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posted on Oct, 3 2004 @ 01:44 PM
Anyone see the season premier of SNL last night?
That was the weakest lineup SNL has ever put out. Rachel Dratch is the only funny person left, some others have thier moments but weak in general.

Weekend update was pretty bad last night also. New co host Amy Poehler couldn't pull it off and wasen't funny once during the bit.Gandolfini was funny, highlight of Weekend Update. The Kerry/Carville skit was pretty funny though as was the Kerry/Bush debate spoof.

Can Horatio Sanz be funny without Jimmy Falon. All his funny stuff was while working with Falon. Overall I think it will be a poor season for SNL lineup wise atleast.

[Edited on 3-10-2004 by Wask]

[Edited on 3-10-2004 by Wask]

posted on Oct, 3 2004 @ 07:59 PM
I saw it. I didn't like it very much. Some stuff was funny, but you're right. Weekend Update is nothing without Jimmy Fallon. Although, it could never be as bad as when Colin Quinn did it. Colin Quinn is the only comedian I have seen that isn't funny. I liked the Horatio Sanz/Elton John thing. But I agree, this season will probably blow.

posted on Oct, 3 2004 @ 08:30 PM
They have some good moments, but nothing can beat Chevy Chase with Weekend Uupdate or Farell with Celebrity Jeopardy.

Sean Connery: I'll take anal bum cover for a thousand.
Sean Connery: I'll take "whore semen" for for four hundred.

Trebek: Where do you get that from?

Cconnery: See, "whore" like your mother and "semen."

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