posted on Jun, 8 2012 @ 02:20 PM
I think the alteration to the star mechanism you suggest is a good one. I would not have thought it would pose a massive issue to those responsible
for actually making these things happen, since the system already remembers wether or not a particular member has already given a star to a particular
post, so it would be easier than creating entirely new mechanisms.
However, to those who say that stars ought to be abolished, I cannot say I agree. I find stars a useful measure of how well I am posting, and wether
or not I have managed to get my point across, or added something worth while to a topic by posting my thoughts. I also use stars to gauge the general
trend of public opinion on the site, by comparing the star count of posts from either or all sides of a given debate or topic.
Also , new members will find that if they examine highly starred posts, they will often find that those posts contain content, thinking, or wisdoms
that are either new, deep, or in some other way useful. One of the things that has been most complained about over the last few years has been the
influx of people who think perhaps a little less, or a little less deeply than some of the old guard. The star system is there so that everyone gets
to benifit from being able to look at a post and know what the users think of it. By making a careful study of heavily starred posts, new users should
be able to ensure that thier posts emulate the quality of some of the classics here at ATS.
I know there are those out there who think that the star system is some sort of pathetic popularity contest, and others who even use it in such a
way. I do not use it this way, and I would hope that the majority of posters do not either. We should use the tools we are given by the site to make
sure it remains a healthy and enjoyable place to learn, talk, discuss and debate, rather than complaining about the unfortunate effects of misuse of
those tools. Remember, if the majority of people here on ATS use the star system properly, to show appreciation where it is rightly due, then the
problem will simply go away,and we can go back to having a great time with all the amazing people, and topics on show here.
I love this place, just the way it is, and I do not see why we ought to go poking around in its guts trying to find a problem, when the only problem
is that a minority of people use the star system, or any other mechanism the site provides, improperly, or fail to attribute the correct respect to