun, 9 2012 @ 10:37 AM
reply to post by aaaiii
I know that Angelo Badalamenti, who wrote the score for Twin Peaks, helped write "The Black Lodge" by Anthrax. Does that help?
Look -- all of this stuff is / was / has been liberally "borrowed" by modern writers / entertainers from earlier sources. The "White Lodge" has
always been locked to all except those who approach it from a place of "pure love." The Black Lodge has always been open to anyone caught in a spasm
of "pure fear." This is old secret society mythology-stuff, from the turn of the 20th century (or perhaps even earlier). None of it is necessarily
"real;" in fact -- the best way to approach *any* of this information is via metaphor, especially for the uninitiated. There is simply too much
fiction, mixed in with historical "writing" (or inspired by it) to approach it as "fact" without credulity.
Much of what is listed on the website in the OP either actually existed or was purported to have actually existed by writers going back 100 years. I
have a copy of the "Book of Urantia" from the 1970's. I own a copy of the banned (and damned!) Crowley opus, "Magick in Theory and Practice,"
which explicitly mentions the "white lodge," etc.
In my opinion, the site above is either an iteration or homage to a late 90's conspiracy website, or a viral marketing campaign for a video game.
That doesn't make it any less interesting, from *my* point of view, but, again, YMMV.