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Evolution denies much of our under lying science , so it is more of a religion than science. Science doesn't know how we got here , and our science shouldnt be based off something that has not passed the scientific method.
The professor of genomics at Seoul National University Jang Dae-ik said ‘the problem is that the writers of the science textbooks have neglected the new materials on the theory of evolution over the several decades. It even contains the references to Ernst Haeckel’s recapitulation theory (ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny, get it?) which has been disproven a long time ago. This kind of lapse in up-to-date knowledge invites such an attack [from the CREIT].’
The STR is also campaigning to remove content about “the evolution of humans” and “the adaptation of finch beaks based on habitat and mode of sustenance”, a reference to one of the most famous observations in Charles Darwin’s On the Origin of Species. To back its campaign, the group highlights recent discoveries that Archaeopteryx is one of many feathered dinosaurs, and not necessarily an ancestor of all birds2. Exploiting such debates over the lineage of species “is a typical strategy of creation scientists to attack the teaching of evolution itself”, says Joonghwan Jeon, an evolutionary psychologist at Kyung Hee University in Yongin.
The STR is an independent offshoot of the Korea Association for Creation Research (KACR), according to KACR spokesman Jungyeol Han. Thanks in part to the KACR’s efforts, creation science — which seeks to provide evidence in support of the creation myth described in the Book of Genesis — has had a growing influence in South Korea, although the STR itself has distanced itself from such doctrines. In early 2008, the KACR scored a hit with a successful exhibition at Seoul Land, one of the country’s leading amusement parks. According to the group, the exhibition attracted more than 116,000 visitors in three months, and the park is now in talks to create a year-long exhibition.
Originally posted by squiz
Also, I wouldn't worry about South Koreas education system, they are ranked No.1 in reading maths and science. So they must be doing something right.
Where is the U.S? way down the list at No. 14. You should be concerned when a lobby will pressure to fire teachers who present peer reviewed science papers that have been accepted by the scientific community but deemed inapropriate for the public education system.
Originally posted by Barcs
This is exactly why creationism / ID should never be taught in a science class. I will be concerned anytime somebody lobbies to dishonestly promote their faith as science.
I think there's a direct correlation between that and our education numbers falling. So many people just abandon all logic and critical thinking skills because of an emotional connection to a faith based belief system. Tis very sad. I'm pretty sure Turkey is the only country below us on that list. That's a problem.
Originally posted by squiz
Huh? Who is doing that? The Darwin lobby are ones not being honest and promoting bad and outdated science. They are the ones doing the lobbies. Having trouble with reading comprehension again?
The goal is not to bring creationism into the classroom, this is what your media is spinning.
It's to bring both arguments for and against. Yet this is not tolerated. you'd be fired for it. They fear it.
The darwin lobby has fought to KEEP the errors and even peer reviewed science that is contrary to their position out of the classroom. But this is OK I take it. It's scientific suppression plain and simple.
There's is no correlation, english and math have nothing to do with the evolution debate. It's your education system full stop. It has nothing to do with religion, but if it makes you feel better go ahead and blame religion for poor reading and math skills.
There may be a correlation as to why people believe just so stories pass as valid scientific evidence over the scientific method though.
Who is doing that? South Korea in this case.
ID people advocating that it is science when it is not.
Give me an example of a "Darwin lobbiest" (whatever that means) trying to get a school to publish faulty science.
• Using long-outdated arguments that certain organs (like the appendix or tonsils) are "vestigial," and thus serve as evidence for evolution.
• Inclusion of Haeckel's long-refuted embryo drawings, which overstate the similarities among vertebrate embryos in the early stages of vertebrate development.
• Retelling old myths about the Miller-Urey experiment and the origin of life and wrongly telling students the experiment correctly simulated gases present on the early earth.
• Overstating the evidence for biochemical evolution by claiming biologists have evolutionary explanations, when they don't.
Evolution makes sense, though, so the questions are answered.
Actually I take that back. I think it would be good for them to show students the arguments against evolution. This way they can show them early how utterly ridiculous and ignorant most of them are, so they don't grow up to promote this same ignorance to the rest of society.
When you have a society of people that are willing to accept a crazy interpretation of a holy book as fact, but scrutinize science to the 11th degree without even learning about it first
Do you an example of a made up story that is included in science class that isn't based on evidence?
Originally posted by squiz
If you want examples of other suppression this would make quite a long list. Why didn't you investigate for youself? Is it because you don't really want to know? I think so.
Come on, that's the oldest argument in the book. You don't need the validation of vestigial organs to prove the obvious mechanisms of evolution. Regardless of those few, vestigial organs do exist. Why do you think the whale has a hip bone? *gets ready for the usual, "remove the bone and see if the whale survives" nonsense*. Evolution is SO obvious.
• Using long-outdated arguments that certain organs (like the appendix or tonsils) are "vestigial," and thus serve as evidence for evolution.
• Retelling old myths about the Miller-Urey experiment and the origin of life and wrongly telling students the experiment correctly simulated gases present on the early earth.
• Overstating the evidence for biochemical evolution by claiming biologists have evolutionary explanations, when they don't.
Evolution does make sense, random noise producing highly complex new functionality requiring multiple mutations does not and there Is no evidence for it.
Glad to hear it let the students decide, without hearing the otherside they may just end up in denial like yourself.
The ignorance that is very clear here is the ignorance of the empirical evidence that proves it cannot account for the arrival of new complex features.
I've shown plenty of peer reviewed papers that make this quite apparent, you know this or perhaps you don't because all I receive is silence or denial. You've chosen to dismiss them. It's called cognitive dissonance. You’ve made your mind up so evidence to the contrary will not pass your filters.
Once again you create a straw man, I've never read the bible, I am not
There's been a victory for sense and science in South Korea, as the government there has rejected calls to drop references to the evolution of birds from the national school curriculum.