posted on Jun, 7 2012 @ 06:12 PM
Very cool, I must say.
I believe that it's absolutely a genuine, albeit a rare, experience to share a dream with your daughter/family. Why would I believe you or say this?
Because when I was about 5 or 6, I shared a dream with my mother!
In my dream, we were flying together (mom and I) far and quickly into outer space. She had me tucked under her one arm and we were both wrapped in my
favorite blanket at the time. During this voyage into outer space I got a little scared. About 3 separate occasions I got scared and my mother would
turn around and smile at me in the most loving possible way. This totally calmed me down each time. Then after realizing it wasn't anything to be
scared of, I began to notice that the bright (white) stars started taking on more vibrant colors until before you knew it, we were among the most
multi-colored and vibrant looking "galaxies" I called them. It was like a Christmas tree of colors but more brilliant.
Well some years went on, the family moved, I was now 14. During a conversation I was having with my mother one afternoon I mentioned the old house
and some spooky and interesting times about growing up. When I mentioned this dream to her, she just completely stopped, looked at me seriously, and
said, "Omg, I had that same dream!" Me: "Are you serious?!" Her: Yep, I'm freaked out!
Haha, I love my mom. She's the most real person I know.
p.s I'm a little scatter-brained right now, so sorry for the poor writing style, I'm usually better at this
edit on 7-6-2012 by GodHatesUsAll because: grammar