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Another "Spiral Event" spotted over Israel and neigbouring countries

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posted on Jun, 8 2012 @ 12:49 AM
Last night Israeli news site Ynet reported about a sighting over the sky of Israel to the north, the article had a couple of blurry images and a few witness accounts stating "An object flying and than creating a huge blue spiral in the sky before disappearing into a puff of smoke".
Today this article is up:
Was UFO a Russian ballistic missile?

Videos in the article clearly show the same spiral spotted in the "Norway Spiral Event" a few years back.
Also, the article goes on to state that:

Later Thursday, Russian news agency Novosti quoted the Defense Ministry in Moscow, which confirmed that a missile was test-fired from the Astrakhan region in central Russia.
According to a statement issued by Russia's Defense Ministry, crews belonging to the army's strategic missile division successfully test-fired a ballistic missile at 9:39 pm, Moscow time. A video shot in the area the missile was fired from showed parts of the missile falling. However, the clip was removed a few minutes after being posted.


The Russians are reporting it is a successful test-fired missile, yet all other reports are pointing to a failure, so what do you guys think?
Is this a failure, an ICBM spinning out of control OR a new kind of weapon actually doing what it is supposed to do (whatever it may be)?

edit on 8/6/2012 by Gramlengo because: Added YouTube video

posted on Jun, 8 2012 @ 12:52 AM
This has been posted a number of times.
Along with the reports of the Russian missile test (which is what the spiral was from). A spiral does not indicate a failure, it indicates that the third stage was spinning.
edit on 6/8/2012 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 8 2012 @ 01:12 AM
Thank you for posting this! I don't know if the previous poster is reffering to the spiral over Norway in 2009. I have never heard of the one in Israel.

Interesting that it looks exactly like the one in Norway. Complete with the dark circle to which it folds into at the end.

I am most interested in these spirals and don't buy for a minute that it is anything other than extra-ordinary! They can scream at me from a dizzy hight that it is a missile gone astray or whatever, you may call me ignorant, but I refuse to believe their lip service!

The spiral is the oldest communal symbol in the world. It is the symbol in sacred geometry that refers to so much in life.

1. Copied from Wikki:
The spiral plays a specific role in symbolism, and appears in megalithic art, notably in the Newgrange tomb or in many Galician petroglyphs such as the one in Mogor. See, for example, the triple spiral.
The World Pantheist Movement's spiral-based logo.[4]
While scholars are still debating the subject, there is a growing acceptance that the simple spiral, when found in Chinese art, is an early symbol for the sun.

2. from HERE

A few spiral meaning keywords to start our spin around spiral symbolism will include attributes such as: Balance, Progress, Direction, Initiation, Centering, Expanding, Awareness, Connection, Journeying, Development.

I particularly like this last "connectivity to the Divine" observation. Indeed, I think ancient Celtic artists used the spiral symbol as a mind-altering creative process in which the act of creating a spiral in their work released their minds into a creative splendor. Perhaps that’s why we see them dominate the Celtic world; out of a strong desire to step outside the physical and enter a gossamer domain where dreams and intuition take hold of awareness

3. And HERE

The Spiral is and ancient symbol of evolution, one of the oldest pagan symbols in existence. It represents the cycle of the seasons and the cycles of Life, growth and change. Although each loop of the spiral brings one back to the same place, it takes one to a higher and more evolved level at each turn.

Why! Our entire existence is echoed in a spiral!

edit on 8-6-2012 by UnlimitedSky because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 8 2012 @ 01:20 AM
Wait! I must add, that the only man made cause for these spirals that I am willing to consider, is HAARP.

Darn! Will I be disappointed if it is that blinking Blue Beam project playing with our sky!

posted on Jun, 8 2012 @ 01:21 AM
Lebanese media also reported that an unidentified object was observed in the sky. They quoted scientists who claimed the "explanation was scientific" and that the object was most likely a "large meteorite." The LBCI network reported that: "Luminous objects and meteor bursts appeared over north Lebanon, Marjaayoun, the Bekaa and the Syrian-Turkish border."

ok,,so what now?????

heading for Nazareth??


apparently Mount of Olives is a little busy tonight as well,,

any web-cams??

cause whatever it is,, it aint,,,,normal.

edit on 8-6-2012 by BobAthome because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 8 2012 @ 01:22 AM

This is Israel folks. War is looming.

posted on Jun, 8 2012 @ 01:37 AM

Originally posted by UnlimitedSky
The spiral is the oldest communal symbol in the world. It is the symbol in sacred geometry that refers to so much in life.

Yeah, you can head off into fairyland if you like, or you can stay here and call it a spinning third stage. Which, depending on what they were testing doesnt even mean a failure.

For comparison, here is a thread discussing SpaceX’s Falcon 9 rocket...

posted on Jun, 8 2012 @ 01:39 AM
I don't know what it is and I have looked at the Norway spiral as well. I don't like it. I don't know why I don''s just an eerie feeling and I am not psychic, an abductee, or on meds, etc.

It looks too perfect to be just a fluke and I don't know enough about missile testing to know if this is indeed what it was.Thanks for sharing it.
It is as fascinating as it is eerie IMO.
edit on 6/8/2012 by Kangaruex4Ewe because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 8 2012 @ 01:55 AM
So far, in summary, spirals, the ones I know of...

2006. Tomsk, Russia.
Russian Rocket.
People call it a UFO

December 9, 2009. Norway.
Russian Bulava rocket.
People called it a UFO

December 10, 2009. Russia.
Russian rocket Topol missile from the ‘Kapustin Yar’.
People called it a UFO

January 2010, China
China conducted a test on ground-based midcourse missile interception
People called it a UFO

June 5, 2010. Eastern Australia.
SpaceX rocket.
People put videos on youtube and made threads on ATS of this 'UFO'

June 7, 2012. Israel.
Russian Topol ballistic missile.
People called it a UFO.

Are we seeing any kind of pattern here?

edit on 8-6-2012 by alfa1 because: (no reason given)

edit on 8-6-2012 by alfa1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 8 2012 @ 02:02 AM
reply to post by alfa1

Everyone is preparing to bomb us off the map??

posted on Jun, 8 2012 @ 02:05 AM
reply to post by Kangaruex4Ewe

And we are "preparing" the same.

But I'm not too worried about SpaceX.
edit on 6/8/2012 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 8 2012 @ 02:37 AM

Originally posted by Phage
This has been posted a number of times.
Along with the reports of the Russian missile test (which is what the spiral was from). A spiral does not indicate a failure, it indicates that the third stage was spinning.

You certainly like to cover all your bases, Phage

In my Norway Spiral threads, you literally fell over yourself to explain away the spiral itself as being nothing more than the end result of a spinning failed stage that was leaking fuel ... hence the very distinctive and unique spiral effect.

Yet now you're stating the complete opposite that the spiral effect does NOT necessarily indicate a failed stage:

A spiral does not indicate a failure, it indicates that the third stage was spinning.

In my Norway Spiral thread, I went to great lengths to analyze the event and the conclusion reached was that rather than it being a simple missile failure leaking fuel, it was quite possible that the Russians were actually testing some radically new and experimental defensive/offensive weapons system. Rather than admit such technology to the world, the Russians were more than prepared to allow the world to believe that they were struggling to even get a missile into the air and to look quite the incompetents.

In this latest test, the Russian military claims a resounding success with the missile performing flawlessly and impacting spot on. The launch site was at Kapustin Yar in Astrakhan and the impact location was at Sary-Shagan in Kazakhstan.

So if the Russian are claiming a complete success, then how do you explain the following images ?
The top image is from a video clip that I used in my Norway Spiral analysis ... which you claim to be a failure
The bottom image is from a video clip taken yesterday ... which the Russians claim to be a "success".
Except for the direction of spiral rotation, the 2 images are virtually identical.

If nothing else, it certainly (in my opinion) adds further circumstantial evidence that the Russians have some kind of new technology in their possession that they're testing with these missile launches.

posted on Jun, 8 2012 @ 02:59 AM
We're looking at a worm hole opening up to the 13th dimension. Pretty standard worm hole from the looks of it. Swiss I may add. How do i know? Simple. Apart from me knowing everything and anything, you can clearly tell by the hole in the middle that this is in fact a Swiss worm hole.

posted on Jun, 8 2012 @ 03:05 AM
the same spiral was seen over azerbaijan, armenia and turkey at around 11:55 pm eest last night, and followed by a 5.1 mag earthquake in the marmara sea.



and agri, northeastern turkey;

the dude in the last video cheers that he had seen the same on youtube and didn't believe it.

posted on Jun, 8 2012 @ 03:11 AM
reply to post by tauristercus

In my Norway Spiral threads, you literally fell over yourself to explain away the spiral itself as being nothing more than the end result of a spinning failed stage that was leaking fuel ... hence the very distinctive and unique spiral effect.

Are you sure about that?

Originally posted by Phage
We have never been informed (and probably never will be) of the precise failure mode of the missile. I don't think there is any reason to believe that the test was not a failure since a failure can be defined as the payload not reaching its target. But the successful launch the following day of the Topol-M displayed a similar effect so it could very well be that the spiral was not a direct result of the failure. It should be pointed out that James Oberg has been skeptical of the spiral being caused by the failure of the Bulava since very early on. At one point I, half in jest, suggested that the spiral was indeed evidence of electronic counter measures.

A very detailed and thorough analysis to show that the Bulava was the source of the spiral.

If nothing else, it certainly (in my opinion) adds further circumstantial evidence that the Russians have some kind of new technology in their possession that they're testing with these missile launches.

Is SpaceX using that same new technology?

edit on 6/8/2012 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 8 2012 @ 04:50 AM
100% its teh HAAPRS..

I know it. I mean, how else can you explain it. It has to be a dimensional portal opening. And letting us know they are aware that we know. That's why they are so open. And wen they open 4 spirals at once, you know all the numbers are in place.

HAAPRS.. If you disagree with my knowledge, you are a shill. Pure and simple.

In fact, I hear bath salts also open worm holes... the face eaters are on their ways guys, it's 100% provenable now.

See if I dont.


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