posted on Apr, 22 2003 @ 07:35 PM
The jesus myth was basically created from a time honored tradition of cruscified or sacrificed saviors from earlier myths. Speculation insists jesus
didnt even exist, but was simply a myth. Seventeen crucified saviors before jesus, one being krishna the reedeemer of the Hindus. the story of a man
born of virgins, being fathered by gods, rising to save the world from evil, can be found in so many earlier myths, id have to question whether jesus
existed too. one cannot ignore Mithrias was worshipped in Rome around this time: his myth was very similar to the jesus myth, including his birtdate:
Dec 25. Since the winter solstice is the tradtional birth of the sun, it is around this time the birthdays of kinds and savors were always celebrated.
Jesus appears to be a modified sun god.
Anyone heard the story that Paul of Taursus created Christianity to destroy Romne with? very interesting spin.