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So time for a ATS Rant!

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posted on Jun, 4 2012 @ 01:43 PM
Let me first start by making something very clear, I love ATS. When I first joined earlier this year I thought that my biggest problem would be moderation staff, the owners and the terms and conditions yet if I am truly honest I love the fact that I am a member of a community that endeavours to ensure that debates between member remain cordial and do not descend into juvenile slagging matches where he who can curse best wins. This is by far the best thing about ATS my only wish is that the T&C’s were more strictly and consistently enforced but for a site as large as ATS I know that is not always possible……


I have come to realise recently that the problem that I have just now, the frustration that I feel is not so much as a result of the mods, owners or T&C’s but my fellow members. Who it would seem would rather discuss the merits of Vitamin C, Zombies, Chuck Norris getting into politics and the album covers of the late Michael Jackson than say, the current strain in relations between America and China.

I always tell me self that “there is always somebody more intelligent than me in the room” I bring that same attitude to ATS. I will even admit to being wrong, same that for the most part the rest of ATS does not appear to have this ability.

I am getting so fed up with this attitude that some members on ATS seem to have towards other members and other people in general. It seems to me that there is a particularly egotistical group of members on ATS who I have had the misfortune of crossing who hold this odd delusion that they are infallible and all knowing. It is almost as if they truly believe that they have some kind of intellectual superiority over the rest of the human race for no other reason than they have “done their research”.

This research is inevitably a link usually to paranoid schizophrenics blog site in which he claims to have once worked for the CIA and is exposing the massive 9/11 conspiracy. For such a group of supposedly super intellectuals the absence of critical thinking and proper sourcing on ATS is rather terrifying. There is dire inability from members to think before they post, I don’t know how many times recently I have had to mention that there has been a total absence of critical thinking. Why is that people on ATS seem to assume that because it’s on the internet and speaks against the government that it must be true. I would find it funny if I didn’t find it so ironic that people on ATS rant on and on about how the “MSN are in on it so lets not believe what they have to say” yet will quite happily quote the MSN when it suits their own agendas and willingly subject the rest of us to the most idiotic sources. When was the last time someone referenced a few books in this place.

By far one of the most annoying things about ATS recently that is comes directly from this super intellectual attitude from members is the line…. “go and do your own research”. I interpret this usually to mean that the person I am debating with doesn’t actually know why he/she believes what he/she believes. That line implies that I haven’t done my research, now yes sometimes I may be guilty of that but in general I tend to avoid topics I know nothing about such as say “fragile earth or survival”. Why do people on ATS assume that the reason somebody does not believe that the NWO controls all is because of ignorance.

Ignorance is in abundance on ATS, but that is for another time.

Whilst I am on a roll, could somebody please explain to me why it is that if someone wrights a thread with two lines in it followed by a question that it gets 40+ flags and 400 replies to match, yet if I or anyone else writes a more fuller more factual thread it might not get even a quarter of that.

Sorry, rant over…… for now.

posted on Jun, 4 2012 @ 01:52 PM
reply to post by OtherSideOfTheCoin

I understand what your saying, even though we have clashed on a thread before. The problem I have with ATS at the moment is, as soon as you state a well based conspiracy theory (I.e Secret societies run the world) everyone thinks your crazy. Let's not forget what this site started off as....DENY IGNORANCE!

edit: The purpose on my posting in the MJ thread was to prove how influential and powerful secret societies are.
edit on 4-6-2012 by DeadSnow because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 4 2012 @ 01:57 PM
reply to post by DeadSnow

I might not necessary believe in secret societies running the world, but it is a fair conspiracy that does have some very interesting points to it. Therefore I will happily discuss it and debate it.


When it becomes clear that all common sense has gone out the window that’s when I get frustrated. When people start claiming that I have not done any research or that their research is somehow better than mine and insist on links to random blog sites. That’s when I get annoyed.

On the thread I clashed with you over, we had a fair debate we might have disagreed but we remained fairly cordial with each other. It may have been a heated clash but we did not resort to screaming insults at each other.

Thanks for posting.

posted on Jun, 4 2012 @ 01:59 PM
reply to post by OtherSideOfTheCoin

I feel you. I have pretty much stopped posting here but I couldn't pass this up. Either I am completely ignored because what I have to say isn't controversial enough or enough of a slap in someone's face, or I get bored and say something just to get a response and then the pitchforks come out. I have made one comment in a thread before that wasn't even bad and watched people jump all over me, judging me and calling me all kind of names. I never bothered to post any reply. It doesn't pay to take the time to make an educated informed comment around here, nobody pays any attention to it. Or I'm just reading the wrong threads...

posted on Jun, 4 2012 @ 02:04 PM
reply to post by wtbengineer

It doesn't pay to take the time to make an educated informed comment around here, nobody pays any attention to it. Or I'm just reading the wrong threads...

I am feeling the exact same way. My two most recent threads are perfect examples of what you are talking about. One was about debunking the myth that Bin Laden was ever on Dialysis, I think I got 5 replies and one of them was a line simply saying “Osama is a CIA constructed”. The second thread was explaining the connection between Iraq and Al-Qa’ida and it got one reply by a guy talking about WMDs that had nothing to do with the thread because he hadn’t bothered to read past the first paragraph.

I know it sounds bitter, but my god do I now regret having spent a couple of afternoons writing those threads only for them to get less than 10 flags and replies combined.

posted on Jun, 4 2012 @ 02:07 PM
reply to post by OtherSideOfTheCoin

When almost every single U.S president has been a Mason, denying their power is simply being short sighted?
Yes well I'm not one to name call and to be honest with you I find some of the 9/11 symbolic threads a bit over the top, my main focus was MJ's association with them and what this big 'secret' he intended to release was. My apologies if I was rude.
edit on 4-6-2012 by DeadSnow because: ...

posted on Jun, 4 2012 @ 02:08 PM
ATS is an open forum not everything has to do with politics. If you want to discuss about the strained relationship between China and America and there isn't one. Then start one.

posted on Jun, 4 2012 @ 02:10 PM
reply to post by OtherSideOfTheCoin

Some good points made, OtherSideOfTheCoin...I agree with a lot of what you have to say. I would go as far as to say the vast majority of A.T.S posts are drivel.

BUT, there are a few gems, with some very bright, clever people posting and replying...all human life is here, good and bad, mostly bad, but the few gems are well worth the time spent on A.T.S. It can be a great source of learning, if you don,t get drawn into wasting time on the rubbish, although I,ll admit I have done so, occasionally....

posted on Jun, 4 2012 @ 02:10 PM

Originally posted by buster2010
ATS is an open forum not everything has to do with politics. If you want to discuss about the strained relationship between China and America and there isn't one. Then start one.

Yes but then again this lead to a debate on technology and thus U.F.Os were certain members would call others crazy for having witnessed events. Do you get my point?

posted on Jun, 4 2012 @ 02:11 PM
reply to post by buster2010

ATS is an open forum not everything has to do with politics. If you want to discuss about the strained relationship between China and America and there isn't one.

This is what I mean, my thread has nothing to do with American Chinese relation’s that is just an example nor does it have anything to do with politics. It is to do with the attitude that some members have on ATS and the under appreciation of educated responses.

posted on Jun, 4 2012 @ 02:13 PM
Also I love how people open a tread on a topic of debate then act condescending for people's input while demanding critical thinking and when ask where they stand , they never return to their thread. Or people only reading the first page of comments and the last . I am open to debate and I like the input from people from everywhere. Sadly it turns more often than not into bickering. With so much wrong in the world , to many people would rather fantasize about killing zombies. I guess this is partly the problem .

posted on Jun, 4 2012 @ 02:13 PM
reply to post by MrJohnSmith

I will be the first to agree with you, most of the stuff on ATS is drivel but it is truly excellent when I come across a post I can really get my teeth into weather I agree with the topic or not.

posted on Jun, 4 2012 @ 02:13 PM
People want to believe, they don't care to know. A strong hunch is as good as knowing to most people. It feels so clear to them, so they scream, hoping to make you feel the same way about their ''truth''.

I hate blogs as a source. Not because blogs are always wrong (it's a mixed bag really) but because it's lazy. If the blog has merit you can always find a reliable source backing it up. A big problem is Google researchers (I admit being guilty of this) Not all Google researchers, just the ones that only type in a search slanted to what they already believe. Example...Your not an expert about 2012 unless you look at both ''2012 doomsday theories'' AND ''2012 doomsday hoax'' you're not getting the whole picture, just what you wanted to see.
100+ hours of research means nothing, if you only look at half of the information.

posted on Jun, 4 2012 @ 02:15 PM
reply to post by freedomSlave

Yup yet again another thing that’s been annoying me when I actually go to the effort off writing out a response to the OP only for the OP never to return.

posted on Jun, 4 2012 @ 02:18 PM
reply to post by OtherSideOfTheCoin

Good on yer ! Keep at it !

posted on Jun, 4 2012 @ 02:19 PM
reply to post by PutAQuarterIn

.Your not an expert about 2012 unless you look at both ''2012 doomsday theories'' AND ''2012 doomsday hoax'' you're not getting the whole picture, just what you wanted to see.

I could probably write an entire rant about this very thing.

For me I spend a lot of time on the terrorism and 9/11 forums, I have read extensively on these topics but I have read both conspiracy and what I personally regard to be “fact”. The “Google Researchers” as you call them will use search terms like “9/11 false flag” or “Tim Osman”. I don’t want to get into a debate about these topics just now but if you are only looking at one side of the coin how can you possibly claim to know what you are talking about.

posted on Jun, 4 2012 @ 02:31 PM
So you don't like some of the threads or members on here? Guess what, me too. So I stay out of those threads or forums. There's plenty of forums on here to suit ones own taste.

If you are of the opinion that thinking the govt or TBTB having full control is real implies one is skitzophrenic, then maybe the other side of the coin is you not thinking this way implies you are niiave. I have my reasons to think its really happening and maybe my sources aren't online at all and instead taken from my life's experiences? Do you honestly think I will post this info to satisfy you? No way. I know where my bread is buttered. Decipher that.

posted on Jun, 4 2012 @ 02:34 PM
reply to post by violet

Once again weather or not I believe does not matter that is not what this thread is about.

I once did believe however in the NWO, then I changed my mind and I do not believe anyone who believes in the existence of the NWO is schizophrenic and I have never said that. Please read the thread

posted on Jun, 4 2012 @ 02:44 PM
Also people who hold on to absolute truths is a very dangerous . There is a need for debate people often get to passionate and I can understand that . When people bash people for their beliefs and thoughts on a topic is just ignorant. What is the point to this site if people want to persecute you and chase you with a pitch fork . Secret societies could exist 911 could of been an inside job , extraterrestrial crafts and beings can be visiting us. It wasn't all to long long ago people were burning witches , Killing people who claimed the earth was round and the sun is the center of our system and not everything revolved around us . Holding on to absolute truths concerning science or conspiracies and faith make people who do so no different then the inquisition of the old days.

posted on Jun, 4 2012 @ 02:51 PM
reply to post by OtherSideOfTheCoin

How did I know that Chuck Norris was going to be mentioned in this rant...

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