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Documents prove Obama was member of socialist New Party... (see for yourself)

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posted on Jun, 8 2012 @ 08:23 AM
reply to post by Danbones

Canada is not a Socialist Country.
You have a Constitution, a Constitutional Monarchy I believe, with a Capitalistic based economy. WHile you have more social programs then say the US, it is not Socialist.

posted on Jun, 8 2012 @ 08:24 AM
reply to post by macman

except the programs are socialist
like our pensions and healthcare

you missed Trudeau and his nazi helmet

and his socialism...and the resultant debt to the bankers that like this stuff so much that we are in debt over it.
when we have our own national central bank
( not a private one owned partly by the queen of England like the US has)
edit on 8-6-2012 by Danbones because: (no reason given)

Is canada a socialist country? (poll)

our third biggest party the NDP is scocialist

edit on 8-6-2012 by Danbones because: (no reason given)

edit on 8-6-2012 by Danbones because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 8 2012 @ 08:56 AM
reply to post by burntheships

I am more confused now .. I thought the big news about Obama was that he was the great organizer of the violence in the post election violence for his Cousin in Kenya-2007 The Orange democratic Movement.

posted on Jun, 8 2012 @ 09:12 AM
reply to post by BurntGermanTongue

Give me a break. I was born in 1972. My father was disabled in 1981 due to a spinal injury, of which he received NO money. My mother went to work soldering circuit boards, working second shift, and making just over minimum wage. I was a 3.2 student, and knew I had no shot of going to college because of my family's income. So, I joined the Navy and got an education in electronics there. After I got out, I made $6.36/hr (1996) at Hewlett-Packard doing assembly. I then moved into a technician position, and got a whopping $8/hr. From there, I found a better job, and worked my butt off to learn as much as I could. I was in my mid-20's, and spent my time trying to better myself. I didn't go out drinking, or clubbing, or partying. I read, studied and gave myself an education. No, I'm a senior engineer (non-degreed) and I've gotten top reviews through my entire career. Why? Because I work hard, I learn, and I don't expect someone else to do it for me.

So, don't give me this crap about inequality, because I was dirt poor growing up. My first brand new pair of shoes were the ones issued to me in boot camp. My clothing as a kid were hand-me-down clothes from one of my older cousins. I get so damn tired of hearing people make excuses, and try and blame someone else because they don't want to sacrifice for themselves or their kids. No, they'd rather go buy the new car, run up the credit cards, buy houses on ARM's that they know they can't afford when it adjusts. After all, I'll bail them out with my tax money. I'm current on my mortgage, have a 790 credit score, make good money, limited debt, and I don't get a break on my upside-down mortgage...caused by greedy bankers and irresponsible buyers. Meanwhile, the greedy bankers and irresponsible buyers get a break. Go figure.

posted on Jun, 8 2012 @ 09:32 AM
reply to post by anon72

edit on 8-6-2012 by ScatterBrain because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 8 2012 @ 09:32 AM
This argument that if we had elected a Republican we would be at war with Iran cracks me up. Why does changing the name of who we are war with matter? Were still at war. Obama said he was going to get us out of there and bring all the troops home. When is that happening again? As stated, stop believing everything in the MSM. If we were going to war with Iran we would have or still will. As Obama figured out pretty quick. Its not up to him. It would not have been up to McCain either or Palin. It has a lot more to do with world politics and happenings than just one person. If you think that we know even half of what is going on you are wrong.

posted on Jun, 8 2012 @ 09:35 AM
reply to post by anon72

I've posted this once before, but I'm going to post it again here as it is still relevent to this post.

It amazes me how many people I hear daily complaining about the politics of this country, and then go to the election booth and vote for the same morons we've elected for years. Left wing, right wing, it does not matter...we are not voting for who we feel should be president people! We are given a selection of handpicked individuals the parties want us to vote for that they feel will best support "their" initiatives not the peoples.

That is not a democracy!

The individuals presented to us will always be polar opposites on the B.S. issues the media hypes up to keep perpetrating the illusion of difference, but in the end the only policies passed are always in favor of corporations putting the most money in the politician's pockets!

Our government is bought and paid for, and its not even something they deny anymore. Look at all the positions, even in every recent presidents advisory committees...the vast majority of the individuals come directly from the corporations lobbying the most money into the system.

I challenge anyone to name one single policy from any of our recent presidents that has had a direct positive impact on the average american citizen!

There are none!

Yet we'll sit and watch our jobs, our retirements, or resources, and our way of life slowly erode away, and come election day we'll put another puppet in the white house.

Of course the party who's color matches the president's tie will dance in the street for a week spouting what great change our current political god has in store for us...but four years later they'll all be back here complaining and wondering what the hell just happened!

Good luck with the upcoming bogus election. Can't wait to see which clown will run the circus this four years!

posted on Jun, 8 2012 @ 09:38 AM
reply to post by mutatismutandis

Well, it's the system we current live in. Can't do much about change fromt the outside.

Pick one of the other or sit out. Not the way I want it to be... just the way it is.

posted on Jun, 8 2012 @ 09:50 AM
"New Party", a short-lived Democratic party based on the "social Democrat" platform. From what I can tell, it ran in severely depressed areas like Chicago, and ran candidates seeking both democratic and republican votes.

It is not a secret organization. In fact it looks perfectly legit, in that it is a small faction of candidates within one party. It openly ran candidates for office.

So WHY, for the love of god, is this such a big deal?

Spare me the nonsense that Democrats are "socialists", or that "social Democrats" are the equivalent of European socialists. There's a big difference between "social Democrats" in the USA and "socialists" in Europe. What passes for left-wing in the USA would be considered right-wing in Europe. The Republicans and Democrats are both right-wing compared to REAL socialists. One is just more right-wing than the other.

Back to the topic, labeling this "Proof Obama was a member of socialist New Party" is a disingenuous way of trying to make this appear sinister. There was never any secret of Obama's party platform when he ran as a candidate in Illinois. Throwing the label "socialist" around doesn't make it true. New Party was not "socialist", it was not "Marxist", and it was not "communist". It was "social Democrat", a legitimate political platform here in the USA, and it was not a secret or subversive organization.

Maybe you don't like the social Democrat platform. That's fine. But implying there is anything sinister here is lowball gutter political muckraking.

posted on Jun, 8 2012 @ 10:26 AM
Wow, if only he'd act on these supposed socialist ties instead of pandering to the conservatives, the banks, and to capitalism!

posted on Jun, 8 2012 @ 10:29 AM

Originally posted by Macabe
"New Party", a short-lived Democratic party based on the "social Democrat" platform. From what I can tell, it ran in severely depressed areas like Chicago, and ran candidates seeking both democratic and republican votes.

It is not a secret organization. In fact it looks perfectly legit, in that it is a small faction of candidates within one party. It openly ran candidates for office.

So WHY, for the love of god, is this such a big deal?

Ask yourself the same question. If it wasn't a big deal then why would he lie about it and deny it? Why is it easier for everyone to just say, Oh it wasnt a big deal. Rather than ask yourself why try to lie about it and why are people trying to defend it if it wasnt a big deal?

posted on Jun, 8 2012 @ 10:30 AM
reply to post by navy_vet_stg3

Do you think your story is the average story?
Do you think you'll EVER be as good as the billionaires?
Do you really think you have job security?

You're not, you won't, and you don't. You cannot judge everyone's life based upon your own. Especially if you're a white Christian male.

posted on Jun, 8 2012 @ 10:34 AM
reply to post by AlonzoTyper

My life may be at its end now, but I smile when I think of that boy who went to bed hungry, now lives in a multimillion dollar home, owns several vehicles, a boat, and an airplane. I will leave behind enough that my grandchildren and their grandchildren should never have to worry about college tuition, or the cost of books.

Hell, they should never have to worry about ANYTHING! They've got it made in the shade. Thanks, gramps...
um, do you really NEED that multi-million dollar home, several vehicles, a boat and an airplane? Care to share your booty with the people who work two minimum-wage jobs and STILL can't make ends meet?

Because I know some very hard-working people who don't have one vehicle, of any kind, let alone a home.

You smile, do you? At how greedy you allowed yourself to get? At how boastful you are of your extravagant "stuff" and self-indulgent "lifestyle"? At how selfish you are?

Congratulations. When I think of all the kids going to bed hungry tonight, after being hungry all day, and people like you hoarding your wealth and bragging about it and SMILING.......I feel sick to my stomach.

posted on Jun, 8 2012 @ 10:37 AM
reply to post by cetaphobic

Not trying to be testy here, but...

That was one of the most condescending responses to a post I have seen on ATS yet. Even if he is a white Christian male, he has a unique life experience all his own, just the same as you do. All white Christian males are not made of the same mold.

If you are truly an equalitarian, then you would not be so bold as to assume you know anything about the poster other than the opinion and viewpoint that he posted.

posted on Jun, 8 2012 @ 10:41 AM
reply to post by Dreine

I wouldn't have assumed anything if he wouldn't have assumed that everyone's life will of course be able to mimic his own.

posted on Jun, 8 2012 @ 10:42 AM

Originally posted by wildtimes
reply to post by AlonzoTyper

My life may be at its end now, but I smile when I think of that boy who went to bed hungry, now lives in a multimillion dollar home, owns several vehicles, a boat, and an airplane. I will leave behind enough that my grandchildren and their grandchildren should never have to worry about college tuition, or the cost of books.

Hell, they should never have to worry about ANYTHING! They've got it made in the shade. Thanks, gramps...
um, do you really NEED that multi-million dollar home, several vehicles, a boat and an airplane? Care to share your booty with the people who work two minimum-wage jobs and STILL can't make ends meet?

Because I know some very hard-working people who don't have one vehicle, of any kind, let alone a home.

You smile, do you? At how greedy you allowed yourself to get? At how boastful you are of your extravagant "stuff" and self-indulgent "lifestyle"? At how selfish you are?

Congratulations. When I think of all the kids going to bed hungry tonight, after being hungry all day, and people like you hoarding your wealth and bragging about it and SMILING.......I feel sick to my stomach.

You seriously are going to put someone down for making something out of themselves. I know people that work hard too and dont have a lot but you know what. A lot of those people made poor choices in their lives or didnt take advantage of programs offered to them. If you are poor there is a good chance you can get grants and scholarships to college. Even if your not you can get student loans and go to college. I for one did not go to college. Or at least I didnt finish college and I dont have a degree but I own a car, I have a nice place to live and I made a descent living. I figured out what I was good at and I did it. The point is that at least in our system there are opportunities. In some systems there arent and when you stop rewarding hard work you stop getting hard workers. Its plain and simple. I know not everyone makes it in life and some people still struggle despite their best efforts, but I will bet you that 90% of the time. If someone works hard and is smart about it, they can make a good living. But they have to get off their ass and try. Bottom line. But what sickens me is that your sitting there basically telling a guy that BUSTED HIS ASS and earned a lot of money that instead of having nice things and leaving money to his kids and grand kids that he should go give it to some schmuck on the street that isn't working for it. Are you kidding me? Would you? You would work your butt off and earn money and go give it away? If you said yes you are lying. Your just mad that he has it and you want it.
edit on 8-6-2012 by TheTardis because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 8 2012 @ 10:43 AM

Originally posted by cetaphobic
Do you think your story is the average story?

Why shouldn't it be? Why do people have such a problem persevering and having the intestinal fortitude to take control of their OWN lives?

Originally posted by cetaphobic
Do you think you'll EVER be as good as the billionaires?

As good as, or as rich as? Why not? I have the same opportunity as Bill Gates, Larry Ellison, Steve Jobs, etc. It's just a matter of finding that "next big thing" and having the guts to put it all on the line and go for it.

Originally posted by cetaphobic
Do you really think you have job security?

Nobody has job security. All we truly have is our ability to adapt and overcome obstacles. I've been laid off before, and I'm sure it could happen again tomorrow. Instead of whining and expecting someone else to pay my way, I'll manage and be just fine.

Originally posted by cetaphobic
You're not, you won't, and you don't. You cannot judge everyone's life based upon your own. Especially if you're a white Christian male.

Ahhh, blame the "honkey" and evil Christians. I see now. It's someone else's fault...again. I'm so glad people like Bill Cosby, Herman Cain, and many, many others didn't believe your racist crap.

posted on Jun, 8 2012 @ 10:46 AM
reply to post by navy_vet_stg3

Racism is prejudice + institutional power backed by the government.

What I was saying was that as a white Christian male, you have a unique ability to "pull yourself up by your bootstraps" that, say, an Arab or any other person of color doesn't. Because American society is suspicious of anyone with any extra pigmentation. I wasn't blaming anything on you. I was saying that your privileged life can not be used as an example for everyone's life.
edit on 8-6-2012 by cetaphobic because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 8 2012 @ 10:51 AM

Originally posted by cetaphobic
reply to post by navy_vet_stg3

Racism is prejudice + institutional power backed by the government.

What I was saying was that as a white Christian male, you have a unique ability to "pull yourself up by your bootstraps" that, say, an Arab or any other person of color doesn't. Because American society is suspicious of anyone with any extra pigmentation. I wasn't blaming anything on you. I was saying that your privileged life can not be used as an example for everyone's life.
edit on 8-6-2012 by cetaphobic because: (no reason given)

edit on 8-6-2012 by TheTardis because: (no reason given)

If you are saying that white christian males somehow have an easier road towards wealth I don't see it. I fall partly into that category for sure and I dont qualify for any programs at all. I cant get scholarships, grants or government assistance for anything. I wouldnt use it if I could. But someone with extra skin pigment as you say does. In most cases they qualify for all kinds of scholarships, grants and government assistance. If they chose not to take advantage you cant blame others for it.
edit on 8-6-2012 by TheTardis because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 8 2012 @ 10:56 AM

Originally posted by cetaphobic
reply to post by navy_vet_stg3

Racism is prejudice + institutional power backed by the government.

What I was saying was that as a white Christian male, you have a unique ability to "pull yourself up by your bootstraps" that, say, an Arab or any other person of color doesn't. Because American society is suspicious of anyone with any extra pigmentation. I wasn't blaming anything on you. I was saying that your privileged life can not be used as an example for everyone's life.
edit on 8-6-2012 by cetaphobic because: (no reason given)

Ahhh, so word's mean what you say they mean now. 1984 is here, I see. War is peace, love is hate. I get it.

That's such a load of hogwash. White people don't get preferential treatment for jobs, education slots, etc. So, are you saying Americans are racists? Really? The country that has a BLACK PRESIDENT? Remember, he wouldn't be there is WHITE PEOPLE had not voted for him. You're making yourself look like more and more of a bigot each time you post a message.

In case reading comprehension isn't a strong point...which is pretty evident, I had anything BUT a "privileged life". Blame the cracker. Blame the dirty Jew. Blame the evil Christian. Blame, blame, blame.

It's funny you bring up "Arab". I have a friend, he's not Arab, but he's from Afghanistan. He left as a child during the Soviet invasion. His parents put him and his brother on a plane to Germany to live with a couple of relatives. When he was 18, he immigrated to the U.S. He is also an engineer, and didn't make excuses, but worked hard. Was he "privileged"? No, he wasn't. He just didn't make excuses.

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