Capitalism has gone mad when people are making money from 'speculative bubbles' on food prices. Making money from starving people is not only insane,
it is also uncivilized. The Romans provided grain for their people. By providing food for the people,the Romans offered their citizens security.
Providing basic food would have also put downward pressure on food prices.
It is predicted that by the year 2050, 80% of the earths population will live in urban areas. Our population will increase by at least 3 billion
people by the year 2050. We will need about 20% more land than is represented by the country of Brazil to feed us all. We already use over 80% of the
land that is suitable for raising crops. We need to be more efficient.
Vertical Farming is the obvious way forward. I see Vertical Farms as being a logical thing for governments to invest in. Verticle Farms would be
perfect Public Works projects. State owned Verticle farms would be an asset to the public. Western Governments try very hard to waste taxpayer money
on pretend solutions like giving money to corporations like Solyndra and Carbon Tax. Western Governments take our money and give it to capitalists
that want to exploit us. Our Crony Capitalist governments are exploiting us. Western governments are selling off our Public Utilities, our Public
Services and our State Assets. The public hardly owns a park or a road these days. If we dont own anything, we have less power as citizens when we
vote. We are also beholden to billionaires and their tolls and fees.
Verticle farms could offer alot but if they are owned by Bill Gates or Monsanto or something they will just be another capitalist business designed to
fleece us for as much as possible. The State must own the Verticle Farms. A socialist government that was working for the people would raise standard
of living and protect its people by putting a focus on issues like food security. Capitalism is the problem. Commodity speculation is wrong. Profit
from basic need is wrong. Verticle Farms are one thing that could protect the people.
They say that the Hoover Dam will run for a long time without people
. We can design Public Works projects that will benifit society,raise our
standard of living and lower the cost of living. Western Society is lucky to have access to have so much to draw from. We should all be embarrassed
and ashamed that we have such a focus on 'consumer confidence'. We should be ashamed that basic needs are big business. Pfizer and Monsanto are well
positioned to face the future. We are not.
There are some awesome designs. Verticle Farming could beautify a city amongst many other things.
The first nation to embrace Verticle Farming would be a tourist attraction. Verticle Farming could increase tourtsm and it would increase employment.
Verticle Farming would ensure that we have a secure food supply and they would keep food prices down. We could build them as Public Works projects.
They could be a real asset to all of us. Verticle Farms have so many benifits.
Year-round crop production; 1 indoor acre is equivalent to 4-6 outdoor acres or more, depending upon the crop (e.g., strawberries: 1 indoor acre = 30
outdoor acres)
No weather-related crop failures due to droughts, floods, pests
All VF food is grown organically: no herbicides, pesticides, or fertilizers
VF virtually eliminates agricultural runoff by recycling black water
VF returns farmland to nature, restoring ecosystem functions and services
VF greatly reduces the incidence of many infectious diseases that are acquired at the agricultural interface
VF converts black and gray water into potable water by collecting the water of evapotranspiration
VF adds energy back to the grid via methane generation from composting non-edible parts of plants and animals
VF dramatically reduces fossil fuel use (no tractors, plows, shipping.)
VF converts abandoned urban properties into food production centers
VF creates sustainable environments for urban centers
VF creates new employment opportunities
We cannot go to the moon, Mars, or beyond without first learning to farm indoors on earth
VF may prove to be useful for integrating into refugee camps
VF offers the promise of measurable economic improvement for tropical and subtropical LDCs. If this should prove to be the case, then VF may be a
catalyst in helping to reduce or even reverse the population growth of LDCs as they adopt urban agriculture as a strategy for sustainable food
VF could reduce the incidence of armed conflict over natural resources, such as water
and land for agriculture
I was reading about how Cuba suvived economic collapse due to the fall of the USSR. Cuba got through the trouble by utilizing 'organoicos'. Cubas
organoponicos helped keep the people fed when their economy was destroyed. Nations in the west have alot more at their disposal than Cuba. We should
also be leading by example. Instead of being efficient and productive, the advanced nations are wasteful and extravagant. The 'advanced' nations are
putting a strain on the world when we should be leading the way. It should be unthinkable for an advanced society like ours to have to contemplate
food shortages. State owned VF
edit on 6-6-2012 by Germanicus because: (no reason given)