posted on Jun, 9 2012 @ 03:45 AM
Yep, classic sleep paralysis. The heaviness in the chest is rough. Sometimes feel like you are going to suffocate. Just keep calm and remember that
your lungs are still breathing just fine even if you can't feel it because of the paralysis.
I have also noticed that sleeping on my side, instead of flat on my back, usually prevents sleep paralysis from happening at all. There are ways to
abort the experience as other posters have mentioned. Trying to move, calling on a source of comfort, and other methods all work for me.
Deep relaxation and lying flat on your back also makes the experience inducible.
And like other posters have is a precursor for astral projection/ OOBE. The key is conquering the associated fear and discomfort.
The electric-like shocks and tingle and sounds of snack,crackle, pop, hiss, and fizz are also common for me. (A poster mentioned that it's a spinal
reflex that may be caused by a tumor
). It's a scary thought, but I don't think that's true in most cases. The spinal cord is where any spiritual
experience begins and the jolts are quite common. I have heard it compared to a light bulb ready to shine like the sun but too much electric current
can overwhelm and break the bulb. You guessed it; we are the light bulb.
Sorry I have no sources. 10 years of experience and observation is my source.
Edit: Oh yeah..and by the way, night terrors actually describes a different sleep-related experience. Sleep paralysis isn't the same as night terrors
(I seem to be the only one who knows this:lol
edit on 9-6-2012 by NarcolepticBuddha because: trying to set the record straight haha