I think the main cause of the intolerance of diverse opinions, more than anything else, is fear. There's a very strong belief right now that
everything is falling apart, and so someone who thinks they've got the answer for saving society, will try and be very dogmatic about trying to coerce
everyone else into thinking the same way, because they think the survival of pretty much everything is at stake.
I'm also starting to attribute a very large portion of the blame to atheism as well, to be honest. There's a prevalent tendency at the moment, to
equate a person's own
opinion with supposed scientific fact, and then from there, develop the attitude that if a person doesn't share
your opinion, there is no other possibility than that they are wrong. The whole 9/11 issue is a classic example. That subforum is more full of
atheistic, volunteer COINTELPRO trolls, than any other section of this web site.
Atheism is an absolute scourge, on this forum. I don't know how many times there have been, when I've tried to have a meaningful conversation with
someone about a given topic, when the entire thread will be dominated exclusively by some abusive, pseudo-skeptical idiot loudly and adamantly
insisting that what is being discussed does not exist, and how the rest of us are supposedly mentally ill for thinking otherwise.
Their goal in doing this, I understand, is to actually prevent meaningful conversation from taking place. They disguise it as critically evaluating
something, but in reality they do the opposite; they simply draw attention to themselves and their own attitude to such an extent, that the topic
itself has no chance of being discussed whatsoever.
Another chronic tendency among this site's population, I've noticed, is to have a deeply inverted morality and set of values. There is a lot of badly
distorted and screwed up thinking about the definition of the terms, "Capitalism," and "Communism." Empathy, compassion, altruism, or basic human
kindness tend to get labelled as "Communism," and are therefore paradoxically considered to be a
bad or somehow harmful thing, purely on
that basis.
A related concept, which usually afflicts the same demographic of conservatives, is to adopt a given position, and then stick with it come Hell or
high water, in total denial or indifference to any contrary facts which may present themselves.
The standard conservative perception of Occupy on this site, is the main example of what I'm talking about here. It doesn't matter what Occupy do,
and it doesn't matter what anyone says; in the minds of a large number of people around here, Occupy are dirty, smelly, drug abusing hippies who
simply need to get jobs. Nothing can be said which will alter that perception in their minds; it is utterly written in stone.
edit on 6-6-2012
by petrus4 because: (no reason given)