I don't think anyone wants another war particularily THIS one which will lead to a MAJOR regional war, maybe WWIII. it will, in one way or another,
probably usher in some sort of NWO, which some will praise, and others will abhor. But that is neither here nor there at this moment.
Whether the US, or Isreal strikes, or whether they do not. I do beleive that Iran is developing a nuclear weapon, and I do beleive they intend to use
them on isreal, the US, or possibly Europe.
I don't like everything the US government, the global corporations, the EU, or Isreal does or how they do it. We (I say we because I am an American)
have done some pretty crappy things usually for profit, or misunderstanding the region/culture we are in. And we have faced crap back for it. Some of
it deservedly so, some of it not. The above should all lead better. They can lead better, they have lead better. I think greed (for money, power, and
control), while always present has become far to engrained.
BUT, all this Iran love is about to make me sick. The regime in Iran, are "12vers", they beleive they MUST wipe out the Jews/Isreal/the
West/Christians in order for their Iman to return. They are religous zealouts in charge over there. They want sharia law over you, me, and everyone. I
am not saying all Muslims want this, but the ones in charge do. I am a Christian, but I don't think I would want Pat Robinson as President
. Same
problem there, actually far worse so.
Do any of you remember the PLO and #e terror attacks all through the 60's/70's/80's? The US embassy in 79, the 72' Munich Olympics? The
Airports hosed down with automatic weapons fire? The hijackings, the bombs, the hostages? I swear some here just think the US just came on the scene
and attacked the poor muslims for no reason at all. We have been at defacto war with Iran since 79, and half the other Arabs since 48'. Why?
Primarily because the UN, the UK, the US and to a lesser degree the rest of Europe, beleived the Jews should have a little strip of land to call their
own. (And spare me the poor plight of the "palestinians", that's a farce on so many levels. I don't deny that the refugees have it bad, and that
Isreal probably needs to handle that entirely differently but there is another thread on that right now)
I know alot of people here think the same thing about Christians. However; I don't personally know one Christian who thinks they, or their government
can usher in the Return of Christ. In fact, things like global government, cashless society, etc are things that most Christians are against/yet they
are prophocied to happen. I beleive it will happen, but not because a certain president is in power, or because we support a tiny Mid East Jewish
state. But because God said He would return, because mankind can't overcome our own downfalls. But even if that doesn't happen, or even just put
it aside for a moment, you have the 12vers in charge of Iran, support Syria, who WILL make sure their few happens, because they are "ordered" too in
the Koran.
Even if we wait (and quite possibly we should), and don't strike Iran's nuclear capabilities, when they use them, the same war will happen that
everyone fears, and just as many, if not many more, will die. And the same NWO will rise out of the ashes, that will likely subjegate everyone. Why?
Becuase it's prophosied. But more importantly, it seems to be human nature. War is our natural state, at least it is of enough poeple, on both sides
of the equation.