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Stop being human...stop the divide.

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posted on Jun, 6 2012 @ 08:55 PM
Ok, so I may never put in my two cents, nor do I start topics, but I think EVERYONE needs to stay calm and grow up. Keyword "think" being my opinion, so before you begin to nail me to a cross like everyone else does on this forum and in the real world, "think"

I have read these forums for years and I personally understand the need for response to express your opinion, as I may be doing now, but what I don't understand is the constant divide, intended or unintended.

Can't people just agree to disagree? Don't you all see that by being negative, with or without an actual informed response, you're just feeding the fire? The term "troll" does come to mind, regardless. I do understand that feeding the fire does somehow increase thought, and the need to prevail the other persons opinion; prove them wrong.

What you don't see is it's in your own selfish interests to play a side, and push your overly aggressive opinion. This brings me to religion, the cause of most war. You would rather defend something you've been told your entire life (because of the fact you've been told it your entire life) than to open up to someone else's opposite opinion.

I don't really want to get into religion, war, politics, the meaning of life, any of this or that. I would however like to explain that we are "all in the same boat" so we should work together to overcome whatever the current issue is. We shouldn't sit and bash, discussion is one thing as it sparks curiosity and stimulates deeper though, but even then, don't choose sides.

Choosing sides; this has also been the downfall of humanity since we have seen working together we can overcome anything. Who knows, I may be trying to stay positive, maybe overly positive, but why not?

I don't even want to bring up politics, but it just relates so well...I mean, think about that in (American) politics, how you choose a side. I personally think a divide of the people is what keeps the politicians with fuel for their fire for control of you. Take it however you'd like but that is what it appears to be.

I think the entire part of this RANT, yes it's a rant, and under the influence of alcohol at that, is that we need to stop picking sides, it is one of our biggest enemies, besides our own self.

I personally wish you all the best and that you will prevail above picking a side, some examples again are; religion, politics, countries, sports, and even in the United States, states or cities, right down to the county. I will never understand or give into these vices and I hope you won't either.

Working together for the better of our people, our planet, will be the only way to overcome the issues we have had since...well forever. We have a frontal lobe, and I advise you to use it before your amygdala, which in science is pretty impossible considering thoughts hit here before there. SO, stop and think before you react. Now that I have done that I should erase and not post but it is upon my primal instinct that I do. Run on like my sentences kids, all love no hate and so on.

posted on Jun, 6 2012 @ 10:51 PM
I think the main cause of the intolerance of diverse opinions, more than anything else, is fear. There's a very strong belief right now that everything is falling apart, and so someone who thinks they've got the answer for saving society, will try and be very dogmatic about trying to coerce everyone else into thinking the same way, because they think the survival of pretty much everything is at stake.

I'm also starting to attribute a very large portion of the blame to atheism as well, to be honest. There's a prevalent tendency at the moment, to equate a person's own opinion with supposed scientific fact, and then from there, develop the attitude that if a person doesn't share your opinion, there is no other possibility than that they are wrong. The whole 9/11 issue is a classic example. That subforum is more full of atheistic, volunteer COINTELPRO trolls, than any other section of this web site.

Atheism is an absolute scourge, on this forum. I don't know how many times there have been, when I've tried to have a meaningful conversation with someone about a given topic, when the entire thread will be dominated exclusively by some abusive, pseudo-skeptical idiot loudly and adamantly insisting that what is being discussed does not exist, and how the rest of us are supposedly mentally ill for thinking otherwise.

Their goal in doing this, I understand, is to actually prevent meaningful conversation from taking place. They disguise it as critically evaluating something, but in reality they do the opposite; they simply draw attention to themselves and their own attitude to such an extent, that the topic itself has no chance of being discussed whatsoever.

Another chronic tendency among this site's population, I've noticed, is to have a deeply inverted morality and set of values. There is a lot of badly distorted and screwed up thinking about the definition of the terms, "Capitalism," and "Communism." Empathy, compassion, altruism, or basic human kindness tend to get labelled as "Communism," and are therefore paradoxically considered to be a bad or somehow harmful thing, purely on that basis.

A related concept, which usually afflicts the same demographic of conservatives, is to adopt a given position, and then stick with it come Hell or high water, in total denial or indifference to any contrary facts which may present themselves.

The standard conservative perception of Occupy on this site, is the main example of what I'm talking about here. It doesn't matter what Occupy do, and it doesn't matter what anyone says; in the minds of a large number of people around here, Occupy are dirty, smelly, drug abusing hippies who simply need to get jobs. Nothing can be said which will alter that perception in their minds; it is utterly written in stone.
edit on 6-6-2012 by petrus4 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 6 2012 @ 10:54 PM
reply to post by petrus4

Well said and understood, and I am only as human as everyone, and we all have different experiences/influences. Yet I don't see how people don't understand, to this day, that working together as one is key for not only survival and success, but happiness. I don't want to elaborate and rant more so I will leave it there

posted on Jun, 6 2012 @ 11:02 PM
Thank you so much for bringing your words to all of our attention!
Iv been thinking about the same thing recently, and something i have noticed is that a large handful of people love to prove their point!
Especially on ATS hehe
(im a huge lurker, not big on posting)

I love that you said "lets all agree to disagree" Because i feel like it is so true! It really does seem like we are all being divided, and kept in our differences when we should all be accepting and open to all possibilities! Maybe this "divide and conquer" is whats keeping us from our true potential.

posted on Jun, 6 2012 @ 11:04 PM
Really hope this thread gets the attention it deserves!

posted on Jun, 6 2012 @ 11:06 PM
reply to post by Candles

I think we are on the same level in the sense of coming together as one to overcome, as well as we both lurk about and barely speak our minds until the breaking point. Thank you for your comment

posted on Jun, 6 2012 @ 11:10 PM

Originally posted by Candles
Really hope this thread gets the attention it deserves!

Although I couldn't agree more, and it is about people opening/waking up, I don't care for any sort of attention. (Other than) I would however love to see people elaborate and speak their minds on why we work this way. Is it our primal instinct or is it being selfish? I am in no way perfect so I do not have the answer(s) I seek, must be why I posted this.

posted on Jun, 6 2012 @ 11:11 PM
reply to post by unknOWNmirAGE

Its so exciting to see a thread speaking out about this, so thank you.. more :p You brought an idea, a way of being out in to the realm of cautiousness and hopefully this thought catches on because imagine what the world would be like if it did

posted on Jun, 6 2012 @ 11:12 PM

edit on 6-6-2012 by Candles because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 6 2012 @ 11:17 PM
reply to post by Candles

Thanks for the credit, but I do believe there might be others who have touched on the same subject. I understand your comment of "caution-ness" but do you mean consciousness? If you mean being conscious and having a conscience, we see eye to eye, and also being aware of caution
We are apparently so smart but we live so recklessly, thus not deserving the title of intelligence.

posted on Jun, 6 2012 @ 11:20 PM
reply to post by unknOWNmirAGE

yep that was for sure a typo :p And your right, just got me a little to excited I guess my bad lol

peace and love xo

posted on Jun, 6 2012 @ 11:23 PM
reply to post by Candles

Thank you for your understanding of the subject, glad I could touch one person in this matter. No worries on typos, we all make mistakes, as it all comes down to realizing the mistake and learning from it

posted on Jun, 6 2012 @ 11:36 PM
true dat :p Why hasnt anyone else posted in this thread? Only a couple people? Really curious to see others views on the matter:p

posted on Jun, 6 2012 @ 11:38 PM
reply to post by Candles

People seeing is what matters, thank you though!

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