posted on Jun, 7 2012 @ 07:41 PM
reply to post by Isabelx
I experience sleep paralysis on a regular basis as a symptom of my sleep disorder, narcolepsy. It is also known as hypnagogic/hypnapompic sleep. It is
a terrifying experience--and it has left me afraid to go to sleep so many times. The most interesting aspect of sleep paralysis is the "presence" most
people feel that is with them or watching them. Sometimes the presence is malevolent, sometimes it is not. Still very interesting and difficult to
explain (I don't buy all the scientific explanations just yet as there is MUCH study to be done in sleep medicine).
Some tips on how to end the sleep paralysis episode that almost always work for me (and others):
1)Try wiggling some fingers or toes--this is usually enough to break the paralysis and actually wake up from it.
2)Also, avoid sleeping straight on your back--most of the time, sleep paralysis does not take hold if you sleep on your side (why? who knows--I have
my theories).
3)Do not be afraid to call on a source of comfort. I personally say a mantra a few times and the paralysis breaks and the presence "goes away". There
is another poster who urges this technique for alien abductions (This is why I believe it's really sleep paralysis he/she is talking about). Above
all, don't succumb to fear and the episode usually ends quickly. This is tough to do as the amygdala -fear center of the brain- is highly active
during sleep paralysis.
There is also some who believe that the sleep paralysis experience is a prelude to astral projection or OOBE. But, now we're leaving my area of
OP, If you aren't paralyzed and asleep in bed...then I don't know what those "presence" encounters are all about. Wish I knew
edit on
7-6-2012 by NarcolepticBuddha because: (no reason given)